My Daily Routine Using Human Design


EPISODE #43: My Daily Routine using human design


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In this episode, Leah shares what an ideal day in her life looks like and how human design plays into it. She discusses all of the following:

01:36 Right facing arrows vs left facing arrows in your chart

11:18 Update on Leahā€™s health goals for the year

13:31 How digestion plays into your life

22:59 Implementing discipline in your routine

24:04 Leahā€™s perfect day

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, discusses her ideal day using human design as a guide. She shares some goals she has related to her health and how human design has impacted it. Even though every day isnā€™t the same, Leah shares what her ideal looks like while incorporating her human design and health.


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My schedule changes, you know, day to day, and I'm going to talk about why that is and why I let myself, you know, live that way, but I have a very flexible attitude now towards my routine. Okay. So I've never done something like this before, but I'm currently in my car. And. I am speaking into a voice recorder app that I have that I actually use as my voice journal. And I have a podcast episode that's due to my podcast manager and I kind of just thought, why don't I just start talking while I'm driving? And I don't know, this might become a new thing because if, if it sounds good, I have no idea what this will sound like. And I apologize if it does sound bad, bear with us, but I. Essentially, , I love to just voice note and talk in the car. I actually feel like I get my greatest thoughts in the car and I was reflecting on this a little bit because yesterday , , I taught one of my classes for human design mastery, HDM, which is my, , human design sort of training program to become a reader.


Or if you just want to learn everything about human design, that's the place to be. But we did a lesson on variables yesterday and we were talking about. Rightness versus leftness. And what I mean by that, not in a political way, what I mean by that is , , in our chart, we have these arrows on either side of our, of our head area. And they're called variables so they can point like left and right and there's four of them so there's two on the left two on the right and arrows that are pointing left tend to have more like they're more like routine strategic. Right. They have more, now there's like, now I'm hearing all the sounds in my car, they're more routine, strategic, like a little bit more, I don't want to say rigid, but a little bit more like step by step process oriented.


And now you can have multiple arrows pointing in different directions. And so it's about understanding what each arrow specifically means to help understand yourself a little bit more. So like, for example, I have two left facing and two right facing arrows. One of the things about me though is that the arrows that are right in my chart that are pointing right, right arrows are more receptive. They're more, , like passive, go with the flow. And the way that I learn and absorb information is very much so in a, or the way my body takes information is very much in a passive way. Like I'm very receptive. And so I find that sometimes my best conversations are the best way for me to do things is. Is almost in an indirect way.


And what I mean by that is like, I operate really well when I am voice noting, for example, like in the car. So my greatest thoughts come to me because I'm also, I'm driving. I don't, so I don't know if this means that like, while I'm distracted, I pick up information better, but I think it just has to do with me moving around. For example, my friend was over, , recently and, You know, she was sitting in our dining room, which is, you know, adjacent to our kitchen and you can, you know, it's like right there so you can see right in. She was telling me a story and it was easier for me to hear her story if I was running around my kitchen, like cleaning and putting the dishes away and moving while talking to her was so much easier for me than for me to just sit there and stare at her while she's telling me a story.


You know what I mean? So I've just been realizing this a little bit more about myself and, and I think I guess this just comes with this idea of how can I utilize this in my business? And so, you know, some of the things that I'm going to start to attempt or try to adopt is while I'm taking phone calls for work, I'm going to take them while I'm on a walk. I'm also trying to walk more trying to get my steps in daily. So I think that'll be. You know, I hate the phrase, but, you know, kill two birds with one stone, if you will, right? Like, get my exercise in and, you know, talk to someone and make the time go by and work. And so I'm just, it's essentially like multitasking, but I have learned a lot about multitasking. Side note, some fun facts about multitasking is multitasking is actually impossible, but unless you're using different parts of your brain. So for example, you can't like. It's like you can't be typing out a text or talking like you can't be writing something and then talking at the same time because they use the same part of the brain, but you could like move your body and then use parts of your brain for something else.


So it's like, and some people are better or worse at this depending, but I can't remember which book I read on this. I think it was the one thing. Yeah, I think it was the book called the one thing that my business coach had me read. I think it talks a little bit about this. And I also did an exercise in college. I took a class on agile and which is a framework for how to basically develop software, but can be used in project management. And that's actually what I used when I worked at my corporate job. And we did this exercise where if you guys want to do this, you can, where essentially, if you were to, you set a timer and basically the first time around you, you have to write one through how many letters are there in the alphabet? Oh my god, forgive me if I'm wrong, but, essentially what you do is , You have to write one through 36, and then you have to write A through Z. And so you first have to write in the first timer you set, you have to write, you know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 36. And then you make a second column. That's A, B, C, D, E, F, G, h, I, whatever.


