EPISODE #13: Experimenting with Human Design Using Your Strategy & Authority

In this episode, Leah dives deep into the topic of Strategy & Authority, which is the bread and butter of Human Design. She discusses all of the following:

  • The Design Of You biz updates 

  • Leah's past job in corporate America

  • Human Design Strategy & Authority

  • The Human Design Experiment

  • Listening to your intuition

  • Living in a flow state

  • Signature theme

  • Not-self theme


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Hello guys. Welcome back. To another episode of The Design Of You. This episode is going to be all about using your strategy and authority. And it's honestly the perfect day to talk about this because. I have given two readings today and I was voice noting one of my one on one clients and I feel like I have talked about strategy and authority literally all day today.


So it is like in the juice. It's flowing. I'm excited to bring this to the podcast. And really this episode is here to wrap up what we've been talking about with. Each of the energy types. So what we're going to do is we're going to talk about each of the different strategies that are paired with the energy types.


And then I'm going to talk about each of the authorities and how it all sort of works together. But before I do that, you know, I like to give a personal update. It's been a while. The last episode I launched was. Over three weeks, three weeks ago, okay, so I think I missed two weeks, but the episode that I launched on reflectors was recorded in mid March.


So it's been a minute since I feel like I updated life wise. Honestly, I don't know that I have a ton of life updates. I am a generator, and so I obviously do really well in response, and so I like to do, kind of like when people ask me about my life, it's like a specific question, so I have a hard time sometimes talking just generally about, like, what's been going on?


It's like, well, in what, what area? What, what question do you have? But, What I will say is it's been really funny because today I gave a reading and it was really nice because the girl said to me, she goes, I just want to let you know that I've been listening to your podcast and you were exactly who you are on your podcast in a reading.


And it kind of made me laugh because I'm like, well, obviously it's me, but. She's like, no, you're just so authentic. And that is like the best compliment I've ever received in my entire life. And if she's listening to this, um, thank you so much, Melanie, that like made up my whole freaking day. Why I say this is because I literally forget that I have a podcast that people listen to.


I don't think about it all the time. And more so than ever, every single person who has booked a session with me lately has been like, I listen to your podcast. And so sometimes I'll start going down a little tangent around like human design or, um, I'll be like, yeah, so how I got into this. And I'll start telling people in a session.


And they're like, They're like, Oh no, I already listened to your whole episode on that. And I'm like, Oh, I forget that I have a podcast that people actually listen to. And I have, you know, over 10, 000 listens and downloads now on my podcast. And it's still, it's like the most low key anxiety of anxiety inducing thing hearing that people actually listen to me speak, which I know sounds stupid, but it's like, Oh, like you guys, you guys actually listened to me for.


You know, several hours at a time. And, and then, so after the girl I gave a reading to today said that to me, and then I am on Instagram and someone tagged me in a post, and this was Anna. If you're listening, Anna is someone I actually grew up with. She's a family friend. She's a few years younger than I am, but.


We did a session and, and I helped her through some stuff using human design. And she just is the biggest fan of me. And it's, it's really cool to really guide someone, you know, personally, that, that means the world to me. And she shared this reflection, like every time I need a boost in energy, I listened to the design of you podcast.


And she wrote all of the lessons that she learned in one of my episodes. And like, that is. The best freaking gift that I could receive is just hearing that you guys listen, hearing that you feel the authenticity between me and how I show up in my readings. And then also that you like are taking something away from these episodes because truly, I mean, I'm sitting here.


Well, I was going to say I'm sitting here in my PJs. I'm not, I actually put jeans on today. That's pretty rare of me. And I actually did my makeup today, which is also very rare of me when I work from home. Um, and so typically I just am, you know, lounging in my office. And I just talk into this mic and hope and pray that someone's listening to me talk about human design and it sounds like you guys are so if you're listening to this, obviously you are so I don't know, still blows my mind that I have a podcast that is out there and that people consume.


Oh, and I should add into this. So okay, this all happened today. And then my sister was on the phone with her earlier. And I was telling her a story about something and she was like, Oh, that's an update I'll get actually. So check mark, Leah, let me go back to that at some point, but I'm talking to my sister and I'm telling her about this thing that's happening in my business.


