January Full Moon Circle
Taking care of our mind and soul is the most important thing we can do for our spirit. And being in a community with other non-competitive, non-judgmental people is one of the most heart-warming and nourishing things we can do for ourselves.
Join Leah McCloud on Friday, January 6th a Full Moon Sunset Circle on the beach.
You will sit in a circle of powerful humans on the beach and enjoy the beautiful sunset while being guided through breathwork, meditation, and sharing from the heart. We will be releasing 2022 in an inspired and supported environment.
Time: 4:30 (should only last 1 hour but could go over depending on how many people join)
Location: Newport Beach (exact location TBD)
What to bring:
Journal + pen
A blanket/cushion/chair/yoga mat to sit on for circle
Jacket to stay warm
An open heart and mind
If there is anything you want to bring as a symbol of 2022 to place in the center of the circle, feel free to bring it. This can be a letter, feather, rock, chotchke, crystal, or really anything small and symbolic of your year.
Admission: $15
Payment options:
VENMO: If you prefer Venmo, send it to @leahmccloud and provide your email address in the description. Also linked below

Unleash Your Natural Abundance
FREE workshop! Join me and Jessie May Wolfe of HeartRise Movement for a 1-hour exclusive Meditation Journey.
Reboot, Refresh, & Get Inspired!
This Workshop Will:
Empower Your Voice
Ignite Your Purpose
Build Confidence + Clarity
Activate Your Natural Abundance
Join us for an Inspiring Workshop Experience!

Sacred Women Business Event
Do you know your Human Design? Do you even know what Human Design is? Did you know that understanding your Human Design can have an impact on not only the way you move through the world but also the way you run your business?
Come learn about how your Human Design can transform the way you run your business with me!
Cost: $35 (food & drink will be provided)
To RSVP email staci@slpr.co and make Venmo payments to staci-levine-1. After registering, you will be given a link to look up your Human Design before you arrive, so Leah can share some personal highlights about your energy.

In-Person Full Moon Circle + Yoga (Toledo, OH)
Restorative Yoga with Malena Caruso followed by a full moon circle with Leah McCloud.
Middlegrounds Metropark | Toledo, OH
7 PM - 8:45 PM
Upcoming events.
See all upcoming events by month here.