So the whole alphabet. And so then you, and then you set, and then you calculate how long that took you. And then you set a second timer. And in the second round you have to do, you have to put one and then A, and then two, and then b. So you basically are going back and forth between the lists. And so basically what the exercise taught us in college, I can't believe I remember this, but it must've landed for me. So shout out. I don't even remember my professor's name, but shout out whoever the lady was that taught the agile class, the agile project management class at Miami university under the interactive media studies program in Williams hall. Thank you for sticking this in my brain. But, , essentially, you will find that the second time around, it actually takes you so much longer. So it's basically a way of saying, like, you can't multitask. You can't do two things at once. And so, , I guess what I'm trying to say is, , you can't necessarily multitask all the time, but when I am using a different part of my brain, you can. , , so yeah, , the driving while talking, I think kind of works for me.


Of course, like when traffic. becomes traffic y, then, , it'll probably be a little bit more challenging, but at that point I will just hit the pause button and focus on the road. But right now I'm just driving on the highway. I'm actually on my way to my sound healing training, , which if you guys didn't know, I think I, I probably haven't talked a lot about this yet. I am getting certified in my sound healing training. Becoming a sound practitioner, I guess. And so I'm on my way up from, I live in Newport beach, but I'm on my way up to Topanga, California right now. And I'm stuck in traffic. I'm actually going to be late and I, Don't like to be late for things like this and I'm embarrassed about it, but it's kind of bullshit, which I should have actually known because it's LA traffic that I'm driving through. basically I mapped it and it was like one time I mapped it. It's an hour and 45 minutes. And the other time I mapped it's an hour and 30 minutes. So are my training starts at nine o'clock today. And I left at, 6 45 is when I left this morning and I was like, that's plenty of time. That's, you know, over two hours, two hours and 15 minutes.


And I got in my car and it said . It was two hours and 34 minutes. when I logged in my car. So if any of you guys aren't from Los Angeles, which most of you aren't, that's what it's like to drive in motherfucking Los Angeles. And this is why I don't live in Los Angeles. This is why I live in Newport beach, who, which by the way, everyone thinks that Newport beach is LA. It is not. I respectfully, Hate when people, , say that I live in Los Angeles because nothing wrong with anyone that does live in Los Angeles, but like where I live, it's a totally different vibe. Orange County is the best kept little secret in all of California, in my opinion, and it's not really a secret. There's a gajillion people that live there, but people either look at San Diego or LA, and then they just forget that Orange County exists. One time, this influencer that I follow, she was saying how her and her husband were like trying to figure out where they want to live for the rest of their life.


And she was like, I don't know. I'm like, she's from San Francisco, but that wasn't her vibe, LA. Like she was living there and that wasn't her vibe. And then she was like, maybe San Diego. And I was like, what about orange County? And she was like, is there hiking there? I'm like, yeah, there's like amazing hiking in orange County. There's no, I mean, there's not no traffic, but there's basically like no traffic, especially compared to Los Angeles. Uh, there's way less tourists. Uh, there's Way less. Dirty streets, there's way less of a homeless population, so it's a really nice area. And you can get to LA in a day. You can get to San Diego in a day. 'cause if you're like in la, getting to San Diego in a day is, it's not a day trip you wanna take because of traffic. It's more like you'll wanna stay the night. So where I live, it's amazing and none of you guys should move here because , I don't want it to get any more crowded. But no, we're probably actually gonna be moving in a few.


Probably in a year from now, I'll live somewhere else, which is really crazy to think about. But because we're going to be, yeah, we have a, Z is going to be potentially going back to school. So we're probably going to do a big move because none of the programs , or the program that he's going to be in, none of them are located near where we live, or within driving distance. So, boo, we actually might have to be moving up near L. A. Now that I'm thinking about it, , cause two of the places are in that vicinity, but we will do our best to be the least trafficked part of L. A. But we'll see, but, so anyway, so I'm gonna be about 17 minutes late at saying right now, which I hate. I haven't sent a note yet because I'm hoping that. Maybe something will give, but I need to send a note to my, the training girls and just let them know I'm going to be late, because, yeah, unfortunately I'm stuck in this freaking traffic, , that is an hour more than it said when I looked twice this past week, , and multiple times, so, slay! Slay, should have known.


Rookie, rookie move. Okay, so now I want to just get into the contents of today's episode, which is my current daily routine based on my human design, which I'm very excited to talk about because there is a lot that's actually changed in my routine in 2024. I came into this year kind of just hitting the ground running on my goals, and I have a lot of goals for this year. just to name a few. One is to become a morning person. The other one , , was to lose some weight. The other goal that I had was to just get a little bit more discipline. Discipline was really one of my key words moving into this year. And I have a lot of other goals too. I need to recheck my goal list.