And she's like, I want to hear what you have to say, but when you get done, remind me to tell you something. And I'm going to forget unless you just say that I'm like, okay. So I was really good friends with this girl growing up and her stepdad, um, I knew him growing up and her mom very, very close. We were family friends and I, we were just disconnected through the years and haven't kept up with her or.


Really her parents at all. And so her stepdad was playing volleyball with my sister. And he went up to my sister and was like, I have been listening to Leah's podcast. And it's so cool to hear her step into her power. And with just like the way that she's like, just started this thing and how many lives she changes and blah, blah, blah.


And it literally like. I'm like, what is happening today? So many people are giving me compliments on my podcast and, and, you know, just my work. And again, it's like the most amazing gift that I can ever just experience. So thank you so much. And if you haven't already, and you love my podcast, it would mean.


The world to me, if you could just leave a review, so how podcasting works is so obviously like you guys see when I have a new episode, I put it all over instagram and if you're on my newsletter, I typically send an email and then if you're subscribed to the show or follow the show, depending on if you're on spotify or apple or another platform, you can get notifications and automatic downloads of it.


But really how podcast succeed is in two ways. The first way is like, Through people, of course, listening to it and the downloads, which happens when you subscribe or follow. So that's really important. So if you're not following my show, please do so. Um, that is so helpful for me. And then the second thing is through reviews.


So if you have a lot of reviews on your podcast, it actually will make your podcast rank higher. So more people find it. What I mean by this is like, so when I launched my podcast, I had so many friends and family members. Submit different reviews, uh, just to support me. And it was so cool. But my podcast literally hit top 20 in the U.S.


for the category of spirituality the like week after and the days after when I launched it. And the thing is when you have like a top podcast, it doesn't stay there unless you know, you continue to get more reviews and listen. So the ones that are at the top, like I think the top podcast or the Joe Rogan Experience and Call Her Daddy.


Those ones continue to stay at the top because so many people subscribe and have those downloaded, but then also, you know, people leave reviews on those as well. So you haven't already, that would just mean everything to me. It really helps me grow. It helps people find this platform. And that's just like the magic of it all.


And if I can help one more person change their life, that's. That's all I ever hope to do. Okay. So off the podcast tangent a little bit, I wanted to give you guys personal updates as I've been doing and I didn't really know what to share, but as I was telling you guys about my podcast, something that came up, that's a really exciting, I don't even know if I should share this.


Okay. Fuck it. I'm just going to do it. Okay. So. As you guys maybe know, if you pay attention to, I don't know, me, or if you listened to the first episode of my podcast, if you've heard me talk about my past life as a nine to five girly, I used to work in web development. And so my job in my previous life was basically it was a liaison between a marketing team and a development team.


And I really honestly worked as what we call a product owner and agile web development. If any of you guys listening know anything about like agile, maybe you have a team at your company who operates in that way. Maybe you're on a team that operates in that way. But basically it's this, uh, structure or this sort of methodology and how people develop software, but people use it in different areas.


Like. Um, design and, um, like graphic design and, and different sort of areas and, and things and that sort of world. But the job that I had was I was working between marketing and the sort of development team. And so a lot of what I was doing was sitting down with marketers and understanding the scope of the projects that they had going on, whether we had new products launching and how they needed to market that on our website.


And so the website was really my baby at our, at my last position. In that job. So then what I would do is I would understand the scope of the project and then I would write what we call tickets and I would write out these tickets for the developers and our UX team to do different things with. So some projects they needed research, some projects needed design, some projects needed, you know, like SEO work, some projects needed like, um, just front end development.


I'm starting to get in the weeds, different development types of front end, back end. Um, just QA testing, blah, blah, blah. And so basically what I would do is I understood the projects that were happening on the marketing side. And then I would break those projects down into really, really, really, really, really tiny tickets.


And I would then schedule these tickets for developers and our UX team. To pick up and then to basically work on for two weeks. So we worked in like, we called them sprints. And so basically you would write these tickets and the development team or the UX team would then work through those and then we'd see how far we'd get.


And then I'd rewrite and re scope projects. And then I'd work back with the marketing team to tell them how things were. And then at one point I worked as a scrum master. So then I would go and basically work really closely with the development team. And. And all their needs and make sure that like they had the stuff that they needed to get their projects done.


