My Sunday Routine for a Successful Week


EPISODE #45: My sunday routine for a successful week


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In this episode, Leah shares her Sunday rituals and how it incorporates her human design. She discusses all of the following:
02:50 Sleeping in
07:14 Meal plan
13:52 Infrared sauna
14:56 Grocery shopping
16:40 Meal prep
17:55 Plan workouts
20:50 Review calendar
23:55 Update life tracker
Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, has a Sunday routine she likes to do at the beginning of the week. Even though she might not do them every single Sunday, all or most of it gets done at some point in the week. She uses her energy type, profile, and strategy to align these rituals with setting herself up for the most success. Having any form of Sunday ritual is a great way to start out your week. Find out Leahā€™s favorite rituals in this episode!


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I literally will go through my list and make sure that like I'm on track with the different things that I do per month or whatever. Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the design of you. This is going to be a super quick episode. I got very randomly inspired out of nowhere, , just to talk about my Sunday I have a very defined Sunday routine that I've been following for, , pretty much the entire 2024 and even before that, but very much so since then.


And I wanted to just talk about it and share with you guys what I do on my Sunday rituals. Now I know that this podcast comes out on Mondays typically. So, , that being said, you may or may not hear this. You know, after your Sunday, but this is great because that way then you can plan and then maybe Set yourself up for a successful next week. So first if I cough, I'm so sorry I don't know if I have strep throat. I've never had strep throat in my life One of my friends does and I've had the worst sore throat I was supposed to go to urgent care today But then in less than 30 minutes before I was gonna leave they sent me a text saying that they don't take my insurance So I had to book at a different urgent care and the one that I booked at is It isn't until tomorrow morning.


So hopefully I'm good. I don't know what's going on though. I feel like I've been sick all summer and I went like almost a year without being sick, which was so great because I think I was explaining on one of the episodes. I literally didn't get sick at all as a child. And then ever since I went away to college, I have gotten sick all the time and then I like stopped for a few years and then the past couple years I've been sick a bunch which I think has a lot to do with just like stress and And if you guys haven't been following my kale diagnostics journey tune into that. But okay, so I Freaking love Sundays. Like I don't have Sunday scaries and maybe this is a Sunday scary to people but I Truly, truly, truly like look forward to Sunday every single day of the week or every single day. Yeah Yeah I guess every single day of the week like literally throughout my week I can't wait for Sunday because I get into like my little planner mode and If you're like me in my human design chart, if you look at the two arrows on either side of your chart , The ones that are associated with the mind are on the right hand side and all of mine face towards my, my chart or, or face in the direction of left, which means that I have a very strategic mind.


And so I live for like planning my week. And so every single Sunday, this is my ritual. So first and foremost, I sleep in, like I like to sleep in every single Sunday. I, I'm like a pretty big proponent actually on sleeping in lately. I know that not everyone agrees with that. And I think I was talking about that in another episode or maybe it was on Instagram stories, but I, I really like sleeping and I think it, it makes me feel good. I, I just like the feeling of waking up when my body wants to wake up. Now, obviously it's not possible all the time because some of you have kids or, you know, you have early meetings or travel or whatever it may be, but I, yeah, I, I don't have a good routine as far as like sleep goes and I'm, I've played around with it a lot, but ultimately like I'm not designed that way.


And I talk a little bit about that on my episode about 75 hard, but yeah, so Sundays I sleep in, I usually wake up between like anywhere between eight and 10 and so probably closer to 10 on a Sunday. And then I just like to chill. I, I kind of get my, like, in a cleaning mode on Sundays, you know, everyone's into like Sunday reset and I kind of do my own version of that, but mostly I really just like go around the house. I like to clean up clutter. Usually on the weekends i'm out and about like i'll be with friends or in the house So everything definitely like it falls by the wayside like in my bedroom there's usually clothes kind of all over the floor from Zander and I just like in the middle of the weekend And so I like to just clean first thing.


