The Design Of You

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I’M ENGAGED! How I Manifested My Dream Relationship

EPISODE #44: I’m engaged! how i manifested my dream relationship

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In this episode, Leah shares how she manifested her dream relationship and her engagement story! She discusses all of the following:

05:16 How Leah met her fiance 

19:24 How Leah manifested her dream relationship

53:49 The engagement story

01:12:53 Astrology facts during the engagement

01:17: 27 Ring details

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, is getting married!! Her long-time boyfriend proposed in June and she rehashes all the details for us. She explains exactly how she met her future husband and manifested him. Leah also shares the astrology events during the engagement and gives us all the details about her ring. 


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We're like turning this corner and Zander was like, wait, can I see your purse? Like, I want to put, I want to grab some of those band aids. And there was like a little bench and he walked towards the bench, throws my, throws my purse, which was a nice purse, by the way. It's from Amazon. It's like, been there, the ringer, and literally grabs a ring box behind a bush and then gets down on one knee and was like, Will you marry me?


Hello guys. Welcome back to another episode of the design of you. It's been a hot minute. , and I have a lot of exciting updates to share with you guys today. And yeah, I'm, I'm thrilled to be here. And, , so I guess I'll just dive right in. , I, I got engaged and that is what I'm going to be talking about in today's episode. I want to share with you guys the entire engagement story and really like how I manifested My dream relationship and I know I mentioned Zander quite a bit But I don't think I talk a lot about him and I think a lot of us do this in relationships or we are in really amazing relationships and you know that like a lot of people don't get to see those things because You know, I feel like we only talk to people about like the stuff that's hard and I try really I don't I don't do That often and I don't , and I definitely don't think that that's something that I do with friends really, but just in general, like I'm, I'm kind of excited to just like gush about Zander this episode and just talk to you guys a little bit about how to, or how I feel like I manifested.


You know, my dream relationship. , but yeah, before I do that, first of all, this is very much delayed. We got engaged quite a few weeks ago. I was super, super, super sick. Like right after we got engaged. , probably the most sick I've ever been in my life. I like the day. About 24 hours before we got engaged and that's not true a little less than that the night before I started to feel pretty sick with like a stomach bug and so actually like the day that we got engaged , you can't see in photos, but I was actually like not feeling well and I thought it was like nerves because I did have an inkling but it turns out it wasn't because the entire weekend my stomach was Unwell, and then I woke up sunday.

[00:02:41] We got engaged on a friday. I woke up sunday and I was it Very, very, very, very sick. I had like the worst congestion and yeah, I just did not feel well. And then that entire week after, which I thought I'd record an episode, I thought I was so excited to tell everyone and so many of you have been asking me the story and I keep forgetting that because my friends and family were there and And I'll get into everything. I'm just kind of preference prefacing at the moment, but, , I kind of forget that not everyone knows the full story of like how we got engaged and all the details. And so I'm going to keep giving you guys all the details today. , I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions. I will definitely be answering questions about how it happened.


I will be answering, you know, was I surprised? You know, what would the logistics I will be answering your ring questions because I've gotten a lot of those and Just everything so yeah, so apologies for the delay We have been doing so much travel my my lovely podcast manager. She is like On my case, she's like you have not recorded an episode in so long And I feel bad. I like this year my goal in 2024 was to up level the podcast which we did But I think I did things a little bit too fast and we have a lot going on. , just , with the design of you. So it's been, the podcast has definitely been sort of the one thing that has fallen on the wayside, which I know a lot of you guys are loyal listeners. So thank you for always tuning in when there is an episode. And I hope at some point I'll be able to be a little bit more consistent, but I'm going to always honor my energy and honor my sacral response, which if you don't know what that means, because I have a feeling a lot of people listening to this are not going to be into human design.


which if you're not in human design, why you should at least look up your design and look up your energy type. It's 100 percent free to do so on my website, which is linked down below. But essentially, , I'm a generator. That's my type. And that's my type. Not, it's not like your type in a person, but your energy type. That's the energy that I am. And I, or sometimes it's called your aura type. And I am born with a gut response or gut feelings, , sacral authority. That's something else in human design. And so I meant to kind of just like respond where the energy is leading me based on what I feel in my body. And so. Anyway, I haven't really felt lots of energy for the podcast lately. So anywho, just honoring that and so thank you again for bearing with me, but let's just like dive into everything. I feel like, I like, there's so much I want to say and I was like, should I do another episode on this? But I feel like I had an episode planned on how I, , Like manifested my dream relationship.


And so I was already kind of planning to talk about that , but I didn't necessarily know I was going to be getting engaged And so I kind of feel like let's just combine these episodes and happy to like elaborate on a different episode later If you guys have more questions, so I actually wanted to bring you guys to Like I guess the story of how we met and then I want to take you back A little bit before that, and some of the stuff that I feel like happened in terms of like how I manifested Zander, and actually how a psychic predicted us meeting in the exact way that we met, which is crazy, but Zander and I met on the 3rd of July in 2019. We were at a 4th of July party together, and I Was there with some friends and, , it was like this big backyard party, , for some, some kid that I didn't know very well back in my hometown, which is Toledo, Ohio. And , I was there with just some friends and one of Zander's really good friends, his name is Nolan. Shout out, Nolan, if you're listening. So, Nolan was there, and, and Nolan I grew up with. His parents went to high school with my parents, and my parents were divorced, but regardless, they all, like, I knew him from growing up, and you know, family parties and things like that, and we're the same age, and so , we are at this party and I, I saw Nolan there and I was like, Oh, hey, what's up?