I'm getting into the weeds now, but what I'm trying to say is I have a background in sort of web development. And if you know me, you know, one of the things that I've always wanted to do with human design is build a human design app. That has been my absolute goal since, honestly, the day that I found. No, that's not true.


It's not the day that I found human design, but once I got really into human design and made it a career for me, I was like, I need to build an app in this space. And at the time there wasn't any that existed. And I think there's like two or three right now, but that's what I've really wanted to do. And if any of y'all know anything about web development.


It's fucking expensive. Like it is so expensive to develop an app. And so there was this point where I was like, I'm going all freaking and like not even a year ago, almost a year ago though. And I was having conversations with CEOs of major astrology apps. And I was talking to everyone. I know people who are on shark tank.


And I was having conversations with anyone that I could. To talk about this dream of an app. And obviously I teach human design. And so one of the things that I'm very passionate about is going with the flow of your energy and not. Forcing things and pushing things, and I'm not someone who goes against the grain, and that has been very, very, I don't want to say challenging.


It's been a long time for me to decondition to the point of really working with that, and it's still a journey for me. So I had a moment where last spring, or last fall, I was like, you know what, I have spent almost three months going hard at trying to make this thing happen. I have been like going nuts.


I've been having conversations and I am not getting anywhere. There, I was talking to investors and investment companies and people who like, you know, want to that pay tons of money for people to make their dreams happen. I was having, if you know me, like I make shit happen. And I was trying to do it too hard.


I was trying to be a manifestor and I'm not a manifestor. I'm a generator. And so at one point I got frustration, frustration is a sign that I'm out of alignment. And I said, you know what, I've done all that there is to do here. And if this is meant for me, it will find me. And. It will happen for me. And so that's what I said, and I, I, I let go.


I have not, I've not had any other conversations around it other than if it just kind of flowed through, like, what do you want to do in this space? Blah, blah, blah. So I let it go. And a couple weeks ago, I was being interviewed on a podcast with It's amazing. Amazing woman. She is a woman's business coach and she's incredible.


Natasha's org. I think the question she asked me was the episode hasn't gone live yet. So I don't even, I don't even know if this is in there. Um, or if this was after I can't even remember, but she was like, what do you want to do in this space? Or like, where do you see your business going? And I think I said something like.


 My dream is to create a human design app. Like that would be something that I would just love to do because I already have the design development. I have all of that experience and I know how to manage those sort of projects. Like that was what I did for four and a half years. That is like second nature to me.


And I, that's what I would like to do. And she was like, really? And she was like, wait, oh my gosh, I'm building an app right now with the most amazing. Like two girls and whatever. She just basically started telling me all about this company and I'm not going to give too much away. But essentially, you know, one, I basically got off that call.


She sent me their, their website. I sent it, I'm on a walk outside and I sent an email and I'm like, Hey, like I was just being interviewed by Natasha and we started talking about apps. And she told me that you guys have been developing this app for her and. You know, I have a desire to create human design app, blah, blah, blah.


And they emailed me back and they're like, let's jump on a call. So I scheduled the call a few weeks out and we got off a call and it was just a match made in heaven. I haven't even fully put money down on this. So this is like a very, very new high level, like I don't even know when this is happening, but it's going to happen.


So this is why I'm like, should I even tell anyone? But you know, I'm someone who is designed to share the things that I love with people and talk about what's exciting to me and. I am lit up, freaking juicy, sparkling, generating all over this whole thing. It's all falling into place, um, faster than I ever could have imagined, um, cheaper than I could have ever imagined.


And I just like could cry. I swear I am a master at manifestation. I'm telling you Zander. He literally looks at me and he's like, I don't know how you made this happen. Oh, this is a good story This is a good one to add in here Okay, so a couple few weeks ago. So I really want a kitten like if you know me I basically grew up in a zoo.


That's not true I had like I had divorced parents like one of my parents had it both my parents had cats and dogs and like at one point it was my mom had a dog and a cat and then my My dad and my stepmom had two cats and a dog, and then like, both my sisters had a dog, and then like, I brought home a kitten.


Like, we just have always had animals. We've had fish, at one point we had a bird. Like, I love animals. Like, if there is one thing that you should know about me is that like, I live for fur babies. Like, I love animals so much, and like, I never knew how much I loved an animal until I graduated college and started living on my own.