I it's like my day to just like, okay, let's put everything away Let's wipe down This let's you know, I love to I love to clean my jewelry every sunday I actually just got one of those like hypersonic Jewelry cleaner machine since I got engaged. I was like, I've been obsessed with my jewelry since getting engaged and also like anxious about it I want to make sure that it's so clean and just good. So I've been yeah doing that. I clean all my jewelry I'll even take Zander's chain and I put that in my little hypersonic cleaner so I and what I've been doing through the week is I have a Tray that sits on my dresser and I put the jewelry that I've worn Throughout the week in that tray and sometimes i'll wear things twice and I tend to wear the same things over and over But i'll take that on sunday throw that in my hypersonic cleaner Clean those dry them off with a cloth and then I just put them back in their spot So that's sort of like my cleaning ritual.


I don't have like a defined plan. Obviously You know, there's like I know some people get really into like the sunday home reset where they have like their routine But ideally like in my perfect world what I would do is, you know, wipe down all the counters our stove We have like I don't know. I don't know if it's a glass stove or a Is it a range stove? I don't know which one's better. I feel like as a kid someone told me a range was better But like I freaking hate cleaning that thing like it is the bane of my existence Zander and I actually let it get pretty dirty until we like decide to clean it just because it just gets dirty so fast Maybe it's just my stove, but It's definitely not because we've rented a million times in every place we live.


I can't stand cleaning it, but So like on an ideal sunday, I'll clean that, you know, i'll vacuum them off if i'm doing a deep clean We've been having cleaners like every few months Shout out to fluent spaces deb. Who's my neighbor? Actually, she's amazing if you were in the orange county area hire her fluent spaces and her room spray Is to die for it's like I have I think four bottles of it and I spray it. There's one in like every room in my home I'm spraying that every single day constantly. It's so freaking good So anyway, i'll like, you know, yeah spray that around after I vacuum and mop. I put my clothes away I put my clothes away mostly like throughout the week when I can but like if there's anything hanging around Declutter is kind of like the main thing and then I always do a fridge clean out and why I do this is because When I am in my Sunday mode, I'm thinking a lot about the week and I have found that as the CEO of the Design Review, which I, that I'm, I've been calling myself that because I'm like, Let's manifest that shiz, you know what I mean trying to like set the title for myself But ultimately like I have to be honest with you guys that like that makes me feel super uncomfortable I'm, like i'm not a ceo But like that's a limiting belief and I need to step into that because i'll never be a ceo Unless I align my energy, you know what I mean?


So anyway, so like every sunday i've been very focused on like what is what am I doing this week? What is my plan? And so a big thing that I like to do on Sundays is just get into prep mode. And I usually start doing this by looking at my meal plan. And so if you followed me for years and years now before even the design of you, I used to have an Instagram called Moongirlsplate. I used to talk a little bit on there about, , what I like to call fridge foraging. But so I fridge forage. And so what I mean by that is, I oftentimes open my fridge and I see what fresh produce we have, you know, what leftovers we need to eat, what stuff's about to go bad and how we can do that. And so the way that I like to fridge forge in particular is I like to make smoothies.


Smoothies are great for vegetables and fruit, by the way, like you can hide veggies in, in smoothies and fruit of course is like great in a smoothie because it's sugary and yummy and good and nutritious and antioxidants and all the things. But so I oftentimes, so I have this pad and I love it. It is from Amazon. I'll try to remember to link it down below. If I don't just send me a DM and I'm happy to share. I've shared it on my stories before and it's definitely in a highlight on my personal Instagram at Liam McLeod. So basically like I will go through my meal plan and their every day is laid out. So it has like all the days of the week. And then on the right hand side, there's then a like grocery list that you can rip off and take to the store. I take the whole pad with me, but I will start by going through each day and I put B L D. So breakfast, lunch, dinner, And Zander eats the same thing for breakfast and lunch. People were like, so funny last time I shared that.