And, , he's like, Oh, like this is my friend Zander. Zander and I look at each other, we shake hands and we had a moment where we literally like said to each other, I feel like I know you. He was like, I feel like I know you too. And we just like, didn't know why, but we like felt like we knew each other. And then he introduced me. me to another one of our good friends named Ben. And so just like a funny moment of just like meeting guys who are just like super close guy friends to me now. But anyway, we, we didn't talk the rest of the night and, , Zander says that he came up to me at one point and was like, well, mind you guys like to describe this part. I mean, there's like someone playing music, they're like a band, there is, you know, tons of people. Like there's all sorts of. It's a huge, it's a huge party essentially, and it's for the 4th of July, and so later on Zander claims that he came up to me and he was like, he was eating like a bag of chips, I guess, and was like, Do you want some chips?


And I was like, I guess I made a like really bitchy face at him and I was like, no, and then like that was it. , and I guess he also before this, I should say, after he met me, he looked at Nolan and he was like, Is she single and he was like, I think she is and so that was that's a cute moment too But anyway, so we didn't really talk the rest of the night. I think Zander attempted with a bag of chips, but I I clearly wasn't interested in that I also like that was one of the first nights that I had drank after not drinking for like a month And this was like way back when I was like very very much into Party scene and that was like one of the first times I took a pretty lengthy break from drinking And so that was like the first night after taking that break And I was drinking so I was like, I don't really remember that not that I was like blacked out by any means but I was like, I don't really remember that happening but Zander claims, but then I ended up going to a bar later Like I was telling talking to my friend Nolan and I was like, where are you guys going later?


and we ended up at like the same bar down the street and I guess like Zander was trying to figure out how to talk to me but then like it was like crowded he didn't get a chance to get over to me and I actually ran into One of my childhood best friends and neighbors, shout out Brittany, who was there that night and she was like on a patio and I was talking to her like for quite a while with a couple of her friends and then I ended up going home and then, , , , we never connected the rest of the evening and so Zander did the very, , you know, mature Thing that you know people that are in their late 20s do when they meet each other and he found me on instagram the next day And dm'd me and said what are the odds I could get your number and I said 100 chance and then we scheduled a date at the dirty bird in toledo, which Is also really funny because I have two other friends who had their first dates at the dirty bird and one of them Are married and so I just thought like wow the magic of the dirty bird, but We had our first date there and I mean, what do you say like the rest is history But we had like a slow start to our relationship like I was going through some heartbreak pretty much that entire year and , I was broken up with in january of that year, so I was like Navigating just like a lot of really intense change like I in a year prior to that I moved home from college.


None of my friends moved back home to my area So I was really like missing friends. I missed my college life and , I was starting a corporate job and my corporate job was like pretty demanding and , it wasn't very much of an entry level position and so I was like learning a lot and I moved in with A couple girls one of which like I went I worked with and we Had a we had a falling out and and so it was like I was moving through some just like really intense stuff that year just between Oh, and I got a puppy. I got my dog cleo, which I would love to do a story on at some point if you guys don't know I had a dog that passed tragically and She was my girl. And so I had a puppy. I went through like a friendship breakup, with a roommate and then Also, you know went through like this intense breakup You And so my life just felt like everything was kind of just like up in the air in 2019, , because I felt like I like truly lost myself that year and like lost my mind actually I went through like the I keep saying like i'm really sorry for that That's just how I talk and I wish I didn't but i'm working on it.


Maybe one day that word will exit my vocabulary Claudia my podcast manager does a good job of editing them out But sometimes I say it too much that it gets really choppy. So apologies for that, but basically, , why I'm kind of bringing that up is because like we started dating and I, we talked for like a good few months, but I knew that I really liked Zander pretty much right away. And it cracks me up because we, I'll give you guys our entire relationship story here. We moved to California together and one of our friends here thought that we were high school sweethearts because of like, Our bond, but we're not high school sweethearts. We met after college But I always think that that just makes me giggle because yeah, we're just very connected And so so afteZanderer and I met so again, we talked for a while , I knew that I liked him pretty much right away and it was really cool the like random connections that we had Obviously Zander's friend Nolan, we were connected through and we did find out that why we kind of, if you guys remember the moment that we met, we were like, I feel like I know you and why that was is because an actual ex boyfriend of mine that I dated for about seven years in like high school into college.