And I was like, I need a dog, and I got a dog. I've never told my Cleo story on here, but like, Oh, I could cry my, my dog, um, got hit by a car when I was on a vacation, she was 14 months old. She was my life. Um, and it was tragic. But when I lost her, I knew how much I loved animals. And I'm just an animal lover.


Like, honestly, and Z knows it too. And he loves animals. Animals like I do and we're like, I'm like, okay, so one day we're going to have a pool barn and I'm going to have like 85 Frenchies and English Bulldogs and I'm just going to come home and I'm just going to lay in the grass and let them all slobber over me.


And so many of you listening are going to be like, that's actually disgusting, but that's like a dream of mine. Like I just want all these little smushy faces to be around me. I love them so much. But anyway, lately I have been really wanting to get a kitten. Why? Um, and not a kitten, like I'm fine with getting a cat, just like an old cat.


Why I say this is because they're so easy to take care of, they're just chill. And I have a dog, obviously, and I love Gus Gus so very much. And we, if you've been listening to the podcast, you know what's been happening with him. And so I wanna, we want another dog really bad, but I'm like, it's not feasible with how much we travel.


And, you know, the health issues we just experienced with Gus Gus, like I don't want to bring another English bulldog or Frenchie or pug into my life right now because they just are born with health issues and. It's a whole thing and so we're not ready for that and I'd also like to rescue. I really want a pitbull, too But we are renting right now and most apartments unfortunately don't allow pitbulls Which makes me super mad because they're like the sweetest dogs in the world so I digress so I was like, you know what I really want to get a kitten and Zander was like we are not getting a cat.


Leah. Are you absolutely kidding me? Like You, one, he's like, you're allergic and I am a little bit allergic to cats. One summer I came home from college and all of a sudden I was allergic. And he's like, we're not getting a cat, like, that's the dumbest thing you've ever said. And I was like, no, I'm not going out to get a cat.


What's going to happen is I'm going to find a cat. Like, they, cats come to you. Like, I'm putting it out into the universe. I really want a cat, and, or a kitten. I'd actually prefer a little of a kitten. Um, cause they're so dang cute. But, I really want like a cat, and I want it to show up in my life. We live right by this huge park, and this whole grassy area, and I'm like, there's gotta be some like stray cats roaming around here.


Like, And so I told him, I was like, I don't want to go out and get a cat. I'm not going to, I'm not going to go rescue one. I'm not going to go look and find one. Like if a cat's meant for me, it's going to show up for me. And that's just going to be it. So I'm saying this and Xander is driving home from work one night and he, uh, and I was, uh, I go to run club here in Newport.


Also, if you're listening, you live in Newport, you should join run club every Wednesday, six 30. It's been really fun. Um, but anyway, so, I just get home from run club. And Z's coming home shortly after me. He works longer hours because he's a nurse, so he's coming home like later around like, you know, 7. and he sees a cat like right next to where we live, like, and he said this cat looked like it had a broken leg.


It was like a small black cat, and it was limping with its like limping leg across the street. And Zander said, it was dark out. He's like, God damn it, Leah, she fucking manifested that cat. And so he gets out of his car, and he's like, I guess I gotta get this cat for her. And he starts running around trying to catch this, this cat.


And it was a black cat, and it was like super dark out, and he couldn't find it. And then at one point, he's like, you know, in and out of cars, um, like under them, walking around, trying to find it. And then he just lost it. And. He's like, you know what? I got to get home. Like, it's been a long day. I'm hungry.


He wakes up, Zander wakes up at like four in the morning to work out and go to work. He's a psycho and I'm, I can't do that. You know me, I don't, I don't, that's not my, that's not me. I've been trying though. I thought maybe I would become a morning person with his schedule, but it's not happening. But anyway, so I, um, so he gets home and he was like, he tells me the story and I'm like literally cracking up.


And he's like, you literally can just manifest things. But he's like, do you want to go find the cat? And honestly, I said, no, I was like, if it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll come and it'll be easy, but I'm not going to chase a black cat when it's literally like. Dark out and about to rain. Like it's just not gonna happen.


Like it's just going to be too hard. So anyway, I am just really good at manifestation and I'm really passionate about it and I always say the number one manifestation tool is human design. I have a whole episode dedicated to this. If you want to hear about all my other crazy manifestations, but I'm using our strategy and authority will get you into alignment and we'll get you this sort of flow state where everything that's meant for you is going to come to you at a freaking, um, 10 speed.