It's been a minute. , I was tracking them on a weekly basis, but I've, I've kind of fallen off track if I'm being completely honest. , but I really have changed a lot in my routine and there's a lot that's actually going to be changing in my routine and just daily life. I started recently Actually, just this past week or so, I started a protocol under a holistic health nutritionist practitioner with a company called Kale Diagnostics and I'm going to be talking a lot about it because I have, I have an offer for you guys. Like I have a, I'll have a discount code. I don't think I have it yet, but I'll make sure to get that and I'll be sharing it on Instagram. I am on this sort of health journey and the way that I've described it on Instagram is like, this really feels like, , one of the, like the final pieces in my deconditioning journey.


And what I mean by that is, you know, in human design, we really do go through this, this sort of shedding or this deconditioning where, you know, we start to like understand ourselves and like, we really start to understand how to live in alignment with our energy and who our true selves are. And so. One of the things, or one of the byproducts of that is we start to look at our habits and we start to look at the ways in which that we're living that aren't necessarily correct for our energy. And so that's been a big thing for me over the last several years, diving deep into my human design. But I think. Health is now kind of the thing that's coming forward, which makes a lot of sense as you start to work with your strategy and authority, then your variables, as I mentioned earlier, they sort of unlock.


So what I mean by that is like, I never really recommend people diving into like digestion, which is formally called determination or strongest sense, which is formally called cognition right away. I think that it's, It's better to, , work with your strategy and authority , and that's the way that they actually teach human design. And then those parts actually just start to sort of happen for you. And if you're an HTM, I offer lots of practical tips on, you know, how to work with those things once you're ready, but it's not like, you know, right now I'm 28, I don't learn the environment that I thrive in, which is wide valleys, by the way, I don't necessarily learn that. And then, you know, become that. By the way, if you don't know about environment, but environment, there's like, you know, you could have caves environment or markets or, you know, kitchens, they're more symbolic though. It's not like you need to go live in, you know, live in a cave, but, , they're more symbolic.


And so, but they aren't applicable until the age of 30. The only one that's applicable prior to that is , , your cognition and your determination, which is basically your digestion or strongest sense. And so, but the thing is, again, like I don't learn about valleys and I don't learn about digestion and then become that you sort of just let that unfold as you live your life. And so for me, I think that's where I'm at in my deconditioning journey. Whereas like I'm starting to see that really unfold and it is making me, you know, just kind of go down this health journey. And so to share with you guys what I've been moving through, and I am going to do a whole episode dedicated to this, and I know I talked about this.


I think on the last episode or two. I kind of forget what I share on the podcast sometimes and I'm like, I don't know if I shared this, but here it is again, but I know not everyone listens to every episode. So I'm just going to share it again. But basically, you know, this year I have just had this weight that's holding on to me and I, I, you know, I'm doing the work, you know, like I, I did yoga in this process. I did yoga for like two years and it's still there. I've been doing Pilates. I did 75 hard. I have gotten plant based at one point. And then I went like, I did like a protein based diet. I've, I've like been trying a lot of things and trying to see what kind of works. And, you know, my period's been kind of off, like, I just think that there's like a health sort of thing happening.


And so I'm at this place of just, just truly figuring out, you know, what's, what's, what's going on? What's, what do we have happening? You know what I mean? Like, what's going on deeper? And so. I'm on this holistic health journey and, , so that said, my routine's changing a little bit and I started my protocol actually within the last week while on this journey, we still have lots of testing to do like while I'm working with my practitioner under, again, the company's called Kale Diagnostics, which I'm saying that because I was giggling my dad. Was like, so you have to eat, like, kale all the time? And he was like, I like cabbage, but I don't know that I like kale. I don't think I could do something like that. I'm like, dad, that's the name of the company. Like, I'm not eating kale constantly. I thought that was just the most hilarious thing. Yeah, so essentially, I am gonna be doing tests.


I have a GI test coming up. , , What other tests do I have? I have a GI test, I have a hormone test, thyroid panel, like mineral test, all sorts of things. So, those are like my focus areas and we'll even be, we'll change things, we'll retest and I don't know, I'm really excited for like this whole journey I'm going to be going on. So that said, I want to get a little bit into my human design and talk about why I think this is related and then just my daily routine. So, Why I think this is related to my human design is because I'm closed taste in human design, which is color too. You don't know what that means. , you don't need to know what the color necessarily means, but if you, , look up your chart on my website, which is always linked down in the show notes, you will see what your digestion is.