So Zander went to school like an hour, 45 minutes or so outside of where we're originally from. I went to school like three and a half hours away. And we did not know each other or meet each other prior to when we met, but. My ex boyfriend, , from, , that time period when we were, very on and off, , super toxic relationship. During that time, like, he actually was friends with Zander and, like, his, their friends, their friend groups kind of, like, intertwined just from going to, like, the same parties at the University of Toledo and stuff like that. And so I actually knew his name from I knew his name just from maybe having conversations with my ex boyfriend when we would get back together, like Zander's just very unique, so I like knew that name, but if I would have seen Zander in a room, there was no way No way in hell I would be able to like point him out or know who he was So it was like we he kind of knew of me and I kind of knew of his name but we didn't know of each other if you will, but it's super funny because Now like after we started dating we realized we have all of these crazy connections And so I want to get into them because they're actually wild so first of all, , we actually have been at the same place at the same time multiple times.


And so I shared this a little bit on Instagram not long ago, but I think that's the most beautiful thought to carry, that you actually may have already been in the same room as your future, you know, spouse. So there was a couple times where he actually visited where I went to college, which is Miami University of Ohio. And he had friends in the fraternity that I hung around with. And , he actually like stayed at the fraternity house and he went to a couple fraternity parties that I was at, like themed parties that he mentioned. And I was like, I was literally at those parties in the exact same small basement. We were probably right next to each other and never met. Which is crazy And you know same goes like we probably were like he visited, you know Where I went to college a couple times you were probably in the same bar together like I was a party animal in college and so We definitely probably intertwined at some point and then you know The other funny thing is our families know each other really well.


So his mom is actually one of 15, which I know is bonkers, so crazy, , very like Christian family, , his family's not necessarily like that, but , his grandparents and all of them were, but I digress. Nothing's wrong with that, by the way, either, but just to preface. So, Zander's mom, her maiden name, they're like very known in our hometown. Like a lot of people know who they are because there's, you know, 15 of them. And they grew up on this island. So my mom, , hung out with their family as kids. She's, like, very familiar with his mom's maiden name and, like, that entire family. And so, my mom even worked at the little, like, there was, this corner drugstore that my mom worked at. And, they worked together with his mom and, , one of his aunts. And so, so, , super intertwined and like my dad knows of their family too because my dad went to high school and hung around that area as well. So that's just like the craziest thing. So when we started talking, it was funny because the day that we had our first date, we used to do family dinner at my dad's house with my stepmom and like my niece and my sister.


Nephew or actually just my nephew at the time because my niece wasn't even born yet and so My dad would pick up my nephew from daycare and we'd always go over and do like a family dinner and I cancelled going to family dinner because I was going on a date and I didn't want to tell my parents this when we went on our first date together because I was like, I don't want them to Like speculate, you know, it's just like weird when you're like 20 and you're dating and you know, your family's close by I don't know. At least it was for me. And so, anyway, I ended up saying to my dad, I'm going on a date, and it's one of Nolan Sybilhorn's friends, like, his name's, and I said his name's AleZander, like, you're not gonna know him, because I didn't want to say Zander. My dad is a freaking creep, and looked him up on Facebook, and was like, is this this?


This Alex guy and I was like, oh my god, you psycho. Like why would you look him up? And I don't know. My dad was just being funny I think it came out of just kind heartedness because he knew I was like had a year of just being brokenhearted and just like Going freaking through it like I literally like partially moved in with my dad and my stepmom for like a hot minute at one point in that year because I like didn't want to be in my Apartment and didn't want to like just needed home and comfort, you know You So, they were just like, he was definitely just looking out for me. But then a few weeks later, he ended up being with our friend, Nolan, who introduced us. He was with his dad at some like concert or something and asked him like, what, like, what do you think about this AleZander guy? Like, Tell me what you know about him and shout out to Mr. Silverhorn for basically saying that, you know, he's awesome, great kid, blah, blah, blah.


And so my dad, my dad ends up telling me this and texting me and I text back my dad and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed that you asked me. Like nolan's dad like you asked mr Silverhorn about him because if that gets back to him, that's so freaking creepy and I was blowing my dad's phone up I was like, this is so creepy. I can't believe you asked him like this better not get back to zander and Sure enough like a not even a week later. I get a text from zander and meanwhile again, we're just like talking like we're in the going steady No one says that that's not even a thing. I don't know why I just said that but going steady phase and He ended up He was like, I guess your dad was with Mr. Civil horn recently and was asking him about. Me and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I'm so sorry. Like that's so creepy and he was like, no I guess he said a really good thing. So like shout out to mr. Seymour and I was like, okay great. Well, sorry Yeah I'm like I told him about like how my dad knew because of you know I had to miss the family dinner and blah blah blah.


So Anyway, it was just one of those, like, funny, funny moments in the beginning of us dating, but So yeah, so that was, I mean, so we ended up just kind of talking for a while, and we just kept making all these funny connections. Another one was that, so, since his mom comes from such a big family, one of Zander's cousins, is actually one of my sister's really good friends. And, , so, his name is Sam, and he is, he's my sister's age, and he went to high school with my sister, and like, they're such good friends to the point that he literally has a tattoo for my sister. Like, very, very good friends with my brother in law and my sister. And, , we realized that my sister's actually been to several of his family reunions. So my sister's literally been around Zander when he was probably a little kid, because she's six years older than I am. So, I just think that that's hysterical. And we have had even more moments like, There was a night that we were actually at the same party in University of Toledo and actually like a night that like I was in a massive fight with like my ex boyfriend that I was on and off with and Zander was there during that which was, I don't know, just like kind of funny.