So just work with that. And as far as the app goes, I don't know, stay tuned again. Like I haven't even put down payment, but it's, it's happening, whether we're going to get started soon or in a couple months, I got to figure out some financial things. I hired a. Um, CFO for my company. Uh, that sounds way more official than it really is.


I basically just hired someone who is, um, doing all my bookkeeping and finances and, and helping me just project differently in my business. So, I feel like I'm like, I have a CFO? Like, that sounds so legit. And, you know, in a manifestation sometimes we just have to like say it as big and bold as we want it to be.


Even if it's totally not there yet. And then that's when like it all actually happens. You know, I also like to keep it a little bit real. Like, it's not that, it's not that crazy. I'm just trying to get my stuff in order because for the first time ever, I feel like things in my business have been really um, consistent and and that's just because I think my heart and souls and everything that I do, I just keep showing up and you guys keep being receptive to new things that I've been creating and I just feel like I have so much fun every day just creating new things, coming up with new projects and And yeah, just getting to witness it all kind of come into the world.


So thank you so much for being here. And yeah, I'm, I'm just so excited for what's to come. I think that it's, I just can't wait to share more about human design in a way that is practical, digestible, um, inexpensive for all of you to learn about. So stay tuned. There's a lot happening, a lot happening behind the scenes.


I can't even begin to tell you all about it. Okay, but let's talk about what this episode is all about, which is strategy and authority. The SNA, the art of strategy and authority, la la la, strategy and authority. I feel like so many people like hear that phrase, like when you get into human design and you start following a bunch of different accounts, it's like strategy and authority.


And people get like, so into talking about it. And you want to know why? Because it's that important. Like it is, it's that important. And you know, I'm guilty of it. And I'm, and I'm not going to say guilty because I wouldn't teach human design if I didn't teach that as the literal core foundation of the entire system that I teach.


Like, the entire system of human design is based on you using your strategy and authority. It is the bread and butter of human design. It is the most important thing for you to know. So, those of you listening that are like, What's my digestion? What's my environment? Like, I want to know about channels.


Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Same. Me too. That's why they're included in your guidebook. But as you know, or you may not know, strategy and authority is the most important piece and that anything else in your chart isn't even going to make sense until you start living with your strategy and authority.


Um, when people talk about human design being an experiment. They're talking about you using your strategy and authority. That is the experiment. That is the most important piece of your human design. And so, when we get into understanding ourselves, we really like to, as human design readers, focus on this piece because it really is the place where you're going to make the difference.


So, Let's talk about each of the strategies, and then let's talk about the different authorities and how they all work together in a beautiful marriage. Okay, so if you've looked up your chart, it will say your energy type, and then it will say, right under it, strategy. Strategy is how you strategically work with your energy, in whatever type you are, to bring yourself the most aligned opportunities.


That is what strategy means. It means, hey, how can I strategize? With the energy type that I am born innately with to live my best life. So for me as a generator, it's like, how can I, how can I work with this thing? What does this mean? How can I strategically start using my energy in the correct format?


That's why it's called strategy. And really, again, it's, it's basically how you interact with the world, how you create opportunities. So each type has their own strategy. So basically, if you know your energy type, you will know your strategy. And for generators, theirs is to wait to respond. For manifesting generators, theirs is to wait to respond.


And sometimes it can be helpful for them to inform, too. I'll break it down. And then for projectors, it's to wait for an invitation. For manifestors, it is to inform. They don't have to wait for anything. We'll talk about that. And then reflectors, theirs is to, what I like to say, is wait. To be included or formally it's to wait a lunar cycle.


Okay, so that is how the different strategies work. And so let's break them all down. So the first one we'll talk about is the wait to respond, which this applies to generators and manifesting generators. So basically you need to wait for the thing to respond to. So without trying generators and manifesting generators naturally pull things toward them.


And the more they say no to what doesn't light them up and yes, to what does the more magnetic they become. And so. What it means to wait to respond is that you're really here to let life come to you rather than chase after it all the time, for example, like make things happen, right? You're really designed to not know what you want until it shows up in the world.