There are 12 different digestions. There's six different digestion categories, but then 12 total. So there's like appetite, there's taste, there is. First, there is sound. I'm not going in order. There is touch and then there is What's the last one? Oh, light. And so some have to do with, , you know, temperature and liquid, some have to do with surrounding energy, some have to do with, you know, the amount of light and time and day, some have to do with the, you know, sort of like being particular, and some have to do with like the way that you eat, the like order of food that you're eating. Anyway, so why I am saying this is because closed taste, anyone who has taste digestion, are kind of particular with food, and I think the more that I've been on my journey in human design, I've become really particular with food. When I'm out camping with my friends over, you know, they're very health conscious, but when I go back to the Midwest, And I, you know, that's when I really started to like, dive into this and if you know me, I am sometimes like a little bit embarrassed how much I, I'm not embarrassed actually when I'm out in California.


I don't even realize it out when I'm out in California, like with my friends and stuff. My, my friend group is just incredibly healthy and, and I'm so genuinely grateful and it's one of my favorite things about my group of friends. Like we all just are really dedicated to our health and wellness. And I think I manifested that, like, it's just so cool to me. And when I'm out in California, my friends are, you know, they're very health conscious. But when I go back to the Midwest, this is no hate, no shade to anyone in the Midwest. I just feel like they're less health conscious. And so I always like dread having to share Or like, I dread having to, I don't know, find things to eat. I dread having to like, be my particular self, you know? Which is a thing that I just need to get over. But like, we were just camping with Zander's family this weekend, and his mom is so dang cute. She like, always gets me all my favorite things. It's, it's so sweet that she asks me, because she knows that I care about this kind of stuff.


But I always feel bad when she, she'll text me and say, you know, what do you want to Like, what do you want me to get from the store? And I don't want to be like, can you get grass fed sausage and pastries meats? And can you get, cause like my grocery bill is way more than the average person. I look at groceries and the way that I eat, like I look at that as a necessity and an essential. And so does Zander. I We'll always spend a little bit more to get the higher quality because I really care about what I put in my body. I just do. , I feel better. Maybe because I'm a business owner, this like matters to me, but I really like care to have a good mindset too. And I know that when I fuel myself with better foods and better quality, like I not only feel best.


I look best. My mind is way sharper. So those are just some things that really matter to me. So I've just noticed that the more that I've gotten older, I'm very particular about certain things. So, , that said, let's dive into just my routine now based on my human design and maybe based on some of this stuff. Okay. So I don't have any perfect days. No one is perfect. And this is something that I think is, It's really important for people to hear because I know that I, I am a perfectionist by the way guys. I have been a perfectionist most of my life and I don't judge myself for that anymore because I think being a perfectionist has actually led me to really great places.and has, you know, been something Has been really supportive in a lot of ways. I definitely noticed though, when it's not been supportive. And so being a perfectionist, being an overachiever, those are things that I've had to work through with, you know, a licensed therapist in the past, but I feel like I'm at a really good spot with a lot of it right now.


So I, I am not perfect. My schedule. Changes, you know day to day and I'm going to talk about why that is and why I let myself, you know Live that way, but I have a very flexible attitude now towards my routine whereas in the past I would I have this sort of like note in my phone and I feel like Anyone who relates to me or is similar to me probably has one of these in their phone too where it's like, my perfect day. And I go through, you know, time stamps of literally every single thing that I'm going to do day to day and following that to a T. And, I use it more as a guide than as a definite because there were times where I was using it as like this is the end all be all and then I would be really upset when like my day wasn't perfect and didn't fall within like the guidelines of what it is that I deemed as like my perfect day.


So my routine essentially Changes day to day. I think the most important thing, which I learned, I don't know where I learned this, but it's called the bounce back. Essentially the sign that you know that you're going to be successful, or I think this is just something important to hear for people who have that all or nothing mindset, like I tend to have, is that your bounce back, your bounce back rate, important. And so what that means is basically how you, how quickly you bounce back to your routine or your like good habits, how long does that take you? And that's a good indication of you being successful. For example, if you, you know, have these, Rituals or routines that you do on a, you know, pretty much a daily basis. And then you go on a trip and, you know, instead of letting the, the ways that your trip has like kind of messed up with your routine, or maybe some of the habits that make you feel really good, instead of letting that just like, you know, bleed into the rest of your life, it's about how fast can you actually bounce back?


And so the people who find the most success are the ones that bounce back really quickly. You know, after a night of not sleeping or maybe a night after like a wild night, right. Or like a wedding or something that you went to, like how quickly do you bounce back is a really good indication of success indication of, you know, you, you being able to commit to, you know, your discipline and your, and what makes you feel your best. So that's something that I think is really important and also something that I try to live my life by. So this is my routine in a perfect day guys and so I wanted to preface with that to say that this is not every day. In fact, this isn't most days. , most days is a variation of this, like give or take a couple things.