It's like, Wow, you could be literally in like the biggest fight with an ex boyfriend and literally like your husband's in the room. I don't know crazy, but So yeah So we just had like all these moments as we started to get to know each other where we're like, oh wow I was here. I was I was at this place and we just I mean instantly really clicked and I think that For both of us it was kind of scary in some ways because I don't I really wasn't looking forward to Starting a relationship. I was very much in this phase of like I need to change my life. I need to Change everything and so I think this is the point where maybe I'm gonna back up a little bit and share with you guys like Some really cool stories about like that year and how this led to the relationship So I think I just mentioned on a recent episode that I went through like a pretty like just heartbreaking breakup you know someone I really cared about and with all of the other changes I was experiencing it just kind of rocked my world and probably also because i've never really been I hadn't been broken up with in that way and I think it like just You was a lot of just like rejection and I wasn't happy with who I was in that, , like in that moment because I saw a future version of myself that I really wanted to be and that I was really, I saw the, I saw future me and the reality of the life that I was living and it was Very, very different.


And so that was like a wake up call for me. It was like, I need to get back in touch with myself. And that's what I did right after I went through this breakup. I booked a solo yoga retreat to Costa Rica, which is where a lot of the things in my life were manifested. , mind you guys, this is way before human design. I wasn't working with human design. I knew of human design, but didn't know anything really about it. Other than there was something called human design that exists because I heard it on a podcast. So basically I. I'm heartbroken as fuck and I am in Chicago visiting my cousin and some of my friends and I go to a psychic there and this psychic predicted, like, everything that has happened in my life. I'm not even exaggerating. I feel like I've talked about this on past episodes, but she specifically manifest like she, not manifested, she, she told me about Zander and this is what she said to me and I have this, I have it pulled up on my phone right now because I have a notepad. From when I was there, and yeah, it just is always like one of those thoughts that is just, just so crazy, , for me to just, I don't know, sometimes think about.


Okay, so this note is from February 22nd of 2019. So these are, I'm gonna go like, I'm gonna not say all of them because some of them are kind of personal, but, She, so I have like a few just like random notes. So she first says like, let go of the person that broke your heart because someone is coming into my life in the summer at a big celebration. And I remember when the psychic looked at me, and this was before I was in my psychic mediumship journey, , although I've always relatively been tapped into it, but she said to me, she goes, Do you have any like big weddings or anything going on this summer? I was like, no, I don't have any weddings I have no plans.


I have no vacations nothing and she says You were going to meet someone and the next line is it will be a formal introduction is what she told me She goes I feel like You already know this person though, and I remember saying to her what you said It's gonna be a formal introduction, but I know them and by the way guys I did not go to this girl telling her anything about me or my relationships at all Like I went in totally blank. She only knew my first name and Like it was a random moment, you know, she did not know anything and so She said it will be a very formal introduction. She said that whoever I I meet will be will push me to be who I am and if you know anything about zander and like the person he is in my life in our relationship, I Truly truly truly would not be doing what i'm doing right now without him and like that could make me emotional but like I truly Would not be here if it wasn't for him like he is the number one You supporter, contributor, the person who like truly sees my brightest light and is like go, go get it, you know?


Like he really does believe in me and wants me to live my best life and I've never, ever met anyone that could do that. Like, yeah, I'm gonna cry. I'll get emotional. But, yeah, I, I, sometimes I think about people I've been with in the past or, or talked to or dated or, , you know, anything and I, I really. there is no one that I feel like would stick beside me with everything that I do and the unique Job that i'm in and so i'm i'm just he really did do that. And so , and then a couple other things that are just really interesting. She said i'd make a name for myself I'll be super successful. She sees me helping people and doing something empowering for the greater good She says that , and this was funny She says I she said do you travel for work?


And I was like, I don't and I didn't at my corporate job because I see you traveling a lot She goes you're going to go somewhere and leave and knowing You And knowing that you're returning and she sees ice and I said, well, I love California. Like, is it the West coast? She goes, I see the West coast, but I see you bouncing around a lot. And something to know about Zander is that he was a travel nurse for the past three years and he's not anymore, but he was in which, and so it's so funny because all of this sort of unfolded as we started dating and , it always just was like, what does she mean by that? And. You know, and then she says, like, the guy I will meet will have a really nice family, and of course, Zander's family is amazing. And, Yeah, she said, you know, I have a lot of anxiety. I'm really heavy because of other people, which I've been able to move through. I will inspire other people. I'm a strong leader, entrepreneur. She said, take the next opportunity as a stepping stone and in two years you'll make it. And I think it was two years to the date that I filed for my LLC.


Her note was, yeah, it was, yeah, two years of the date, , in 2021, and she said she sees me moving, she sees me traveling somewhere at the end of the year, Zander and I traveled together, and that's actually when I lost Cleo, and so maybe I wondered if she saw that. She said, I'm, you're more spiritual than you think, I'm going to feel spark instantly with a guy, me, , , and then she, yeah, she said I'm an old soul, and I've lived many, many, many, many lives before this one, and just a few other things that she just said that I'm not going to share because they're a little personal for other people in my life. So anyway, so this is february of you know, 2019 we meet in july and I am like, okay I remember getting in the uber and ubering back to my cousin's house and I'm In tears and so that note that I wrote is me in the uber writing down every single thing She said so I could remember I wish I would have had a voice recorder or something there But yeah, so I I wrote everything that I could think of I went back to my cousins and I cried and she probably remembers This I told her like oh my god.