And your job is to open your awareness, pay attention to what shows up, and then wait for this expansive feeling in your gut. To let you know if it's a yes or a no and one of the biggest lessons with having wait to respond Strategy is just patience and surrender. So that is the way to respond and then let's move into projectors, so projectors there's is to wait for an invitation and this is where a lot of projectors are like What the fuck like what does this mean?


This is so confusing And what waiting to be invited to recognize is, is just essentially projectors need to wait to be invited, recognized, or as I like to say, complimented. However, it is like an active waiting where they must be mastering something that they love, whether it's at work, on themselves, devising a system, relationships, science.


Whatever they feel called to, they work on that thing, and then they wait for invitations and recognition to come. Projectors cannot be recognized or complimented without taking the time to master anything. And so again, it means that they're designed to wait for others to invite their guidance and rather than, you know, just giving their advice without being asked, um, projectors do really well with, um, one on one space where people are seeking their sort of expertise.


And so again, they do really well just waiting for the invitations and people to recognize them first and then moving into manifestors. So manifestors. There's this just to inform all of the strategies say to wait besides manifestors and that is because manifestors are the only energy type that is here to initiate, create momentum and get people behind their ideas.


And so when we talk about this sort of strategy is why manifestors, why theirs is not to wait for something is because they can initiate, they can go for it. They can manifest, right? Manifestation in the terms of like making things happen, not like the manifestation that I talk about in a spiritual sense, but so how they work is they get these creative ideas and then they're designed to.


Before they go after their ideas, theirs is to inform anyone impacted by their idea and then act. So I call this Inform and initiate. So their, their strategy is to inform and initiate. That is how manifestors work. So it's not helpful if they initiate without informing because people are going to slow them down and get pissed at them.


Um, get in their way. It's like, just tell them and don't, don't let them get in your way. Once you tell them, don't, you're not asking for permission. You're just letting them know. Now that's where you're going and they're either going to support you and get on board or they're not and they're designed to do that because all the other types are have different gifts that can help the manifest or see things through.


So if they create momentum, then everyone else can get behind them and help them get to where they want to go. So the generators of the world can build and create and help, you know, put the work behind their idea and so on and so forth for each type. So that is how the sort of manifester energy works.


But now let's move into reflectors. So reflectors, I call this way to be included. And this is because reflectors have such a unique perspective. They're so wise and they're really here to kind of show us where we're at. They're very much affected by their environments and by other people. And so when they have a sense of recognition, um, to be included into something, it kind of allows them to know, okay, is this the right opportunity for me or not?


And one of the most powerful strategies for a reflector is that they need to just make themselves available for the right opportunities to show up by planting themselves in places that feel best. So reflectors are so sensitive again to their environments and people. So continuing for them to surround themselves in the places that feel best, they open themselves up for the right opportunities to come in.


And so then they can be initiated by a manifester or included by the other types to, you know, be involved. And. Then, you know, once they've done that, if it's a small decision, then they can, you know, decide if this feels right or not for them, but then also like the formal strategy for reflectors, the way to lunar cycle.


So I always say like, you know, wait to be initiated or wait to be included and then sit with the energy of this decision. If it's a big one for several days, reflectors are designed to give themselves a good month before deciding if something's a yes or no for them. And so if they. can put themselves in environments that feel good and places that around people that feel good, then they can really assess how a decision feels.


And so they can, their strategy can be to wait, but also to, to give themselves that time as well. So those are the strategies. And now we talk about authority and authority is basically. A fancy word for your intuition. It's called authority because it is the thing inside of you that has the power. It's not your parents.


It's not your boss. Human design returns the authority back to you and your authority is so important because It is the voice inside your system that says, Hey, this is for you, or this is not. And guess what disclaimer, which I've said in every episode, it is never your mind. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we're all trying to make decisions with our mind.


We're all trying to. Be heady about things and smart and do the right things. And guess what? It's bullshit. And you know what? I do shit from that place too, all the time. I'm always making decisions from my mind that lead me to the wrong place. And I get so frustrated by it and it's, it's a learning and it's a, it's an unlearning, I should say to not do that, but really I want to, I'll give a quote later that talks about living with our design that I just think is so beautiful, but that is really the kind of piece of it all.


Okay, so let's get into the different authorities and I'm going to just kind of list them right now and then I'll get into the intricacies of each one. So first we have emotional authority and emotional authority is when you have a defined solar plexus. And if you didn't know, all of the authorities actually work in a hierarchy.


