In this episode, Leah dives into the Science and Ancient Wisdom Behind the Human Design System. She discusses all of the following:

  • Neutrinos

  • Ra Uru Hu and The Voice

  • Astrology in Human Design

  • Genetics in Human Design

  • Chinese I'Ching in Human Design

  • Tree of Life in Human Design

  • Chakra System in Human Design

  • 7-Centered Beings to 9-Centered Beings

  • Gene Keys

  • Crystals of Consciousness

  • Leah's personal religious beliefs


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Welcome back to another episode of The Design Of You, the podcast. This episode is all about the science behind human design. And I know a lot of people are really interested in learning about this subject, because if you've heard me talk about human design or anyone talk about human design, you will find out that human design is actually based on quite a few Uh, sort of scientific concepts.


And so we're actually going to talk about where human design comes from. And we're going to talk about the science behind something called neutrinos and how it all sort of works. Okay. So let's start with just talking about where human design came from and the origins of how it came to all of us. So basically it started in January of 1987.


That was not that long ago, but there is this guy who goes by Roo, who originally, um, his name is Alan, he's from Canada. He was in Ibiza, Spain and had this encounter with a voice and something to note before I get into the story of the encounter with the voice. So basically Alan was his original name, um, before he changed his name to Rahru, who after this whole experience.


But basically he was this guy who had no prior. Uh, sort of, um, experience with I would say any of these ancient systems and he was someone who didn't have, um, a strong sort of faith and was really what he considered himself to be was an atheist. Now again, human design doesn't ask you to believe in anything and I want to make that very clear.


This is just the experience that happened. And so basically. In 1987 in Ibiza or Ibiza, the Mediterranean, he was, he encountered this voice. So he was on a trip and basically the story goes like he literally came home one evening and all of a sudden this voice just started communicating with him. And for literally eight days straight.


Ann Knights, this voice told him how all of these ancient systems, like the Cabal Tree of Life and Astrology and the E Ching and the Hindu Chakra system, how they're all interconnected and make up something called the Human Design System. And now basically in this experience, he, you know, honestly just went sort of crazy.


Um, and he, you know, felt like. Oh my gosh, like what is coming through? And so this whole experience led him down this sort of spiritual path and what's really interesting to jump ahead is that actually in Several years later, he, I believe, met up with someone in Sedona who had the same experience on the exact same day as him, January 3rd, 1987, who was in a mental institution for years following this experience.


And so, What's really interesting is that they found out that there is this extraordinary cosmic event that happened essentially that same day, which was what we call a supernova. A supernova is just the death of a star. It's basically like when a star explodes, and when that happens, there's lots of like intensity that comes with that, and basically our planet is bombarded with information from a subatomic particle called a neutrino.


And so. Basically, when a supernova happens, we experience for, I believe it's like 14 minutes, we experience three times as many neutrinos as normal. But before I get even further into that, I want to explain what a neutrino is. So, a neutrino is actually a subatomic particle of an atom. Um, and, This is a scientifically proven concept.


I'm going to actually link a video on neutrinos below that I love that dives into the discovery of neutrinos from astrophysicists and astronomers and essentially what we know about neutrinos is that neutrinos. The subatomic particle moves through everything. So literally like in this video, um, they describe like your thumb has like billions of neutrinos moving through it right now.


And we will never, ever feel what that feels like. It's literally energy and we get majority of them from the sun. So when we talk about astrology to kind of move into a little bit of a side note, human design has a piece of astrology tied in and we'll talk about that. But basically What happens is when we're born, 70 percent of the neutrinos come from the sun.


And so, a lot of times, we are so aligned with our sun sign, and that's what makes us either, you know, I'm a Scorpio, or you could be a Taurus, or, you know, Sagittarius, Cancer, all of the different 12 zodiac signs. So, if you're born and whatever date you are born, you are getting 70 percent of the neutrinos from the sun at that imprint, which makes up so much of who you are.


That's the information that's infiltrating the universe in that time. So that's where we get sort of the science behind even astrology. A little bit. And then of course, you know, 30 percent of the other neutrinos are coming from the stars and you know, all those things. So basically what happens is we experience this, this sort of wave of neutrinos constantly.


And so that's really the energetics of how things have matter and how we, how we can understand information and where energy comes from. What's really interesting though, is that at the time of this experience in 1987, neutrinos were not a scientific concept that actually was fully formed. And so it was actually in 1998 that scientists had proven that the largest of these unusual and barely detectable particles bear an intense amount of mass.


