Digestion in Human Design can be found through the arrow in the top left corner of the bodygraph. Digestion shows you how to best nourish your body into alignment and also highlights how you digest sensory information and life itself.

Human Design is a tool that helps you feel more aligned in every area of life.

In this article, we cover the following:

  • What is Digestion in Human Design

  • Digestion Variables in Human Design

  • Arrows in Human Design

  • Top left arrow in Human Design

  • Consecutive Appetite in Human Design

  • Alternating Appetite in Human Design

  • Open Taste in Human Design

  • Closed Taste in Human Design

  • Hot Thirst in Human Design

  • Cold Thirst in Human Design

  • Calm Touch in Human Design

  • Nervous Touch in Human Design

  • High Sound in Human Design

  • Direct Light in Human Design

  • Indirect Light in Human Design

Download your chart here so you can find what your Digestion is!

what is digestion in human design?

Digestion, formally called Determination, speaks to how our bodies best digest food and information. There are 12 different digestion types. You can find yours by looking your chart here. When you're looking at your HD chart, your digestion comes from the top left arrow.

It's important to note before diving in that our digestion shows up naturally once we've been living in alignment with our Strategy & Authority.

consecutive appetite advice:

  • You operate best by consecutively eating one thing at a time.

  • Try eating one food entirely before moving on to the next, and so on.

  • You may prefer your foods not to touch or enjoy eating large quantities of one food at a time (ex, a carton of blueberries).


  • You operate best by alternating between ingredients.

  • Try slowly eating a few bites of something, then move on to other items.

  • Try not to thoroughly finish one portion of food before the next (ex, don't finish all of your broccoli before trying your chicken).

OPEN TASTE advice:

  • You operate best by sampling new things and deciding on what you love.

  • You will know the moment you try something if it's for you or not.

  • Don't try to convince yourself to eat foods you don't particularly enjoy.

Closed Taste advice:

  • You operate best by sticking to what you already know.

  • You prefer to be in control of what you eat, including ingredients and preparation.

  • You are able to tell if you will like something before you even taste it.

HOT THIRST advice:

  • You digest warm foods better than cold foods.

  • Try to incorporate foods that are warm in temperature and foods that have warming properties (turmeric, spices, ginger).

  • Allow cold food and drinks to warm up a bit before consuming them.


  • You digest cold foods better than warm foods.

  • The goal is to consume foods that are already cold and foods with cooling properties (like cucumbers or watermelon).

  • Allow hot food and drinks to cool down before consuming them.

CALM TOUCH advice:

  • You digest food best in calm, relaxing environments.

  • It’s crucial for you to have a calm nervous system before nourishing yourself.

  • Experiment with having solitary meals and incorporating things into your meal time that bring you a sense of calm.


  • You digest food best in a stimulating or energized state.

  • It may improve digestion to move around, call a friend or multi-task while eating.

  • Try tasting your food as you cook and experiment by incorporating movement before or after your meals for optimal digestion.

HIGH SOUND advice:

  • You digest food best with lots of noise around you, like music, conversation, TV, etc.

  • The most optimal thing for your digestion is to eat with the noise you enjoy.

  • Try to create a celebratory atmosphere during meals to add to the enjoyment and support your digestion.

LOW SOUND advice:

  • Your body needs minimal external stimuli in order to digest optimally.

  • It may be difficult to understand things or digest food in a loud atmosphere.

  • Explore ways of creating a quieter eating environment, and don't be afraid to ask for a calm, soft-spoken atmosphere.


  • You digest food best in the light or while the sun is still up.

  • It is optimal to have heavier meals while the sun is up and lighter foods and drinks as the sun goes down.

  • Make sure to have proper light when eating your meals and taking important information.


  • You digest food best at night rather than in the daytime, and function optimally in low light environments.

  • Embrace the fact that you're a night owl and might want midnight snacks.

  • You may have a heightened sensitivity to light, causing you brain to become more active at night.

interested in learning more about your digestion style in human design?

Grab your comprehensive and beautifully designed guidebook tailored specifically to your Human Design Chart. This guidebook will provide in-depth explanations of your energy centers, channels, gates, profiles, environment style, and so much more. It will serve as a valuable resource for your self-exploration and personal growth, offering practical insights and strategies for living in alignment with your design.