I just had this experience. It changed my life I fully feel and believe all these things. I just like I was having this sort of, like, funeral with a lot of stuff in my life, which I needed, but that really, I'm a big advocate for seeing psychics and mediums, and I know some people think it's boo boo and it goes against religion, or they don't like that, and that's totally fine, but for me, that was one of the most comforting and life changing sessions. of my life and So then I go on a solo, trip to costa rica and this is in , May or end of april of that year so a couple months later and that's really where like I put pen to fucking paper like That is where so much of my life changed. I sat down and every single we did yoga twice a day So I moved so much energy I was in a foreign place with, with a way different way of living that I just was in love with and I, I got really deep with my spirituality and I journaled and journaled and journaled and journaled and I feel like that's really where I, Manifested me creating this business because I did three vision boards while I was there and my journal from there I talked about how I wanted to work in the wellness space.


I want to help people I want to be more spiritual and in touch with my spirituality. I want to be with a in a relationship that Someone is proud and excited to be with me , , and before all of that, to touch on like how I feel like I manifested Zander was, was in these processes because I had so much fucking deep work to do with myself because I, I was lost and I did a lot of deep work from the toxic relationship that I was in. For seven years in high school and into college that was like freeing myself of that horrible situation was like Probably the thing that changed my the most in my life, I think But then from that and then being in like in college, I was in a I was in a loving relationship Very amicable relationship.


That's where I was heartbroken, but I Feel like that was also like that relationship was like a relationship I needed to like heal so many like Trust wounds that I had and like just like really Deep things that I could never bring into like a serious relationship let alone a marriage right so Moving through that and then finally kind of just like saying I am, everything is like not going, everything is not what I want in this future version of myself and getting really deep and in touch with that and journaling, going to yoga, doing energy work, pulling cards, you know, meditating, like I would sit in my bedroom every single night when I live, in 2019, right before I met Zander, writing about what I want my life to look like. And I did it every single night. I would sit there, I would even drink wine doing this, like, I would literally, like, just pour emotions out of me. I would write poetry, I would, I was really just getting in touch with everything that I needed to do and really pouring my heart into that. And so after I got home from Costa Rica, guys, my, everything flipped upside down in an even worse way.


So I got home and I knew the changes that I wanted to make. And I was so unsettled with, like, my reality and that not being there yet, because I found so much clarity in Costa Rica and, like, where I wanted my life to go. And so I started having the most intense panic attacks I've ever had in my entire life. The first one being I was at a friend's cottage and, or lake house, whatever you guys call it. In Michigan, everyone has a second home or a cottage or a lake house. And it's not like a rich privilege thing by any means, like, it's just most people do. It's where there's lakes everywhere, and so I was at a friend's lake, and I truly just started to have a panic attack, and One of the worst panic attacks in my life and I ended up leaving her cottage Going home, and then I continued to have panic attacks for like several weeks.


I enrolled myself in therapy I was in therapy twice a week for I don't know like three months or so and the my therapist at the time we We would fight like truly I I would I remember my roommate probably remembers because I would be like, oh my god I don't like my therapist, but I I don't know something about him. I liked though and so One of the things I remember was like telling him like I don't like my life. I like, I want it to look like this. And I just, I would just tell him. And I remember like the number one sentiment he would tell me is. You have to stay present, Leah, like, I know you're unhappy here, and you don't like this city, and you don't like, necessarily like your job, and you want to be here, and you want to live in California, and you want an amazing relationship, and you want all these things, and he's like, but what if you just stayed present in this moment, and I remember saying to him, like, no, like, I need to, I need to work, I need to, I need to push, I need to, like, work towards it, and, and it's so funny, because now that I do human design, it's almost like, It's all about the surrender.


It's all about surrendering to life and being present, and so I did not, I was not doing that, , and so I think it was right around, it was probably just a few days before I met Zander, where I said, you know what? I'm just going to take his advice. I'm just going to stay present. I'm just going to stay present in the moment and I'm just going to let myself, yeah, just be present with where I'm at and just focus on my job and whatever. And so I did and I, and I met Zander right after that. So I, I thought that was always interesting that right when I, You know, kind of honestly just listened, right? When I honestly surrendered and just said, you know what, you're right. I do need to just be present because there is so much magic in being present. And I think I'm still, I'm still working on that within myself, but anyway, so that brings me to what you guys already heard of me meeting Zander, us talking. And so we ended up, we ended up talking for a while and I definitely, I develop feelings for people very quickly. Like I'm. Very much a lover. I wear my heart on my sleeve.