They're like, does he have the tism? And I was like, maybe, but I think he's just like super routine and like, he knows what he likes. So good for him. It's like, couldn't be me. I'm, I change what I eat by the day. So what I do is I go through and I'll kind of list out what I'm eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And that's based on what's in my fridge. So I will even map out like, okay, smoothie, like, what's And I love the book called Smoothie Project, that is, that was like the thing that I shared all the time when I had my, I still have the Instagram, you can go look at it, it's called Moongirlsplate, but I even share my personal, so if you want to look there, you can see some of those in a highlight somewhere, but so I'll usually be like, okay, you know, I have celery or I have, you know, some like beets that I need to use or whatever else, and I'll just find a smoothie to put those in, or, , a meal.


I'm very focused on like breakfast and dinners and then for lunch, I kind of just like eat what's in the fridge. I'm getting better at lunch though, because I'm in this protocol with kale diagnostics and like I have to eat every three to four hours, which is hard for me because what I typically used to do is basically fast because my family doesn't really eat breakfast. And I used to do fasting like without even knowing that it was fasting. And then once I learned about fasting, I was like, I'm a faster, like that was my identity. But I did that for so long that eating breakfast is very hard for me, but I'm changing that. And so my days used to be breakfast around lunch and then I would just have like a snack and then dinner.


But now I've been doing, you know, bigger meals and trying to just like up it. But that being said, so I will kind of lay out what my meals are. And as I do that, because someone was like, how do you like know what to cook? Or like, how do you come up with these ideas? And I don't know like I have a I have , you know an appetite or like I get cravings But usually I open up pinterest like I will literally sit there with my pen and i'll have pinterest next to me Or i'll come into my office on my computer But usually i'm just on my phone and I have like tons of recipes that are you know In my saved folders on pinterest like I have a folder on pinterest, which is public by the way for dinner Appetizers, lunch, and breakfast, and like a sweet tooth too. So like, I sometimes will just open those, but I usually know what I like. And we, I even have, Zander and I have like a shared note document in our, on my phone, that is like dinners, dinners I like. I think Zander made it and sent it to me because I was like, What do you like for dinner? He's like, I don't care, I'll eat anything.


Cause he's super like, Not particular when it comes to stuff like that And I am and so he's like whatever you're craving because you're the only one that has like strong cravings I'm, not even like strong cravings, but just like i'm usually the one that's like Oh, this is what i'm in the mood for which is like Zander doesn't have to be in the mood to eat Which is wild to me if anyone else relates to that, let me know because that blows my mind So yeah, so then i'll write out each of my meals and then as i'm doing that if I have a recipe I'll be like I will like pull up, okay, I have this, I don't have this. And that's how I make the grocery list on the side. So for example, this week coming up, what I am making, one of the days is sushi bowls or salmon bowls. We make these a lot. They're my all time favorite. We buy like that sushi rice. You can do any rice, but we like to make like the sushi sticky rice just cause it's so freaking good. And we make that. And so that, and then it's smoked salmon. And then we put cucumbers, raw carrot, coconut aminos in place of soy sauce, but if you like soy sauce, you can do that. And then we do, we make like a homemade, , spicy mayo and then half of an avocado and then nori wraps. And so I know what that's in it.


I know what's in that because we eat that. Probably like every few weeks or every other week. It's one of our favorite meals And so then I just go through and I say, okay, like this week we have to get cucumber , we actually had carrot we have I have to get smoked salmon and then we already had the rice and , we have nori wraps too and we have coconut minos and we have Mayonnaise and sriracha to make a spicy mayo, which that's how you make spicy mayo if you didn't know that So like that's how I do it. Sometimes there's more intricate recipes like You yesterday I made stuffed pepper soup and we actually had a lot of that on hand That's how I kind of got the idea. But then I was like, oh, we don't have a can of diced tomatoes I don't have tomato sauce. I didn't have a jalapeno And so then I just ran to the when I did my grocery shopping So I kind of like added that on the list.