And so about 1 millionth the weight of one proton. Now, I am not going to pretend like I am anyone who knows anything about, you know, scientific concepts. Science was never my strong, was never my strong subject in school, if I'm being completely honest. But, essentially, I am talking about this because this is really a huge part of the human design system.


And so when this information came out in 1998, it allowed the sort of experience that Ra Aruhu had in 1987 to make a lot of sense. sense because there was a supernova that was captured that day from a mountaintop in Chile, where it really kind of confirmed, okay, there was this massive supernova to people kind of went through this experience.


And so we now know the science behind neutrinos and how they're able to carry information. Yet there are. so small that they can pass through any atomic barrier without resistance. And so these tiny little messengers, they're kind of referred to as the breath of stars. They're the inhaled energy of stellular fusion, and they, there are more of them than anything in the universe.


Literally three trillion neutrinos and the material information they carry pass through every single square inch of our planet and us every single second. Again, like 14 million are. Moving through us all the time. Um, So, the sun, which is, you know, closest, that's the closest star to the Earth. The sun is the biggest star.


And it produces, again, about 70 percent of the neutrinos in the solar system. And the other 30%, again, are sort of emitted from the other stars in the Milky Way and a small percentage from other planets, specifically Jupiter. And so, The neutrinos can be regarded as this sort of modern equivalent of what the ancients called the chi or the prana.


And so let's talk about again what human design is made up of. So human design is a synthesis that actually brings together different types of science and ancient systems. So it brings together the Chinese I Ching, it brings together astrology, it brings together the Hindu chakra system. It brings together the Kabbalah tree of life.


It brings together astrology, and then the science of neutrinos, genetics, and physics. Specifically, the, the different laws of the universe, so quantum physics. And it also has some ties into biochemistry. And so the number one thing, again, that I just want to keep landing with you, human design does not ask you to believe in anything.


Specifically, there's a quote in the definitive book of human design that I love that says, human design does not ask you to believe in anything. It merely offers you the opportunity to explore and experiment with the mechanics of your nature and your evolving consciousness in order to find out for yourself exactly what system works for you.


So it is said to be a logical, empirical, and practical system. It is called the science of differentiation because it's basically like. Hey, this is a science of how humans are different, and this is how all of these systems are all interconnected to make up this one system which we like to call the human design system.


So, you know, I also add into here, there are so many layers to this. It's not just cut and dry. Like, you're not going to look at the human design system, and I think that this is something that I'm very passionate about and really bugs me about. Um, actually every single training that I've been a part of, there is not one training that I've taken that goes into the science of human design.


And I don't like that because I think it's really important to know the origins of something. And if you're in my human design mentorship, my reader training, which by the way, I have a little announcement. Um, If you've been following on Instagram, I announced that I'm actually doing my first ever live human design training.


So if you'd like to become a reader or just learn about human design, and just to understand the system on a deeper level, integrate it into a current business that you have, if you're a coach, if you're a therapist, if you're a nutritionist, anything, maybe you, maybe you're a yoga teacher, maybe you host retreats, lots of different things.


I am officially kicking off a human design reader training. I've never done something like this live. The way that I've taught human design in the past has always been through mentorship. So it's been through, um, I did 12 week containers with people where they learn from me and a mentorship style one on one.


And then I also did. Containers where there's basically the same information in the 12 week one where you got one on one sessions with me four of them And we chat on Voxer. I actually still have that program open. It's closing in about a week So if you'd like to have that one on one time with me you get four sessions I would definitely try to book that within the next week or two because I am officially going to close that up and As I start to work through the pieces of the live training that I'm going to do, and it's going to be six weeks.


So I actually debated on doing it for two weeks, like almost every day for two weeks. And then you just join when you wanted. I wanted to kind of do this like immersive experience. Um, but most people wanted something. Um, maybe a little bit more spread out. And so then I thought about doing a 12 week training program and a lot of people wanted that, but then I thought, you know what, I kind of want to do something that's just like six weeks.


So it'll be two calls per week for about two to three hours each. And it's just going to be like a quick, like, let's learn all the information. There will be a community aspect. So all the questions that you have will be answered there. And I will, um, also have this as a self. paced course as well that you can enroll in at any time.