I am a lover, and I am, I will, I, like, there's any person I talk to or have talked to in the past, like, I develop feelings very quickly, and I know that about myself, and so, probably two months into Zander and I talking, I think this is the advice I tell you not to do, but I said to him, like, What what are we like, what is this? And he was just kind of like, I don't know and Zander's like what you could say like, , I think he was very much like our our generation calls it like a fuck boy a little bit before meeting me I think that was kind of like the vibe and so You know, I think he was in this fate and like he'll say now like yeah Like I didn't know what I wanted until I met it which was me and for me I was like, I knew exactly what I wanted and I was like I, I, I like love this guy. And so I ended up telling him like, look, here's the deal. I have feelings for you and we're either going to stop talking right now because my feelings are going to grow and then I'm going to get hurt or we're going to date. So you need to make that decision. But otherwise, like I'm piecing the fuck out basically.


And I was like, like month, yeah, like two months into his dating I think. And I think he was kind of like, okay. , Yeah, like I do like he was I think that they tell you not to do those things when you're like starting to date people But you know, I we didn't really follow any rules. I've never really followed rules in life I'm not a rule follower in general. I definitely like to go against the grain so I was like I'm just gonna say how I feel and he can take it or leave it and then I was like I'm gonna keep my options Open and just like live my life, but we just knew we were like Very compatible and like we very much had a lot of chemistry in all the ways and we were like, yeah I mean I was enamored and so so yeah, so long story short. We end up dating of course, and yeah everything all worked out and so we start dating in at the end of September and Honestly, like when we started dating Zander, we like had this conversation and he was like, obviously, like, of course you're like, basically you're my girlfriend. Like, I don't know what else we would call this.


Like we spend so much time together. We're constantly with each other. He's like, I've never been more obsessed with someone. And I was like, I'm obsessed with you too. And so, , we started dating, but it was funny because like, in the beginning, I still was like, I don't know. I don't know if this like, feels like it. And I actually forgot about everything that the psychic said to me. I forgot. I, I, it's not that I forgot, I remembered like the business pieces, but like, I didn't remember all of the parts about us being like meeting in this formal way and all that. And so what's really funny is like, I remember right after we started dating, we went to like visit someone, we went on like a little road trip and. I was like, oh my gosh, and so I told him, and we were just blown away. And I think that was the first time that I like, opened up about like, spirituality and some of the stuff that I believe in to Zander, and it was really special how like, receptive he was to all of that. And we just, I don't know, Zander and I just get each other on like a, on a life level.


Like, we, there is no one, That gets me the way that he does like I have never met anyone that understands my perspective on life on everything family life I don't know morals like I don't know collectively just there's just so many things that we are We couldn't be more similar in those ways But in a lot of ways we're so different and the ways that were different. I said this to Zander recently I was like the things that you there's so many things about you that I wish I was And I know there's things about me that you wish you were and I feel like that's why we work like There's so much about him that I wish I was more like like I wish I had his discipline Zander is the most disciplined person you'll ever meet on this entire planet I can guarantee that like you will never meet someone as I don't know, he is such a Capricorn, so disciplined, and I wish I was like that, but I'm not, you know, and he's so like, He's has so much integrity and like sticks to his word.


He's very truthful and Just the most caring nourishing. I mean he's a nurse He's the most caring and nourishing person you will ever ever ever ever ever meet like he takes care of people he takes care of everything I Need that in a relationship and I'm creative and Zander says, you know, there's not He's not the most creative person, but I'm creative and I'm very emotional and sensitive and and he's he's a little bit sensitive too But we like we just balance each other in those ways And so but yeah We like started together and I remember thinking like I don't know if this is like if this relationship is gonna be it like I Don't know if this is the person I'm gonna marry but then I remember like I mean a month or not even into us dating I was like I remember like the minute I felt like I loved him and I wrote in my journal like, holy shit, like I'm in love, I haven't felt this way in a long time. Oh my god, less than a year ago I was in a, or yeah, less than a year ago I was in another relationship. What in the heck is going on? Like, I am in love with this guy. Like, this is crazy. Life is insane. And, you know, I think the really cool thing about that is I really actually fell in love with my life. I like was, I went to therapy only like every other week then.


And I was very much just like, I'm really happy with where I was. My, I started to really focus on my job and I moved and one of my other roommates that I lived with that, you know, through that whole falling out, we like moved in together and, We became just the best of friends, she met her husband, and we just were like, I don't know, that period of time, and like, Sarah, if you're listening, that was my roommate, her and I just went through this beautiful, young 20s, just, I don't even know how to describe it, like, we both cry when we talk about it, we've like sobbed together, just like, oh god, I'm gonna cry, just like, this really beautiful sisterhood, and just like, Finding ourselves and finding like these this dream relationship and living in the most beautiful apartment and like yeah And so i'm emotional because like it was just such a beautiful time in my life It was such a light time in my life and I feel like so many things came together for me I I all of a sudden was like in love with my corporate job, right? And like I fell in love with my life and I fell in love with I lost my dog during that and cleo I feel like left me because Is Because I found, guys I keep pausing because I don't want to cry. I feel like my dog Cleo, which I have not told this story, but I will at some point, but I had a dog for about 14 months.