So that is how every sunday I sit down I meal plan I fridge forage So and also my fridge foraging Not only is it like looking to see what's going to go bad Like what is bad what's sitting in containers that's been there for a while dumping those out throwing those in the dishwasher And just like making sure the fridge is clean and just kind of like organized around I Get the ick if I meet people have a disgusting fridge. Like I don't understand how people have gross fridges like That is like i'm in that i'm in that bitch a lot like i'm in the fridge a lot like you have to have a Clean fridge. I don't understand how people have gross fridges Yeah, I just I think that that's like just if you if your fridge is gross right now take the time to clean it Thoroughly you'll feel like you literally will feel like you're a different person and then after that then you know Meal prep go to the store fill it up and like just take care of it It's the best thing you can do for your just honestly mental health for the week So I do that then what I will do is Like, oftentimes, this is how my schedule goes.


So, like, meal plan, look at the fridge, and then I go to the infrared sauna every single Sunday. It is my favorite thing in the world. It's my ritual. I live for it. I love it. I have a membership at Perspire. I don't know if they're, if they're all over, they're definitely not all over the place because there's not any near my hometown, but, , I love it. They're based in Orange County, but they're like all over too. And I guess probably bigger cities. I don't know these days. I'd have to look at their website, but regardless. Infrared sauna or just a sauna in general. I like infrared because it heats you up from the inside out and I Truly believe the infrared sauna like changed my life a few years ago back in 2020. Shout out to my cousin Olivia who Introduced me to the infrared sauna because it like has it's my favorite thing in the world. When Zander and I get a home someday or when I know I'm gonna be long term living somewhere Which we've kind of been here for a year and a half and I wish I would have just done it here But then again moving but anyway so what I'm trying to say is I Will be buying an infrared sauna like that is one of the number one things that I'm gonna get because I live for I Love it.


I feel so good and perspire school because they have like your TV you can watch Netflix I usually just put in a podcast and listen to that. But so I'll go to the sauna. It's a 40 minute session I leave and I'm all sweaty and gross and I go to the grocery store that way. Slay on my part. But so I will go to the grocery store and then I so I will bring my like pad with me And then sometimes by the way, I will meal plan while i'm in the sauna too just to like kill time, you know But then I go to the grocery store. I shop at trader joe's and sprouts primarily and then costco Those are like my three places and then I get some specialty items from like I don't know Sometimes i'll go into this place called mother's near here, which is basically like a air one sprouts combined kind of deal but Sprouts and Trader Joe's is kind of my jam. So I will, and I, and in my list, by the way, when I do my meal plan, there's a little checkbox to basically check like, okay, got that item. If you go to the store with a pen, I actually write over the checkbox. I put like abbreviations for the store. So I'll put S for sprouts. I put M for mothers. I put TJ for Trader Joe's and then if we happen to go to like Ralph's, which is basically Kroger out in California, I'll put like an R and then Costco is just two C's or just one C.


So that's like my little, I do that and then I put an A. Sometimes I'm just ordering stuff on Amazon. And my meal plan guys, by the way, I keep this on my fridge. So right now like we just ran out of like table sugar, sugar. I don't know. I said it that way. Table sugar and you know random spices or just whatever you run out of during the week like just write that on there and then You know, okay. Let me just I need to backfill this cuz I it's like a pantry staple item, you know So yeah, so that is how I do that. So I'll go to the store get all my things I come home I'll rinse off or shower wash my hair depending on if it's like a hair wash day, you know usually is if I'm coming home from the sauna and then I will basically go through and , start to meal prep.


So I will get into my kitchen and I will do what I need to do. So like this week I had to make ground beef. I made ground chicken just because I eat that throughout the week for lunches and with dinner. Breakfast and then I made rice for myself, brown rice in the instant pot. So I have that to go with lunches or, you know, anything, just a snack. And so just really looking at your week, I used to do celery juice every day. I've talked a little bit about this on the podcast. I live for celery juice on my protocol right now that I'm doing with kale diagnostics, which is like this holistic health journey. testing whole protocol that I'm doing from May to February, , May 2024 to February 2025. So I'm not doing celery juice right now while I'm on this protocol, but I used to meal prep that. And just like anything, if there's like cut up veggies you want to do, like I'll just quickly meal prep those things, , berries. So I'll cut up fresh berries, like every week we buy strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries and just have those in containers because they're so good for you.