Um, if, and then I'll probably do live ones every now and again. So you can join a live course. So, um, that is basically the program. And if you are in my human design mentorship, you will have access to this program. So do not worry. You'll be able to join us live. You will be able to help people who have questions and all the things.


So. That is what I will be doing. I will have the waitlist link below. I don't have the dates fully secured yet But even if you can't join live definitely consider You know enrolling because you'll be able to replay all of the live calls at some point as well. So, okay Why I wanted to just note on that is because in my training program, what you will learn is all of this.


So you're actually gonna basically be repeated quite a bit of what I'm saying here, um, but just with some visuals because I think this is so important because why would anyone become a reader or teach human design without knowing the, uh, foundations? Which, um, Quite a lot of people are in that space and you know, it's really interesting.


I want to actually just say a note here. I get so many like human design source trolls in my Instagram. And you know, I want to be very clear if you're listening and you are more source. So there's this kind of like whole conversation around source versus pop HD. And basically what it is, is like. There is source material that's grounded in this information around human design, the experience that Ra Ruhu had.


And there are people who have taken the system and brought the language into something a little bit more accessible to the everyday person. And I think that's a beautiful thing. I really do. Um, but I also think, again, it's so important to honor the language and where things come from. Because, you know, I didn't go through this experience.


I am not Ra Ruhu and no one is on Instagram. And so, we have to honor him and this experience he went through. And I don't say honor him as like, He's some godly figure or some cult like sort of thing, because it's not that. It's like he brought this information to us and he was just a medium and a channeler for it, so we have to respect that and we have to honor kind of like what has happened through his, you know, kind of his legacy.


You know, no one like he's not even here anymore. He passed in 2011 So it's not like anyone's sitting here like bowing down to rahu but I think but I think there's so much beauty and also breaking things down into digestible language and that's something that I I try to do as well like I try to keep things very transparent like maybe what the formal language is and then what we Call it.


Um Whether if you're learning from me or from someone else because I think that there's also a lot of benefit in You know meeting the collective and where they're at and how things are you know again more digestible so like calling your authority like your intuition or calling your Um your gates your gifts things like that.


I think that that makes quite a bit of sense So, okay I digress. Um, so let's move back into each of the sort of areas of human design. So basically, the one thing that I will say is astrophysicists have basically talked about our universe coming about around, you know, 14 billion years ago with the, um, sort of Big Bang Theory, which, you know, I, again, I'm not into quite a bit of the science.


And, and things like that. I don't know the full spectrum of the languages, but what I know about the Big Bang is like basically there was this massive explosion that resulted in the universe beginning to expand. And so, um, there was basically these like sort of two groups that created duality. So, they're called like quarks and leptons, or the Yin family and the Yang family.


And, um, We have neutrons and protons and electrons and neutrinos and so there's kind of all of these things that happen amongst the Big Bang that also add into the science of, you know, how human design is made up. And I know a lot of religious people are Not into the idea of the Big Bang. Let me also let you guys know, I was born, like, into a Catholic family.


I was baptized Catholic. I went to church at a Catholic church. I went to catechism every Tuesday night my entire childhood. I will add, I absolutely hated it. Um, but I have a strong foundation in understanding religion. I've read the Bible. I know the prayers. I know quite a bit about that world, and I will always say this.


I think that we, I think having faith in something is very important. I've never met an atheist living their best life, if I'm being completely honest. Um, and I have friends that are atheists. If you're listening, like, no judgment. I just think that having faith and trust in something is such a beautiful thing, and I don't care if it's a certain denomination or I think what I don't like about organized religion is the way that people, um, start to judge others because when we look at spirituality, it's so important for us to not judge people.


It's so important for us to have this beautiful relationship with, um, being one with everyone around us. And that is such a big part of being spiritual. And actually next week's episode, which is all about what is spirituality and how human design ties into that, we'll talk about those things. But. I find organized religion can be sometimes challenging because of the way that it kind of puts people against each other and things against each other.


And I just don't think that's cool. I think, like, let's just appreciate everyone. And, you know, I'm a big believer in you just forming your own religion. You know, just figuring out what works for you and taking maybe pieces of different religions that resonate. So, you know, specifically to give you guys insight into what I do is, like, You know, I, I'm always saying I'm very spiritual, I'm a spiritual person, and my religion is, is all of them, like, there are things about Buddhism that I really love, you know, I practice yoga and I love some of the uh, The ideals that come through with that system I also think a lot of the Ten Commandments are great to follow right like you shouldn't steal you shouldn't cheat on your partner So I think we can really just pick out things within each of the religions that make sense for us And I think we have to form our own relationship with a god or whatever denomination it is that you trust.