And I'll tell you the ones that are pretty much like my non negotiables, if you will. But overall, like they're pretty much Pretty much I'm doing the same thing pretty consistently. So this is my daily routine. So in a perfect day, I wake up pretty early. Now here's the thing, and this is based on my human design. I don't wake up at the same time every day. And I know that some people are going to think that that's wild and crazy and like so counterproductive and you know, not what you read in all the self help discipline books that You know, , let me just say mostly men have written, , no hate, no shade to men.


it's just quite, you know, women's hormones work completely different. Like I'm from a biological perspective. And so I think it's really important that women understand their hormones and not try to read books that are like undisciplined about. I mean, you can read, I think reading the books are important because then you can get different perspectives and then put that through your filter, aka your authority and decide for yourself, but I think ultimately a lot of the books on like routine and stuff are written by men and we're just not like men as, you know, women biologically. So, Ideally, I'm waking up earlier in my day between anywhere between six and eight how I wake up today. , , it's kind of all over the board at the moment. I'm going to be completely honest. I've been waking up between eight and nine most days. Obviously this morning I woke up at five, which is because I just had to get ready and get myself to this. But I typically have been sleeping in lately and that is because my body has just desperately needed that. I have been experiencing a lot of stress and I have been, that, yeah, I'm just working through and all the modalities, like therapy, getting my weekly massage, testing in, we gotta do different tests, we have to do them in a particular order, but, , I won't know until I have my hormones looked at at a deeper level.


But, yeah. We suspect a little bit of cortisol, which I think is just Because I'm a business owner and not saying that every business owner experiences stress in this way. I don't think this is healthy. I think that that's something that I have been experiencing and so we're working on potentially, I mean, that's a culprit we don't know yet though. Might not even be that. I will keep you guys updated, I promise, but it could be just something that is happening in my body that, yeah, I'm just working through and all the modalities like therapy, getting my monthly massage, truly all the things. But so, Yeah, the first thing is very much just with the way that I wake up. It's been a little bit different lately because I've been giving myself permission to rest and just really wake up when my body wakes up. And fortunately, because I do my own thing, like I can do that. But so like on a perfect day, though, I wake up around, you know, maybe six, somewhere between six and seven, six and eight.


And then the first thing that I do is my gratitude journal. Oh, and I wanted to say, by the way, it's also part of my human design to not be consistent. How you can look in your chart is if you look at the, if you look at those arrows that I mentioned, the bottom left hand side arrow, if it's pointing right towards your body graph, it means that you are less consistent. And so following a routine might not be as natural for you. And then if it's left, it means that maybe your routine is pretty natural for you. So That being said, I kind of let myself flow with my energy because I'm not fully designed to be like, you know, super consistent as far as then the next thing that I do is I practice gratitude as I kind of got into the five minute journal and I do this because I think gratitude is so important.


I think gratitude reminds me of what lights me up. I think for regardless of energy type, I think gratitude is just a really important practice and it always makes me feel my best self. So I do gratitude. And then I will drink water, you know, like I will, I will try to have some water in my day. I want to start experimenting with like doing a warm water with lemon. I know that a lot of people love that, but I haven't tried that fully. So, and the next thing I do is my oral health. So I go to my bathroom, which is like, if you've ever seen my stories, my bathroom's like in our bedroom, and there's not a door to it. It's just kind of open, And yeah, it's kind of funny. And so my oral health routine is, the first thing I do in the morning is I tongue scrape.


I should also probably change this around. I have this written down. I typically won't drink water until I've done this first because there's so much bacteria, bacteria in our mouths that you don't really want to swallow. Again, so , I'll tongue scrape and then I oil pull. So just take coconut oil. I swish that in my mouth for two to 10 minutes. I, I don't think I've ever gotten a 10 minutes, like maybe just about 10 minutes one time, but I do probably two typically just depends on how much time I have. I usually make my bed while I'm swishing that around. And then I will spit that out into my garbage can, or sometimes I'll just flush it. You don't want to put your oil down the sink because it will clog the sink. And then I will do a water pick and I have the toothbrush that has a water pick in it, but I just bought a second water pick just so I have. Like a handheld one, I think it's a little bit easier, but I do that. I'll usually do it with like warm water in the morning, and then I brush my teeth.


And sometimes I'll do mouthwash if I'm just feeling a vibe, but that's it. And then I go and I put my workout clothes on and I will, you know, quickly do my hair, brush it or something. Nothing crazy. I just kind of throw it in like a little bun. I typically am doing Pilates in the morning. So when I do Pilates, I, you know, I don't really like to have my hair in like a ponytail because you're laying down a lot. So then like the pony kind of hurts my head and my neck. So I kind of like. Let it loose and then I'll do like weird like little loose buns. And yeah, so then I will drive to my workout. On my way to workout, I always listen to this song called Queen. It's by Queen with a V though. Like so, Queenv. Queen? I don't even know how you say that. Queen Harvey, and it's just Good Morning by Queen Harvey, and I love it. It's my little morning mantra. It makes me very happy. I love it because it always sets me up for having a really good day. I always feel so freaking good after I listen to it. So that's that, and then I go and I work out. I don't work out every single morning.