And I'll put those in smoothies or like on a chia seed pudding or in a yogurt. I give some to the dogs. Zander takes like a little, he puts like in a little tupper every day, takes them to work, that kind of thing. So after I do that, I will sit down and I plan my workouts. I don't work out on Sundays. Typically I did Yes, this is today's monday, by the way yesterday. I did work out I just went to the gym wasander and walked and did like kind of a 12 330 But I was really sore because I did orange theory last week So I didn't do like a full Workout just kind of walked and got some steps, but I will plan my workouts And so I actually do this based on my cycle, which was a new year's resolution of mine if you're not familiar with Cycles men don't have to worry about this But women just look up anywhere like what are the cycles and like honestly like chat gpt Like cycles and like what workout should you do at different parts of your cycle?


I just look at my week ahead I track my, , health with an aura ring, which is connected to natural cycles, which is an app that I use to track my period and fertility and all that kind of stuff. And so I will kind of open that and, and I also love the app Stardust, but since I, I'm now doing the natural cycles. I stopped using it but stardust is an amazing for all you spiritual girls That's my favorite period app to exist. It just doesn't link with my natural cycle. So it's not as like accurate I didn't want to pay for two memberships, you know, but I think they have like a free version. That's really great, too I should open that I haven't opened that well It's probably on my phone just like undownloaded because my phone will undownload things after so long but I like to look at that and so if I am menstruating so that is like day one through I think seven of my cycle I will definitely prioritize sleep and rest and like slower moving workouts because I know when i'm bleeding like i'm not gonna want to go to I don't even really like to go to Pilates.


Like, I my legs in the straps and, like, be doing all that. So, what I will do is I will just look at my, look at the cycles that I'm going to be moving through in the week. Usually it's like one or two. And then I'll just plan my workouts. And so, I Right now i'm in this like interesting phase of like switching up my workouts because of my protocol But what I used to do is I used to do Pilates and I love Pilates. I think it's an amazing workout I was a member at this place really close to me Escape Pilates in Costa Mesa and I would Basically just like book my week and do it from there and just open the app but Now I just canceled my membership not because I don't love it because i'm trying to mix things up and use more like class pass And then I just got an orange theory membership for two days a week So right now what I do is I open this past yesterday as I opened up orange theory I booked, you know My two classes for the week and then all of my classes that i'm going to be doing elsewhere, which is like yoga You Or if I'm just going to go for a run or if I'm going to go do like run club, which is something I like to do in Newport.


But basically just really like looking at my week and saying, okay, what workouts am I going to do? How many, like what days, what are the times? And then from there, like this is what I do every Sunday. And I love doing this guys. Like this is so fun for me. So after I book those, I usually sit on my computer and I open up my calendar. And I look at my week. Oftentimes there's already things booked on my calendar from people booking readings with me or meetings or podcast recordings or being a guest or whatever I have. And so I will look at my calendar and then I will, I actually have placeholders in my calendar every day for different things like, you Record a podcast or, you know, write this newsletter or make social media content, work on your program, do this or that. So I actually look at my calendar and I just move all the things around. I have kind of like a general, like, okay, every day we're kind of this time, every day I do this at this time. I even have like my meals getting ready. Like I have everything in there, feed the dogs, walk the dogs. It's all in my calendar.


So then I just move things around based on. My my workout schedule. I try to work out the same time every day, but realistically it's not because every studio has different times Which kind of irritates me, but I don't have the motivation to be in a gym because every time I join a gym I just go and I do I do the following I run three miles and then I go in the, I don't know what you call it, like the room where there's like free weights and a mirror and I do like abs and then I leave and half the time I'm just sitting on my phone and I just waste time, so I can't do that, I have to go to a class. so I go into my calendar and I will adjust my calendar based on what my workouts are, so I put those in there and then I make sure I have enough time to like drive if I have to and then like shower, get ready, breakfast. And then like the beginning of my day is usually like emails. These are all perfect days by the way Like I don't do everything like there's been sundays I miss some of these things but like this is my ideal sunday and this is ideally what I do When i'm, you know, perfect leah, which is You know, probably 50 percent of the time, right?