And so, it might be, you know, your spirit guides. It might be Allah. It might be, you know, anything that really feels resonant for you. I think that that's just important to have belief and, and trust and have a conversation with the universe. When we desire certain things in life, I think there's so much power in just voicing what it is that we desire and writing things down and the sort of energy that happens when you put pen to paper and kind of creates this beautiful, like, energetic thing within your system where it goes down to the ground and I it's just I really believe in Energetics and how things all kind of intertwine.


Okay, so that's my little belief there and I think that you guys can do whatever resonates with you, but so let's talk about the different systems and how they intertwine into human design so We have astrology number one, because the number one thing that people always think that I am is that I'm an astrologer.


And guess what? Like I am not an astrologer. I don't, I, I know a little bit about astrology, like I know my big three. I know what a stellium is. Telium is, if you have like three. planets, um, Earth, three signs in your system. So like, you can be, like, I'm a Scorpio stellium. Basically, I have Scorpio three times in my chart.


My Scorpio is in, like, I don't even know it off the top of my head, if that says anything about my astrology. But for those of you that are interested, let me pull up my app. I recommend the Sanctuary app, um, because I'm a reader on there, but I also, I, people have told me that CoStar is not great. I don't know.


I mean, I think it's fine for me. I don't, I don't read my horoscope. So many people will ask me, like, you're a horoscope girl. I'm really not. Like I'm not a horoscope girl at all. Um, I, I think that horoscopes are incredibly generalized and I don't really, you know, buy into it. What I do think is really cool is looking at your personal transits and talking to a skilled astrologer and learning about what is potentially coming up in your life.


For example, I had an astrology reading in January and this astrologer told me that I would have to lend someone money. In the month of May and I didn't know who that would be and I literally just had to Lend this is like personal information. I didn't have to lend zander money, but it was like I owed him money and so I had to pay him money because of um, we had all this stuff go on with our dog and that he He basically fronted it and I owed him that money.


Now in January, did I know that my dog was going to have a $20,000 surgery? No. Um, am I lucky that I had a partner who had, you know, the money to front that? Yes. Am I happy that I have pet insurance? For sure. Did I still owe like a gazillion dollars on it? Uh huh. And did I have to owe someone that money?


For sure. It was never going to stick that on Z. So did I know that that was going to happen? Absolutely not. So, you know, I think there's a lot to be said about astrology. And I don't really know which app is the best, because I do human design, I don't do astrology. But, so basically what I was trying to tell you guys is I'm a stellium, and those of you interested, I am a Scorpio stellium, in that.


And I think the CoStar app does a great job of showing, like, this little graph of, like, your signs and your houses and the planets. But I have my Mercury, my Sun, and my Pluto in Scorpio. Mercury and Sun are in the fifth house, and Pluto's in the sixth house. Literally, like, have no clue, really, what all that means.


Um, and then Sagittarius, I'm also a stellium there. I have my Venus, my Mars, and Jupiter in the Sagittarius VI house. So, I don't know, if you would like to give me some info, send me a DM. Um, I actually shared my astrology chart recently on Instagram. And was like, if there's anything you see, let me know.


And I had this beautiful DM from someone who sent me, um, this long thing about how I'm, I'm in the work that I'm meant to do. Because my What did she say? My Saturn is in Pisces and it's in the 10th house. I think 10th house is around career perhaps? Um, I don't know. But regardless, none of this is really tied to fully what human design is, how it kind of works.


But what I will say is where we work with the energies of astrology in human design comes down to where the planets were at our time of birth. So, and, and actually I will say the So, what I mean by that is, like, basically, we take into account actually two dates in your human design chart. Now, we only need, as human design readers, the time of your birth, but it actually incorporates Something, the imprint that you had around 88 days before you were born, which is where we kind of believe your consciousness starts to form, where your brain activity starts to light up, which is also really cool because When babies are in their mother's womb, there's also science that came out after this whole experience happened that showed that, basically, when we start to see the brain activity in a, in a unborn baby inside a mother's womb, when we start to see that activity, um, enhance, it actually is around that 88, 89 day mark.