So basically when I look at a body graph and obviously when you look up a body graph, you can see a. a list of all of the different things that are in your chart. So it'll say what your authority is. But if you didn't have that list, if you looked at a body graph, you can actually tell what someone's authority is based on what centers, AKA the shapes within the chart are colored in or not colored in.


And so emotional authority is the most. It's the top of this hierarchy. It's the most powerful one that you can have. And what I mean by powerful is that if you have this center defined, it basically just takes precedent because it's such a, such an impactful center. And the center I'm referring to is the solar plexus.


So the sideways triangle on the right. That is emotional authority, and then if you don't have that defined, and then you have a gut defined, or your sacral center, the second square from the bottom, that means you have gut feelings authority, or sacral authority, or some people call it trust your gut authority.


There's lots of different language that people use for each of them, but that's what that means. And then if you don't have a sacral defined, so if you don't have an emotional center and you don't have a sacral defined, And you have your spleen, which is the sideways triangle on the left hand side, you have your spleen defined, then you have instinctual authority or sometimes called splenic authority, spleen authority, tune into your intuition authority.


I've heard lots of different language for it. Um, but that means that you have your instincts kind of are your authority and are the way that you make decisions and where your intuition lies. And if you don't have a spleen defined. And you have a, your ego or your heart center defined, or oftentimes called the will center, the little baby triangle in your chart defined.


That means that you have willpower authority. And if you don't have that one defined and you do have a defined identity centers of the diamond in the middle, then you have self projected authority or oftentimes called voice at authority, sounding board authority. Those are just some of the words that I've heard, but that means that you are designed to make decisions using your sort of authenticity, your identity, and your voice.


And then if you don't have any of those defined, but you have a defined mind center or the Ajna and nothing else, this means you have what we call mental authority. Now, disclaimer again, this does not mean you're meant to use your mind. It means actually that it's more like environmental authority. So I usually spell it in, in sort of parentheses where it's like environment and then in parentheses mental.


Authority because it really means that you're designed to make decisions through your environment. And then finally, if you have no centers defined, you will be a reflector. And that means you have lunar cycles authority. So that is the breakdown. And if you want to know which one that you, you can have based on your type, which I kind of called these, the breeds throughout the energy type series, but generators and manifesting generators, they can have either gut feelings, authority, or emotional authority.


Projectors can have emotional authority, willpower authority, environmental authority, instinctual authority, and voice it authority. Manifestors can have emotional authority, willpower authority, and instinctual authority. And then reflectors, they can only have lunar cycle authority. And so moving into each of the different types, this is how I'm going to break it all down.


So generators and manifesting generators are meant to wait for something to show up in their orbit. Wait to respond and then either trust their gut in the moment if they have gut feelings or sacral authority or trust their gut over time Emotional authority to evaluate whether something is a yes or a no for them and then projectors are meant to wait for an invitation or recognition and Wait to be invited, and then either sleep on it if they have emotional authority, or trust their instincts in the moment, instinctual authority, or trust that their heart is pulling them towards something, willpower authority, or verbally process it, voice it authority, or process it verbally in different spaces, Environmental or mental authority to assess whether an invitation is proper for them if it's a situation that doesn't direct an invitation.


So example, they have an idea about something as a projector. They can actually just go straight to their authority. They don't actually need to wait necessarily for that invitation. If it's again, just like an idea of something that they have. Okay. Moving on to manifestors. So for manifestors, it actually goes authority then strategy.


So unlike strategy, then authority for all of the other types, manifestors are unique. In the sense that they're meant to first sense an urge or a creative impulse from the universe, a download, that sort of excitement, that curiosity that prompts them to want to move into action when they get that they're designed to move into their authority.


And so by that they're designed to feel into it if they are. emotional, or pay attention to the urge the moment it comes. So instinctual, or pay attention to what the urge is pulling their heart toward willpower authority. Then they're meant to inform who will be impacted by the decision and then move into action.


So then initiate. And then finally, reflectors are meant to wait for an opportunity to emerge. So wait to be included, invited or initiated. That's kind of the language I use. And then take the time to feel into whether it is right for them through cycles. Um, wait a lunar cycle. So wait a month, feel if it still feels like the right thing.