I would like it to be more like it's probably 60 40. Let's be real It's I'm more like 60 40 but like the 40 percent is normal and is needed So all that matters if you haven't heard my podcast I was talking about this like your bounce back rate I don't know where I heard that I didn't come up with this concept, but basically like how fast can you bounce back to your goals and your routines? Like that's a good sign of success. And so I do this most of the time, and this is like what makes me feel really good. But like, obviously if I'm traveling or whatever, sometimes this is Monday or Tuesday or Yeah, sometimes you're sick and like all this gets thrown out of the window, but I do pretty much meal plan and prep though That's like the one thing I stick to So I book all my workouts and then I sit down and I review my calendar and just make sure all looks good I will move things around I send emails.


I will I do a lot of like just organization. I imagine one day if I have a Like a personal assistant like that's really close with me like full time. I do have an assistant right now She's more like an admin assistant and support and like helps me with little things on the back end but like if I had a Personal assistant like this would be something that I would want them to do is like, can you help me with my calendar? Make sure it's organized. But then again, I kind of like it. So I don't know that I would do that I don't know but okay, so Then I have something called my life tracker and in this new course i'm creating if you haven't heard I'm creating a new course called aligned life It's basically aligning your energy to create your dream life.


We were trying to launch this summer, but we are delayed. We don't know when we're going to launch because I just need to finish some other projects before I get back on this. I kind of got like, I kind of just got really excited about this and then. , a lot of other things went to the, is it the wayside or the waist side? I don't know what the phrase is. Let me google this. Hold on. Okay. It's the wayside. I feel like earlier I said the waist side. I don't know what I'm saying. I used to think the, what the quote that is like, play it by ear. I used to think it was play it by year. Forever and I've now hear other people say that and a lot of people don't know that it's ear like play it based on like What we hear from other people, you know what I mean? Like what are what's everyone doing just kind of play it by what we hear from the crowd but like your ear because you hear out of your ear I Didn't know that I thought it was year which makes no sense. So Anyway, so I didn't know if that was wayside or waste side. It's wayside if any of you guys are wondering But so I have something called this life tracker and this is going to be a part of this program when it comes out Because this is like changed my life.


It is it's a binder that I created I went into Okay. Well, first of all, I have so many planners like if you come into my office and like look at my shelf one day You'll be like, oh wow She's a lot of like life planners because I always buy planners and think that they're gonna change my life and then they just Don't like they don't ever do it for me besides my meal planning one, which still could be better by the way Like I have ideas for it. So I need to have like my own sort of template so I went into Canva because I'm already doing shit in Canva all the time for work and I went in there and made my own like templates for my day So or my week my day my everything like I have this life tracker document guys And it has in here my goals.


I have something called my rich life. I have my 2024 personal goals, my 2024 business goals, affirmations for each of those goals. If I need an affirmation, I have my card for the year typed out what I think it means like a reflection. I have a reference doc on cycle syncing because that was one of my goals this year. I have my successful nighttime sleep routine mapped out because that's like something I'm getting really into as I've talked about with like trying to figure out like a morning and night routine because I'm just kind of all over the place. I have like an ideal Sunday reset. I have my skincare routine mapped out. I have goal trackers. So like I have, what are things that I do every year? What are things that I do quarterly? What are things that I need to do every month? What are things that I do weekly? And what what's like my daily routine? And I have it so like you can checkbox these like and I'll give you an example like the monthly one It's like one pedicure like four co working days one date night with Zander Massage, therapy, deep clean the house, clean the car, like yearly is like go on a trip, you know, do a Do your big manifestations, clean out your closet, do a purge, go to the dentist twice Quarterly I have like, you know, You know get do your hair, you know, get your eyebrows done declutter your phone I like literally have it all listed on like So, type A sometimes.