So, very cool stuff. But basically we take those two into account. Okay, so moving into more about astrology. So essentially It takes into account all of the different planet placements and what the planet themes are So if you notice on your body graph, if you have it pulled up if you're driving, you know, don't pull it up right now but If you have a mental picture of it, on each side of your body graph there are these columns, and it'll say like the design or the unconscious column, and then the one on the right will say the personality or conscious column.


And basically then there's all these like planet symbols and numbers with decimal points underneath it. Those are all of your gates. Um, your gates are also within your body graph, but they're also on each side. And in each of the Gates, there are, again, those planets, and each of the planets has a theme to it.


So your sun is going to be like your core life theme. Your Jupiter is going to be where you're well rewarded in life. Your Mars is going to have to do with communication. Your Pluto is going to be where there's some shadow work. Your North Node is going to be where you're headed in life. Your, uh, Moon is going to be what drives you.


Your Earth is going to be what grounds you. And so, that is, those are similar themes to what we find in astrology. And so, what I have actually is a free resource. I'll link this below as well. Is a 64 Gates and Planets guide where you can Write down, it's very, you know, foolproof, uh, you basically put down what gate you have, what planet it's in, and then I give you exactly what the planet means, and then a little bit about that gate, and then you can start to see like where you have shadow work, or where you communicate, where you are well rewarded, you know, all the different sort of themes.


And so there's, there's layers to it as well. So we take that into account, and then each of the gates in the Human Design Body Graph, there's 64 of them total, each of the 64 gates not only match to the 64 genetic codons in the human body, but they also match to a zodiac sign. Now, for example, like, if you were born within a six day period in November, You will be born under gate one.


That is what I am born under my birthday is november 9th And so we can look at each sort of theme as we look at the year to see Okay, so we know that anyone born, like for example, right now, when this is releasing, this is the sun gate in gate 20 right now. And so by knowing that, I understand that like anyone born right now is going to be born under gate 20.


Gate 20 is the gate of presence. It is about spontaneity, and I don't need to get into the intricacies of that, but I know that for the next several days, anyone born will be born under Gate 20, and then they're also going to be a Taurus. Some will potentially be a Gemini if they're on the latter half of that.


So, um, so that's what we know about each of the Gates, but they don't actually take into account a theme of what's happening. Like, for example, I'm born under Gate 1. Gate 1 is the Gate of Creativity. For sure, like, people born under that are naturally creative human beings like myself, but that has nothing to do with being a Scorpio.


Um, there are several days that you can be born in the sort of Scorpio realm that you can have a different gait, and those gaits take nothing into account about being a Scorpio. Um, and so basically, What I'm trying to say is that astrology is an influence, but it's not a huge influence in the human design system.


It just is a part of it. Um, there are people who do astrology human design readings, and if you know people that do that, I'm actually going to bring someone on, um, who I mentored and taught human design. Her name is Mia. She is on Instagram as nonsacralpower. She's an incredible manifester, and we're going to bring her on in a few weeks or a month or so.


I don't know when the episode will actually go live. We're working out scheduling right now, but She will talk about the sort of ties between the two, but we, we can see the ties and then we can also, uh, talk through how to interpret kind of both together. So basically what a lot of these astrologer, astro human design readers do is they'll look at just both charts and give you, you know, an example of where things are going from an astrological expe Perspective and then also give you insight into your human design.


The number one thing to know about the differences just right now is that human design is a tool that helps us understand ourselves and our gift and how to make decisions. It actually gives you the tools to sort of navigate. Whereas I like to say is astrology is sort of like this giant, this map, right?


It's kind of like this, where you've been in your life. It's like almost like a timeline where you've been, what's happened, where you're going, what potentially could come about astrology is incredibly predictive where human design is not predictive at all. It doesn't ask you again to believe in anything.


It's just like, Hey, you know, you're the way that you make decisions and how your energy operates is in this way. And so you may want to experiment with making decisions from this place and seeing how that. moves you into alignment a little bit closer. And of course, We take into account your time, date, and place of birth when we do human design.


So that's obviously another big piece of, you know, it kind of being similar. Um, so yeah, so that is the astrology. So now I want to move into the I Ching. So the I Ching is something I actually was not familiar with until I started getting into human design. But essentially, the I Ching is an ancient Chinese divination manual, a book of wisdom that interprets hexagrams.


