The Design Of You

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Human Design continues to be a growing and powerful tool. It offers unparalleled insight into our unique energetics, allowing us to live according to how our energy works, bringing about authentic lives.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about starting out your Human Design journey, and how you can use it to create your dream life.

In this article, we cover the following:

  • What is Human Design?

  • Human Design basics

  • What is a Human Design chart?

  • Basics of a bodygraph

  • What is energy type?

  • What is strategy?

  • What is authority?

  • What is signature theme?

  • What is the not-self theme?

  • What are profiles?

  • What is definition?

  • What are centers?

  • What are channels?

  • What are gates?

  • What are variables?

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What is human design?

Human Design is a self awareness tool. It's here to give you insight into the way your energy works so that you can experience life with LESS resistance and MORE ease.

Human Design sheds light on:

  •   How to best use your energy levels

  •   How to make the right decisions for yourself

  •   How to attract aligned opportunities into your life

  •   Your natural strengths and potential weaknesses

  •   The way you work best with others

  •   Your optimal digestion

  •   And so much more...

If you want to learn more about what Human Design is, read the article “What is Human Design?”

how to get started generating your bodygraph?

The first thing you'll need to do to read a Human Design chart is to generate your bodygraph. You can pull your chart from my website here. Enter in your birth date, time, and location. Make sure you have the EXACT time you were born for accuracy.

What is energy type?

Your energy type will tell you how your energy best operates (along with your energetic gifts) and assigns you to 1 of 5 different types:

Your HD energy type is most important to know and understand. After pulling your chart on my website, there will be a chart summary on the right hand side where your energy type will be revealed. Your energy type is also tied to your strategy - how you bring in the most aligned opportunities in your life.

what is STRATEGY?

Your strategy goes hand-in-hand with your energy type. It tells you how to strategically work with your energy to bring in aligned opportunities for yourself. When you experiment with your strategy in life, you'll find that the best opportunities come forth without even really trying.

what is authority?

Your authority works hand-in-hand with your energy type and strategy. It's another word for your intuition. It's the thing inside of you that tells you when something is a yes or no for you, allowing you to make the most aligned decisions for yourself.

I like to say that it's the thing inside you that has the power baby! You can always trust it, and it won't lead you anywhere wrong.

When you use your strategy + authority, it brings alignment in your life.


You can tell someone's authority just by looking at the bodygraph, but for simplicity's sake, I list out your authority in the summary on the side of the summary report when you pull your chart.

what is signature theme?

Your signature theme is the feeling you get when you're honoring your energy, living your design, following your strategy + authority, and walking the path of alignment.

Generator: Satisfaction

Manifesting Generator: Satisfaction/Peace

Manifestor: Peace

Projector: Success

Reflector: Surprise

What is the not-self theme?

Your not-self theme is the opposite of your signature, the feeling you get when you're not aligned.

Generator: Frustration

Manifesting Generator: Frustration/Anger

Manifestor: Anger

Projector: Bitterness

Reflector: Disappointment

What is profile?

Your profile is your personality archetype and how you interact with/relate to other people. It's made up of 2 numbers called "lines." Each profile line (number) relates to a different set of traits.

Profile 1: Investigator, researcher, googler

Profile 2: Hermit, talented, introvert

Profile 3: Martyr, adventurer, thrill seeker

Profile 4: Opportunist, outgoing, networker

Profile 5: Heretic, helper, hero, protagonist

Profile 6: Role model, sage, mentor, wise

The 12 profiles are 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4,1, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, and 6/3.

Your profile (personality) in HD can be found after the decimal point in the top two columns next to the sun symbol. It's a combo of the number in the right hand column and the number in the left hand column. The number on the right will always go first, followed by the one on the left.

What is definition?

Your definition highlights how your energy best works with others and is based off of the defined energy centers (shapes that are colored in) that you have in your chart.

Your definition can be:

  • Single (Independent)

  • Split (Collaborative)

  • Triple Split (Synthesizing)

  • Quadruple Split (Subjective)

  • No Definition (Objective)

Knowing your definition helps to understand how you operate on a team and how you get into a flow state.

what are centers?

Your centers in your HD bodygraph are the shapes throughout your chart. Some are colored in (defined) and some are white (undefined/open). These energy centers relate to different parts of the body (similar to the chakra system) and show where you have consistent or inconsistent energy.

what are gates?

Your gates in HD are unique gifts that you have - both unconscious (that you don't recognize, but others do) and conscious (that you're likely aware of). Gates are the numbers listed in each column with a planet symbol and decimal point, and they also live within the bodygraph in your centers. We all have 26 gates, 13 unconscious and 13 conscious.

what are CHANNELS?

Your channels in HD are your strongest gifts and where you have the most consistent energy. Channels form when two gates come together and form a long line of energy that connects two centers. The entire line has to be colored in, and both centers on either side must be colored in (defined) to be a channel. I also list them out when you lookup your chart.

what are VARIABLES?

Your variables in HD make up our mind and body through digestion, strongest sense, environment, view, and motivation - often called the primary health system and rave psychology.

This is a more advanced concept in HD, but your variables are represented in the arrows at the top of the chart and the numbers beside them. I also list them in the summary on the right when you pull your bodygraph from my website.


After reading your Human Design chart and identifying everything that makes up your energetic blueprint, it's time to dig deeper on all the things to understand it fully!

If you want to learn more about everything in Human Design, listen to the podcast!

If you would like to learn more about your Human Design chart, grab a comprehensive and beautifully designed guidebook explicitly tailored to your Human Design Chart. This guidebook will explain your energy centers, channels, gates, and profiles in depth. It will serve as a valuable resource for your self-exploration and personal growth, offering practical insights and strategies for living in alignment with your design.