But I'm like, I'm like not type A though all the way. I'm like type A slash B. It just depends on what the thing is. But then I even have like all of my days planned out. So I have like a calendar, like a weekly, Monday through Friday of my week to do's, content, my workouts, my meals, and then each day has like another thing. Ha! So every Sunday what I do is I sit down and I print these pages off Canva or like this PDF saved in my computer now and I print them and I remove last week's and then I go through and I fill in everything I just said, the meals that I'm eating, like I do this, I literally write my meals twice. My meals again, my workouts again, even though they're already digitally in my calendar. writing it does something. There is science about like the electromagnetic field of like a pen hitting paper. So I do that and then I, yeah, I like plan there and then I look at my monthly, quarterly, and yearly reminders. So the things that I just mentioned like, okay, This year, like, have I done this yet?


Have I had my yearly, I like to do my manifestation stuff. That's already done. I do that at the year. Like, have I done a closet purge? I have actually kind of done that this year. Like, monthly. Okay, monthly's probably better. Like, okay, one breakfast meetup. Have I done that this month? I did. I did that last week. Okay. Check. So, like, I literally will go through my list and make sure that, like, I'm on track with the different things that I do per month or whatever. And not every month is perfect. Like, I have on here, like, I'd love to go kayaking once a month. Like, I don't, I haven't been kayaking once this year. I haven't been kayaking probably over a year, but, like, it's just, like, a goal. You know what I mean? Like, that's how they are. And like, it's just a reminder, like, Oh, I wonder if I'll have time for that. Sometimes I don't have time for everything. So that's that. And then I look at my resolutions or like more so just goals of the year in business. Like I've already checked off quite a few.


I'll even tell you guys my personal goals. One of them was to do 75 hard, which I did. One of them was to get engaged, which I did. One of them was to start Cycle Syncing, which I did. One of them was to get my dog healthy, which we've done. Another one is to get financially secure, which I am in the process of. And so yeah, there's just like, and there's a bunch of other things that are just personal, like with business, it was to get a book deal, which we did. Was to up level my podcast, which we've kind of done. , , Yeah, just a couple other things that I'm not going to share, you know? So I will look at those and say, okay, where are we at? Okay, this is what we need to do to get to these goals. And then I like to look at my vision board, which I do often, , and just kind of like relook at pretty images and just spend time sitting there. And I usually just go on Pinterest. Then I add more because I have so much fun on there. And yeah, so like, that's my Sunday kind of just like ritual.


And then aside from that, I obviously have other things that I do around the house, like just. Every day, like, take care of the dogs, take them to the park. If Z's not working, we like to just, we like to spend time on Sundays together, like, watching a show, or we like to go to the store together, or we'll go to the thrift store, or something like that we like to do. We like to go to Costco together. He may not agree with that, actually, because I sent him to Costco the day before the 4th of July, uh, a week and a half ago, and he told me he was like, I will never go to Costco again the day before a holiday, because I guess it was hell on earth. So. Anyway, but we do like to go when it's, you know, a fun little outing. So yeah, and then I like to charge my ordering on Sundays. If I, like, ideally I'll do a face mask. Yeah, those are, that is literally my Sunday routine. Like, that is what I do. I sleep in. I literally start all of that in the morning. And then I do all my like visioning usually in the evening and then yeah meal prepping.


It's a full day So that's my sunday routine. I am hoping to share more content like this on the gram specifically at leah mcloud I'm gonna be just like showing up a little more personally there. I already kind of dabbled a little bit So i'm gonna be dabbling more so i'd love to hear what you guys want to see like What do you guys want to know? That is everything and love you all and I hope that you have a great week great weekend You Whatever, and alright, bye!


It's Not Goodbye It's See You Later... A Story on Not Trusting my Authority


Iā€™M ENGAGED! How I Manifested My Dream Relationship