Which are basically symbols of like six stacked horizontal lines. Formed by Toss Coins to answer questions about the future. So the I Ching has served for thousands of years as this philosophical taxonomy of the universe as a guide to an ethical life, a manual for ancient rulers, and really an oracle for someone's personal future, um, and, you know, the future state of where they're moving.


So it kind of pulls in elements of nature. archetypes of masculine and feminine and more to build a sort of language and framework that enables us to understand abstract elements in existence through sort of similarities. And so we kind of look at like the micro and the macro is something around that.


And so, um, human design is actually would say a lot of the legs come from the I Ching. So where we see it in a chart is in the body graph. So again, we have 64 gates. Gates are basically our gifts, and they're formed from these hexagrams, which are also compromised of six lines each. So I mentioned, like, when you look at those columns, you'll see the planets, and you'll see, like, a number, and then you'll see a decimal point.


That decimal point that comes after that gate, um, is actually what we call a, um, it's basically a line, and there's six different lines, which is pulled from the I Ching. So there's 26 different gate placements or gifts that each person carries and it will have, you know, a, a line placement one through six after, um, the other thing is like our profile in human design is made up of two of those lines, which fall in the sun.


We talked about how important the sun is earlier. So that is how those kind of come together. And then moving into the Kabbalah tree of life. So if you've ever looked at a visual of the Kabbalah tree of life, it actually really looks kind of like the body graph and how things are connected and centers.


But basically, The Kabbalah's teaching of the tree of life is basically this process that Describes how the universe sort of came into being it represents aspects of ourselves in the journey back to oneness Oneness is so important in spirituality. So it kind of talks about like evolution and It believes that the universe began from some singular source or a dot in the center of nothingness, and that then this energy split into ten different centers known as, I think they're called like the ten Sephoroth or spheres, and um, basically when we look at a tree of life, it's like ten energy centers connected by twenty two pathways, and it's meant to be this sort of path of wisdom.


They're called the thirty two paths of wisdom, I believe. And so each, the idea is each center carries its own sphere of influence within four auric bodies, and so when we look at a human design chart, We see that the 32 paths of intelligence are related to actually the 384 lines of the I Ching. So like, it's all kind of connected.


So like, the Kabbalah is connected to the I Ching, um, on this sort of 360 degree wheel. Which, If you're familiar with astrology, it's also on this wheel or this giant circle. And this is not really a part of human design, but I know this is something a lot of people study is, um, sacred geometry. Actually, I just saw the, this really cool video posted on this, um, NASA account where it showed, I think it was like Jupiter moving in and out of.


Of the sun energy, I believe it was, and it was showing just kind of the sacred geometry of how things move in a circle. Another example that you could do in your own home, or you could maybe look up these on YouTube or TikTok or something, but where it's like if you were to take a pendulum and move it in different directions, how it moves around on a pendulum.


If you were to put like a pencil on one end, or I saw someone do this with a paint can actually Transcribed Where it was like the paint splattering and it made this beautiful, like geometric shape. And so a lot of people study what we call sacred geometry. I mean, it's all kind of a matrix, right? Um, that's what's kind of happening, but so, okay, back to the Kabbalah.


So when we understand the relationship between the paths of intelligence on the tree of life and their integration, it provides a very useful tool and understanding where and how life's. Issues affect behavior. And so it's basically been processed as this, um, you know, tool for psychological development.


And, um, and yeah, so it's, it's got a lot with like Teo Teos traditions. Um, Teos traditions. I think it's Teos because , you know, what I'm thinking of is there is a club in the, like Chicago, it's in a bunch of major cities. I think it's called Tao. So Taos maybe. Um, I used to go there in my, in my days, but have not been in a while.


Um. Okay, so we have, those are, so we've talked about astrology, we've talked about the etching, we've talked about the tree of life. So now let's move into the chakra system, which I think most people are familiar with because when you look at human design, you're like, oh, it's some sort of like chakra system.


And the chakra system is a system that goes back to like 1500 BC and it describes this disc of energy that runs along our spine. So a lot of us are familiar with like the energy of the different chakras. So the root, the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Most yogis use this. I began a yoga teacher training last fall and then quickly quit because it was such a big time commitment.