She entered my life and my life was chaos while she was in it and then she left my life and my life was really beautiful afterwards. So she's my angel, but I also feel like she served A really, really, really important purpose, which was me moving through all of that, having comfort, meeting Zander, and like, yeah, just like, finding happiness again. And she really, she just was my girl, and people don't get it when I talk about like, how heartbreaking it was losing her. Like, she's my angel, and she Got me through so much and so that period of time was just this like my roommate Sarah she was with me through like the roommate stuff the heartbreak the You know meeting zander then us moving and falling in love and then her meeting her husband and falling in love Which i'm the reason they met Me and my sister are so it's just like this really beautiful like unique time in my life.


That was amazing I started moon girls play which I actually started it actually before that, but I didn't use it I like started using that account during that time period I got really in touch with my health and my wellness and spirituality and And then human design found me and so why I'm bringing this part up of my relationship. I haven't even told you guys how we got engaged But I'm bringing this up because and then you know 2020 happens. There's a pandemic Zander is a nurse and that was a very scary period of time I remember we just both felt like oh my god, this is crazy This is scary and as I mentioned like I had these dreams of always moving to california and so a really beautiful part of the story was like I, I kind of, it's not that I let go of that dream, I just stopped trying, and I didn't mention, but like, when I was In the time period of like, right before I met Zander, after Costa Rica, I applied for 136 jobs in Southern California.


I wanted to be out here so bad. I wanted to live near my sister. I always loved coming out here and I tried so hard. Nothing worked out and, you know, and so like me being present from my therapist's advice, it like really allowed so many amazing things to come through. And so, one of them being like, So in 2020, obviously we all have a lot of time on our, or at least I had a lot of time on my hands, I was working remote, I wasn't seeing Zander, we didn't see each other for like a month, because he was working with the worst of the worst of it all, and that was really scary, like, It was not a good time. And so the only people that I was really seeing was my roommate and then her boyfriend, because that was like our, our kind of agreement. And so human design found me during that time period. I was on Instagram and an influencer posted about human design. I was like, Oh yeah. What's that thing that I was into or heard about a few years ago.


And then like, I booked a reading and then I took a trip. Like I, that was not, 2020 was one of my most favorite years of my life, which I know it's crazy to say, but it was. The best of the best times. I, I was so re in love with life. I found Gus Gus I got that year, which is my dog that one of my dogs that I have now. And Gus Gus is like a soul dog to me. He like healed my broken heart from Cleo. And yeah, he, I think he's like a big part of my relationship with Zander, which Zander pushed me to get him, which I'm forever thankful for, because I was so heartbroken when I lost my dog. And, I didn't know that I'd ever get a dog again because of the heartbreak.


Like, I was in therapy, like, I had to write letters to my dog as, like, homework and therapy because of how much, like, I was so heartbroken when I lost her. And, and the other thing too is, like, when you have that special bond with a dog, like, When it's just you and her. You know what I mean? Like, it wasn't a family dog. It wasn't like a dog I got with a boyfriend. Like, it, she was my girl and my girl only. And people knew her and my roommate had a relationship with her. But like, when it's just your dog, like, there's something just, we were just so bonded. And then, yeah, we, I got Gus Gus in 2020, which Zander really pushed me to get. the person that I got Cleo from, they reached out to me and, We're like, there's these puppies, and it's a really cute story. Gus Gus, like, had lost his mom. A lot of the puppies didn't make it. Gus Gus did make it, and they were looking for, yeah, she's like, we're looking for owners for these puppies, and so I went and looked at him, and when I, I fell in love with him, but when I left, Zander will, he'll recall this, I mean, he's not gonna, he, I asked Zander if he wanted to come on the podcast, he's like, no, but, We, we left going to visit the puppy, which was like an hour away in the middle of nowhere, Ohio, and I, I cried and cried on the way home to Zander like, I shouldn't even have to be looking at another dog right now.


Like, I just want Cleo and blah, blah, blah. And I went home and was like, trying to pro and con getting a dog and Zander did like the most. Zander thing in the world and we were not living together at this point We'd just been dating over a year and he said I will put the deposit down on this dog Because I think you need I think you need him and I was like, no don't do that. And he's like You need to be happy and just like the most loving thing. So shout out Zander for everything. And so and Gus Gus has been my whole world. Like if you know him, he's to know him is to love him. He's got the greatest personality and he's just my sweetie and I just can't even imagine my life without him. So yeah, so those are just some like snippets into our relationship. And so from that point, then, the kind of cool story that unfolded is. September of that year, Zander approaches me and is like, Hey, travel nursing is like a really big deal right now because of COVID. Rates are great. I'm going to go travel and I'm going to be a nurse.


And do you want to come with me? And I was literally, what I said to him, which this is the funniest shit in my life, because it's just funny to think about. I said, No, I'm good. I'm you go do you. It's three months like go have fun. I'll come visit for sure Love you to death and , i'm actually really happy with my life and my job and I love my apartment and I'm good, I'm just gonna stay here. And he was like, I think I'm gonna go to Southern California. And I was like, oh okay, just kidding, I'm coming. I'm, I will be there, I am, I'm coming. So, it just is so funny to think that one, I wanted to leave so bad and where I wanted to go so bad was anywhere where I was and I didn't want to be in my job and I wanted so many things and then I And then for it to be in front of me and me be like, I'm good. I'm actually happy where I'm at after for so long. I was so unhappy. It's funny, but then I definitely was like, Oh wait, I'll go to Southern California with you. Like, yeah, but of course it was still this like, okay, well wait, I have to figure out, like, I've been working remote, but I don't know that I can work remote, like three hours away.