I ideally would prefer to work out in the morning though. Why is because I just love having it done with. I find that I feel really frustrated, which is my not self deeming human design throughout the day. If I don't get a workout and in the morning, . To talk about working out, I'm a generator, so I feel like I get my, my energy and my root to just like expel through my whole body in the, in a good way. And yeah. And then Pilates, I just think it's just, feels really good too. Like I love, if you've never done Pilates before, A reformer Pilates is where I go. I love it. At the end you do this thing called feet and straps and you basically just have your feet in these like straps that are like long and then you just do circles and it feels so good on like the muscles in your leg. And I, I find that that really helps release, you know, the energy towards the bottom of my body graph or my chart, you know, or the energy within my, my body.


Right. So, I will do my workout and I'll come home. I usually have a podcast on, listen to some music. I'm a big podcast girl. I listen to less music. , I'm pretty much, like, almost entirely listening to podcasts. But, I'm either silent or podcast. I really like silence too. Like, I don't really like a TV on in my house. I don't really like A ton of music going. I prefer silence, which some people think is weird. I think it's really important. I call this sacred solo space. I talk about this a lot in, I used to talk about this in my program called the method, which I should maybe use this as a time to plug my new program that we're going to be launching here, which is how to create your dream life using human design. I'll actually bring it up towards the end, but. Essentially, yeah, we're going to be, we're going to be launching a program and in the program that I ran, the method, which is going to be using a lot of elements from that inside this new program, we talk about something called sacred solo space and how not having any sort of outside noise is so supportive for you.


So that's that. And then I will get ready for the day. If you guys follow me personally, you know that I like, I'm a psycho about celery juice. I love celery juice. It's like one of my favorite things. I did medical medium like detox a couple of years ago and I've done celery juice since 2019 I believe. I love it. And so I'll usually come home, I'll make my celery juice. I don't do celery juice before I work out because celery juice makes me have to go to the bathroom. So, I don't recommend that. And, I will go grab the dogs. I will take them outside. I will give them all my kisses and love. , so, I take them out separately. I don't need to give you guys all the details. I'm like literally like, I take them out separately and then Rupert pees here and then he goes over here. You guys don't need to know that. But, I take the dogs out and then I feed them and then while they're eating, I will go kind of do my thing.


So I'll go upstairs. I will rinse off and usually if I, sometimes I have to wash my hair, I only wash my hair twice a week for the most part, two, three times a week, depending on what I'm going on. But I'll rinse off. I'll do my skincare. I gua sha pretty much every day. , if I'm not using an actual gua sha, I use my hand. And I think that feels so good and it's so good for like lymphatic drainage, which is something that I am working with, with kale as well. And then I will do some makeup and hair and then I'll get dressed. I'll go get the puppies. I always have to take Rupert out a second time because he is a potty training puppy. and then I'll go like just kind of do my morning breakfast stuff. I'll go make breakfast right now. I'm focused on. With Kale Diagnostics, I'm focused on 30 grams of protein per meal, and eating my food in a particular order, which is veggies and fiber first, then protein, and then having, like, carbohydrates.


So, my breakfast lately has been, I have, like, steamed sweet potato without seasoning, which is actually really good. , so, like, cubed up and just steamed, and then I'll do two pasta eggs, and that's it. Pasture raised eggs on top, I almost said pasteurized eggs. I was like, wait, that's not right. And then I will do half of an avocado and then I'll do some sort of breakfast meat like chicken or sausage and then I will add some raw red onion. I love onion. And then I'll maybe do some hot sauce and yeah, some like little seasonings and that's pretty much my breakfast. And then I'll have a matcha. Which I also make at home. I'm trying to with while working with kale is have my matcha after I eat and , that's been really good for Just like my energy and also like less crash. I think it matters a little bit less with matcha But with coffee, I think it's really important not to have coffee before you ate but then I will I'll eat and then I will while I'm eating I will typically do some sort of like Card poll Before working with kale, I was doing smoothies every day, which was one of my favorite things.


And I'm, I did a smoothie today actually, but that's one of my other favorite breakfasts. , I recommend not just like any smoothie. Like you want to make sure that it's like full of all the things. So I love, , her name is we licious Catherine McCord. She has a book called the smoothie project and I did that in 2020 and I highly recommend. So I usually will do one of her recipes, but lately I've just been doing like the high protein scramble, but this morning I did like a high protein powder thing. So after I have breakfast though I'll go up and I'll get into my office and that's where I will sometimes light a candle or do a little diffuser, a little oil diffuser, which is really good for my human design. It's good for anyone obviously in general, but if you actually If you can, if you look up the different chakra system, the different chakras and you look at the centers of human design, a lot of them are the same, but there's an additional two within human design. So there's seven chakras within the traditional chakra system.