I wasn't, I wasn't committed, um, or ready for it. So I want to revisit that at some point in my life, but. So basically in yoga, a lot of times we're talking about, okay, how can we release the energy in these seven, seven different, you know, chakra systems within our body? What's interesting is that human design actually, uh, actually talks about how we had this sort of transformation from being seven centered beings into nine centered beings.


Basically, the voice told Ra that in 1781, there was this evolutionary shift that basically, forever impacted humanity's direction, momentum, and our capacity for self awareness. And in this shift, we went from being very mind focused, and to being very other focused, to being a lot more, uh, focused into more, like, inner direction, individuality, and just being, again, sort of more, like, self aware in who we are.


And the sacral matches to our sexual organs, and our spleen matches to our adrenals. And so all of these areas in our chart actually match to functions within our body. So there's lots of things to uncover there in terms of wellness. And it's something that I'm like, Wanting to dive a little bit deeper in because I just think it's really beautiful So you may have heard of something called gene keys if you're in this world of human design Which is basically a system that was spun off from human design From one of the rudd I'm dying to get him on my podcast.


I reached out a couple times and I think that it will happen maybe in the future, but Right now, um, I think he's busy on with some things a lot of my uh, students that i've taught in my mentorship are really familiar with gene keys and it's always interesting because i'm not Totally versed in gene keys like there's this whole thing called the venus sequence and it's not something that i'm actually trained in so I usually when people bring it up i'm like I know about each of the gates, and I know that the gates have this whole area or system called gene keys that someone, you know, kind of spun off, and it's a really beautiful system, and I'm dying to get a little bit deeper into it, and I will at some point, but I'm not an expert there quite yet, so it might be something, someone of you listening, I want to get into a rabbit hole down.


So, those are how all of these things come together. And I want to talk about, uh, something called crystals of consciousness. So, this is very detailed scientific information that this voice Um, that described kind of how we sort of had this whole experience with becoming who we are. And so one of the things that it talks about is these different crystals, the personality and the design crystal, and then something called the magnetic monopole.


This one can be hard to explain if you don't understand the body graph, but essentially when we look at the different crystals, they're called crystals of consciousness again, basically it is this aspect that is very similar to the Big Bang that describes all of us having these sort of, um, crystals that are embedded into our body.


That give us direction in our life. And so, the first is that it talks about monopoles, which is something that was, um, confirmed in 2009. Um, it was substantiated when basically the scientific community talked about something called magnetic monopoles, which were, I believe, actually, they were predicted in like the 20s, 1920s, but then they, um, actually came about.


To be, you know, proven in 2009, but basically this magnetic monopole in our body is located in our sternum. So kind of like the area You know, your chest a little bit right below it and basically holds everything together in the illusion of our separateness and it's like this magnetic that attracts and it holds together, you know who we are and.


In this lifetime and who we were before this lifetime, um, or what our soul's purpose is So it's called the again the personality and the design crystal. This can be kind of Hard to explain if you're not really familiar in this way with human design. So let me help break it down So again, I mentioned those columns on each side One is the personality or the conscious column one's the design or the unconscious column and so what we're speaking about is like the design area of your chart is very much a Um, you know, soul level.


That's the imprint that happened actually 88 days before you were born. So it's kind of like your, um, it's, it's kind of like the, what we inherent. And, um, then the, you know, the second part is the personality, which is like who you are in this lifetime. And it's all hold, held together by something called the magnetic, Magnetic monopole, which the way that it's described is kind of like we're all humans and we all have this Um, we can kind of imagine it as a car And essentially our magnetic monopole is the driver of this car.


It's the thing that's attracting things to us It's taking us on this ride And we're just passengers in this ride in this lifetime. And so the personality crystal, um, which is essentially, again, you know, you're conscious who you are, who you came to be in this life is you just sitting in the backseat of this car, just.


Like, you're like, you know, we're, there's someone driving me and, um, you know, I'm just going to keep, you know, being my backseat, being the backseat and just, you know, allowing life to happen and, and just live out who I'm supposed to be in this ride. And then there's this design crystal, which actually is what we would look at as like the car in this scenario.


So the car is basically, you know, the thing that's the vehicle that's allowing us to get there. So it's kind of like. You know the thing that's saying hey, this is you know, the container that you can that you're designed to be in And so this is the this is the container that's going to take you along this ride You can kind of think of it as like your body, right?