If it's a small decision reflectors, I don't think that they always need to give themselves a full month. Obviously there's going to be decisions that you can't give yourself a full month, but ideally they really feel through things through their environments and the cycles of the moon. So those are the different ways that each of the authorities work with your strategy.


And so all of that said, this is really. the cornerstone of using your human design. This is the art and science of the strategy. And authority. And so again, this is called alignment. It's flow. It's living your design. It's experiencing ease. It's experiencing your signature theme. Every decision, every moment you follow your strategy and authority, you experience bliss.


So learn your strategy, which we talked through all of them here. Then follow your authority, which we just walked through each of the different authorities and how it works with your energy type. And so I want to emphasize here that strategy plus authority equals your signature theme. It is literally a formula strategy plus authority equals signature theme.


What's signature theme? The sign that you are living in alignment. What are the signature themes? What does that mean? Your signature theme is the way that you feel and show up in the world. Once you are living your design. It's also the telltale sign that you are in alignment and flow. It's like a signal inside of you.


That's like, aha, I'm making decisions, following my intuition and I'm happy. And, you know, strategy, as we've been talking about, that's how you move through life. Your authority is your inner compass or intuition. And so when you use those two things together, that is really how it all magically comes into alignment.


And guess what? Everything in your chart kind of goes back to this. I've said this a hundred times already, but literally this is the bread and butter of working with your human design. So basically, every single time that you don't use your strategy or authority, you're going to experience your not self theme.


What is not self theme? You're not self theme is basically the exact opposite of your signature theme. So it's a sign that you're out of alignment. It's going to be bitterness, frustration. It's going to be disappointment, anger. It's the feeling that you're not in alignment to your strategy and authority.


And so every time that you either use your mind to make decisions, you have lots of conditioning. You're forcing things rather than working with your strategy. You're going to experience that. Energy of just being out of alignment. And so it's really important to understand how to work with those two things because it really is the experiment.


And again, like in your human design, there's high expressions and low expressions. There's wisdom and shadows, and you will naturally experience all the high expressions and all of the wisdom of every single part of your chart. When you follow your strategy and authority in my guidebook, you'll see under every gate that you have, it says high expression, low expression.


And then every center, it says the wisdom of this and the shadow of that. Knowing your strategy and authority and working with that will naturally get you again into that high expression wisdom place. So it is so, so, so, so impertinent. Something so beautiful that I think human design helps us get to is being and living from an intuitive place.


I am sure that each of you listening can think of a decision that you made that made zero sense. There was no logic around it. It shouldn't have worked out the way that it did, but there was this intuitive knowing inside of you that said, just go for it. A perfect example is For me, when I decided to go to college, where I went to college, I went to a public Ivy, which really doesn't mean a whole lot, but it just means it's an expensive public university, but it's a hard school to get into Miami University of Ohio, relatively hard.


When I decided that I wanted to go there, I remember thinking, I don't come from the family that's going to be able to afford that. I have no idea how I'm going to pay for this. Um, I don't even know how to apply for loans. Like I literally had no idea how to make it happen, but I had this like divine trust.


That I was meant to go there. It was so exciting to me when I visited. I felt that pull before I knew human design. I had no idea what human design was back when I went to college, but, and it's so interesting because I believe that each of us have a kind of thing that we've done where we're like, it doesn't make any sense, but we just took a leap of faith.


And we said, it feels so right. And we're just going to roll with it. And everything worked out, it ended up being the most amazing experience or the right thing. And so really when I work with people on using their human design, it's about getting to that place, getting to the place of trusting yourself so deeply that you are making decisions that have no logic that make no sense, but you know that it's going to work out because you trust yourself so much.


And again, I know all of you can think of a decision that you've made where that. Is exactly what you said to someone where you're like, I don't know why I did this. It made no sense, but it all just worked out. And so I hope that by using your strategy and authority, you guys can get back to that place.


So you're constantly like, I just flow with my intuition. I just flow with life and my energy and everything works out for me. And that is the beauty of it all. That's how it's all meant to. Come together. And so that is what I wanted to just share about strategy and authority and working with all of this, because really it is the most important piece.


And my prayer is that you all can start working with your strategy and authority and your human design. And start living from that place. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. And I will talk to you next time. Bye!