And then there's nine in human design, but you can look at your open centers to understand which essential oils would be good. And so I, I will actually do essential oils Based on my open senders, I would go through each of those right now, but since I'm in my car, I don't have it open to do so. And then in an ideal world, , this is one that changes. I think often is I will meditate and I actually lately have been doing activations via the superhuman app, which I highly recommend, which are a little bit more active, more, , I would say empowering rather than a meditation, And that's something that just I really love and feels very supportive for me. And then I will just get into work and I, my day to day changes. How I follow my design in work is as a generator, I do the thing that satisfies me the most first. I used to actually do the thing that was hard in the beginning. I used to say, you know, do the hardest thing first was like a something I had on my board.


And now I actually do the most satisfying thing first. So that is for me, you know, getting that workout done, doing some of my favorite rituals, , and then just like getting through my work, you know, getting through the things that are going to make me feel, you know, like my best self. Something that I do often is I will let my curiosity just fly, I'm a 5'1 and the one line in me loves just diving into rabbit holes and I oftentimes will push my entire day if I feel like I'm on to something or if I'm like really interested in something and I don't want to stop. I did this just last week, I moved a call that I had because I was just so excited. I was just generating truly. I was just in the middle of something and my gears were turning. I was excited. I didn't want to walk away from it. And so I will pause and just like move my entire day to be able to do that. Again, like these are things you don't read and like all the productivity books. These are, this is based on my design and this is what really works for me and some of my greatest ideas and most successful things have come from me just letting my, I was going to say, let my freak fly, but like, it's not really my freak fly, which is letting me like follow my interests.


You know what I mean? So that's been really supportive for me. The other thing that I'll do is, you know, halfway through my day is I take my dogs to the park every single day for movement, but they love it. And I love it. My dogs are my pride and joy. And I will walk them to the park. And usually during that, I'm listening to a podcast. I call my mom a lot. , we talk on the phone constantly and that just lights me up. And then I will, you know, take a little bit of break. Sometimes I do my sound bowls. I will. You know, watch TikTok for a second. I will Just do something to get my mind off work after I get home from the park And then I will go up and I'll finish with some last minute things and then I will go for a walk Well, I'll feed the dogs and then I typically go for a walk and I've been doing some walking activations with superhuman, which I love Those just light me up Uh,, from the inside out.


I'm actually, once I get done recording this, I'm gonna turn on my superhuman, , app in the car and listen to some of that. Cause I, it's just one of my favorite things, truly, ever. And then I will, yeah, I'll just, I'll get home from my walk and then I will just kind of like get ready for the evening. I'll light some candles, turn on our like little candle warmer, I'll light the fire, I'll just start kind of making dinner. I love to cook, that's something. That's sort of like one of my creative outlets, which I know is not everyone's, but I am a gate one is my son in human design. And I just, I just love to cut. Like it's how I let my creativity shine. So I will get in the kitchen and I'll make up something crazy. It's so funny. I have one of my friends is like, do you like cook elaborate meals every single night? And. I mean, the answer is no, not every single night, but I would say most nights. Yeah, I'm pretty much always cooking something elaborate, but once you start to cook, I don't think that certain things are like super elaborate anymore.


The more just becomes fun. So that is how I just let my sort of creativity fly, which is a part of, again, my design. And then I will, you know, eat dinner. Oftentimes this is when I'll like watch a show. Zander will get home if he wasn't already home. Yeah, we'll like turn something on TV. I'm not a big reader, contrary to popular belief. And why I say that is because recently one of my students came and stayed with me And I was like, yeah, this I have all the she's like, oh my god You have so many books and I was like, yeah, and I actually haven't read a lot of them She's like what? And she's like, why do you have so many books? And I was like, I am a skimmer again I think it goes to the way that I absorb information like I will Let whatever is interesting to me Like come to me and I will then follow it very closely Based on that.


Like if I am, you know, reading a book on a morning routine, I'm going to read the parts that stand out to me and I'll kind of just skim through it. I just think that that's how it works for me. And then I listened to a fuck ton of podcasts. I love if there's a book I'm interested in. A lot of times I'll just look up the author of that book and I'll listen to their podcasts on it. I've done audio books before. It just depends on who is like the voiceover of the audio book. , cause sometimes I'll do an audiobook and I'm like, Okay, like, this is a snoozefest, there's no personality. Like, this person's literally just reading it and it's just kinda weird. , so I don't really love that all the time.