Um, and so it's almost like your body and then there's something kind of driving your body, which is You know, out of your control a little bit. And then it's just you in the back chilling. And so when we think about this example, then it gets into the intricacies of, you know, human design and intuition and surrendering and just trusting and making decisions that are aligned with, you know, just who you are and being in alignment and just trusting, you know, if we come to the end of the day, all of this is about trust and we're here to trust this process and.


You know, just just to live live life at the end of the day like we can get so structured and serious into all these systems and things but at the day, it's just like Trust and surrender and enjoy The ride enjoy what's happening Um, so that is kind of the idea of it all and we could get a little bit deeper into those crystals um by understanding the you know centers that they're in Um, but I think that that's a little bit, um, it's a little bit perhaps too much to dive into in one episode and not really necessary for someone who isn't becoming a transcriber.


So we're going to just drop that right here and we're going to conclude this episode. So, you know, one final note before I conclude is like, I just want to remind you that this information isn't meant to overwhelm you, confuse you, complicate bringing human design into your life. business or profession.


It's really here to just describe the origins of how it all comes together. And again, I think it's so important to know the roots of something. And I think that we have a, um, you know, we have to understand how these things come together to teach them and to integrate, but human design just asks you to experiment.


It doesn't say, Hey, believe in big bang. It doesn't say, Hey, Believe that this is right. Raha Roo constantly says, like, I don't know why this experience happened to me. Like, it's funny if you listen to some of his recordings. He's like, I don't know why this experience happened. Like, he's like, I kind of wish I sat in a room and put all these things together.


And he's like, I wouldn't have been able to do that. He's like, it literally happened, um, it was like, it was forced. Upon me, like I was literally for eight days, like in a, basically a psychosis of just interpreting and, and, you know, channeling all this information. And so he, it was for sure not a pleasant experience.


It wasn't some like beautiful channeling that he had journaling one day, like, you know, threw him upside down and changed his entire life. And so sometimes, you know, that's how spiritual awakenings happen. And, you know, we're all thankful because it's so cool to. You know, put these things together and it's cool to, you know, now sit and pick apart them with more practical things like science and neutrinos and things that have come together.


So. We have to understand the origins of things, and we also have to note that it's not, you know, it doesn't have to be so serious. Like, we come to this human life to be humans, right? Like, uh, even in the spiritual realm, we get so focused on, like, spirituality and, You know, and again, like that's, that's because who we are, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, but let's have a human experience too and not get so focused on what happened before after all the time.


Again, like I naturally go down that rabbit hole because I'm genuinely interested in it. But, um, I just want you guys to experiment with how your energy works. I, I empower you to take what you love, leave what you don't, you know, Understand your human design, see what resonates, play with it, see if you, you know, follow your strategy and authority, which we just did a whole episode about, if that brings you closer to you.


I really just want you to experiment with it all and, you know, my approach is always going to be empowering. Breaking it down so it's digestible, you know, not forcing human design upon anyone like, you know, I'm here to guide you if you want to lean in if you're this doesn't feel good for you Then like no biggie like you find the system and the thing that works best for you And you know, like don't judge anyone else for doing what makes them feel good as long as no one is hurting people killing people Or doing anything harmful, then I have no personal qualms to anyone else's beliefs, but that is my approach, so you take one that feels good for you, and if you would like some guidance through that process, let me know, because I'm always here to guide you through understanding your human design.


If you want to get a reading, I will break it all down for you into practical language. If you want to grab your guidebook, it will also break it down into the most practical language of all time. I also have an integrated human design journey called The Method if you want to go through and really get deep with your spirituality.


And your human design all together. We can do that for six months. I will work with you either one on one or in the group. That is all my website. And if you're interested in becoming a reader and really understanding the intricacies of all of this, I have a full program called the Human Design Training that is coming together this summer, as I mentioned earlier.


So the waitlist is below. Join it, as well as all the other links for everything I've mentioned. But I love you all. so much. Thank you for tuning in. If you loved this episode, I would love for you to take a moment to leave a review. I think you can only do that on Apple, so that would mean the world to me if you wanted to take a minute to just pop a review in there.


Um, if you have any feedback on an episode or something that you'd like to hear or something different send me a DM Um, I would love to hear that as well Um, please share this with anyone interested in human design as well. So thank you so much I can't even begin to describe how much this community means to me And I look forward to seeing you next week in an upcoming Episode on spirituality.


All right. Bye.