Great Audiobook is Prince Harry's book. If you guys haven't listened to that, I actually haven't even finished that. , but, beautiful voice. Great, great audiobook. , But yeah, and then I, I drink tea every single night. I will do a, , I'll do magnesium in my tea. Which I just really like, and I also do tea in the morning too, by the way, like I've been doing blood orange tea mixed with like, it's called a reishi, not reishi mushroom, but reishi tea, and I forget what's in it, it's like all sorts of botanicals, but I will mix that with orange peel. tea, dried orange peel. That's part of my protocol for like detox. Yeah, then , I'll make tea at night. I will in a perfect day, which I am starting to do more frequently because of my kale program, is to do a dry brush that helps lymphatic drainage, which I think is also really good for emptying out some energy.


If you, I do have a defined spleen, but if you have an undefined spleen, I think it would be really good for you. I find it's really good for my. For also my just emotions, like being able to just sit there and that's also, walking is really good for my solar plexus, my undefined solar plexus. So all the emptying out, so I'll do dry brush. We have a sauna blanket at home. I was doing that a lot more in my routine, but I don't do it as much now because I go to the infrared sauna once a week. But then I will jump in the shower. I pretty much rinse off every single night. I. I don't know why, like it just makes me, puts me in like the best sleepy mood. And then I get out of the shower. I do a full skincare routine. I do lots of like oils on my face and I find that actually the smells of like the oils in my skincare actually helps put me to bed. And sometimes I'll do some red light therapy, but, and then I will light my diffuser with lavender, which also helps like sort of calm my, my generator sacral down.


And then, , I usually put clothes away. We have. Z actually does all of our laundry. Slay on his part because laundry does not light me up, and I think it lights him up. So I'll put my, laundry away that he folded, and then I will take my contacts out, put my glasses in, and then , , maybe I'll do more gua sha, and then I'll get to bed, and I will journal, read. Again, like I'm not a big reader, but sometimes I read. That puts me right to bed. Journaling is really great. It helps my undefined head and mind just swirl ideas and thoughts. If you look at my journal, it's kind of chaotic because I mostly am just putting random ideas down. So it's like very much undefined head energy just getting all of the thoughts out and then I oftentimes will review my agenda for the next day and I'll write that down and then I will end with my nightly gratitude and I will make out with Zander and then I will go to bed.


That is my routine. And so one other thing I should say about my sleep routine is I have like a slight wind down, but really like the thing with generators is there's a couple tips. Like you don't want to get into bed before you're tired. So I really make sure I kind of tire myself out and all the things that I do throughout my day, like the walks and then like my morning workout, like all of those things make me pretty tired. So by the end of the day, I am like, dragging, doing my skincare and all the things that I mentioned at the end. And like, even reviewing my agenda, like the amount of times I fall asleep, just like with a journal or something in my lap, like those are just like last little minute things to get like all of the generator is as out of me.


But I really try not to get into bed until I'm tired, because I find that if I get into bed when I am. still awake, it's harder for me to fall asleep. So if you're a generator listening, and this does not apply to manifesting generators, manifesting generators actually do well when they actually wind down a little bit, but generators, they should just get into bed. when they're tired. And so yeah, you'll want to just wind down and get that energy out and then I'll get into bed. And then usually like the last little things I'm doing, I'm like barely being able to, and then I fall asleep. And that, that is a little tidbit. And then based on your design, we actually just did a post recently on Instagram, maybe we'll do an episode dedicated to sleep, but based on your, your energy type, It can tell you a lot about like the way that you can support your energy while sleeping.


My partner is a generator, so we do find sleeping next to each other. The only center that we have defined together that otherwise like wasn't defined, well, and actually he doesn't define anything within my chart. I define just a center within his. Which is, I give him a defined, , heart center. So, he doesn't have that defined normally. And then, so when we're together, that's the only Like, I don't have any energy being, like, inputted into my system rather than he does. But yeah, we sleep really well together. But a lot of people are designed to not sleep together. I think it's, , really important to know if that's you. So, generators and, , manifesting generators tend to sleep together.


better together, so sacrals, and then non sacrals, projectors, reflectors, and manifestors do well sleeping alone and also need a lot of wind down time before going to bed. So that's sort of the key there. So that is how I use human design to really shape my day. It's how I lean into my design. Now there's some other things I think just about my personality or just about things that I enjoy that come through my human design. And I'll save those for another episode. So for example, like the way that I use human design for my business or the way that I use my human design for my relationships, those sorts of things. But for my daily routine, that is how I really optimize my design. So it's all about. Prioritizing what satisfies me, what makes me feel good.


And then making sure I'm like attending to my energy that I do have in the energy that I don't have, but I'm going to end it here. It's already a long episode. I love you guys. Thank you for tuning into another one. I will see you guys next week and have a great rest of your day. Bye.


Iā€™M ENGAGED! How I Manifested My Dream Relationship


How to Use Human Design for Shadow Work + Q&A