I need to get approval from my boss. Like, let me figure it all out. And luckily, like I have. At Owens Corning, I had the best, best, best boss in the whole world. Anthony, still close with him, truly was such a homie during so many things. And he was like, yeah, go live your best life. Approved, like 100%, all the things. And so that's what we did. We, so then we moved across the country together, like a year, I don't know. Yeah, a year and a half after we met Which was crazy. , and You know, I remember kind of thinking like, okay. Wow, this is like pretty serious. This is like a make or break it We're either going to move in together and it's going to be awful or we're going to or we're going to fall more in love with each other and Of course the latter happened. We fell very much in love with each other had a really amazing time being in california We actually the first three months of us living in california. We had a really crazy living situation is all i'm gonna say , but we moved six times in 2021. , and just to go back on like the business thing. So like we literally move and I'm doing human design on the side.


I decide that I want to do human design full time. And there's so many stories I can tell in here to give you guys so much of our relationship. But I think all is to say is like, we, we've had so much growth and change in our relationship. And that's truly why, like, I just know Zander is my person. Like, We have had so much life together, like experiencing losing my dog. we've had, you know, experiences with my, like family things that have happened. You know, we've had a pandemic. We moved six times in one year, two of, Three of which were cross country from Ohio to California and we've continued to move since then we've gotten we've gotten a dog We've gotten a second dog, you know, I started a business. I left a very stable corporate career to do so We've just had so many really big things happen. And so It's been a long time coming. Zander and I have been together for five years, if you didn't do the math. And so, one of the questions was like, I was getting this a lot, like, when's Zander proposing? And I would, I would, you know, give into it and be like, I know, like, tell him, like, I want to be engaged too.


But, I honestly, like, we had so many conversations, like, we knew we were going to be together for a long time. I always think that the, the moment that, , Like the proposal was the most incredible day of my life, but I felt like the day Zander proposed to me was actually back in, what, like January of 2022. Cause I started my business in 2021, but I was working, it was like on the side with my corporate job. And then I was doing it part time for about six months. And then I had a big decision to make, which was, am I going to leave my part time job and then do human design full time? Or, and, or the design of you full time, or am I going to, Do this on the side forever and like stay at my corporate job because I got like a big promotion all these things and I felt like Zander proposed to me because I will never forget the moment of like Just crying and being like I want to do this so bad and Zander like literally looking at me in january of 2022 and being like I got you quit your job.


Like you're not happy. Like I got you and like whatever We need we'll figure it out. I got you and That was like the moment that I was like, oh my god Like did you just like i've said to before like oh my god Are you proposing to me like never loved you more in that moment because it was just a very loving One of the most like profound loving acts. I feel like anyone could have done for me in that moment , because it made me feel really safe and like I could Do this and I had someone who had my back and I carry a lot of pride around money, like we have a financial advisor who has been talking to me about like how I struggle to let people help me and So that was like hard for me because I have always had this ideology and my dad really ingrained this in me And this isn't a bad ideology to have but it's like I can make my own money.


I can do my own things I got it. Like I'm successful and I don't need I don't need a man. I don't need anyone to help me. And, you know, I've seen a lot of relationships fail where women can't leave because of money issues. And I have never, ever, ever wanted to be in that situation. And so I was like, I don't like, I rejected help for so long. And I finally was just like, you know what? Thank you. And so it was just a really, that really changed my life. And obviously, like, like I said, I wouldn't be here unless that happened. And so, When we got engaged, of course it was like a surprise and all these different things, but, I mean, Zander and I, I feel like I've been soul connected to that man forever, you know? Like, I feel like we're already married. We have so many very official things. We've had a joint bank account for like, almost two years. Like, we have had a lot of like, very, you know, serious stuff in our lives that we That we've connected and and we did that because we we just knew you know And we had a lot of things to figure out before we decided to get married And it was never going to be the right time like financially or anything else and my business Finally like had you know, good is starting to like find a footing.


You know what I mean? So it all came at the right time. So That being said, there's one thing that I wanted to just share that I just realized I didn't mention and that is like another part of how I manifested Zander because I don't think I really talked about that piece, was I, in that time of journaling, I made a list in my phone that was like my dream journal. Partner, so I have it pulled up. This is 8 55 p. m. Which I wrote this in the midwest. So that was 11 55 p. m Which is the night owl and me and all and also by the way guys if I sound kind of kneesley It's because i've been crying and i'm still kind of moving through me being sick a couple weeks ago So anyway, but I have loyal like fights for us honest takes me out on dates up for adventures Notices the little things remembers things that i've said Writes me cute notes and letters.


Zander sends me, I have a album in my phone of like, texts from my love. And he just will send me the most beautiful text messages all the time of just what he's thinking about me and I just, it's like one of my favorite things. I'm a words, I'm a quality time but words of affirmation is my second love language. makes me feel confident in myself, makes me feel confident in my relationship. Loves me and wants kids. Loves kids. Zander's so freaking good with kids. Believes in miracles. Has a bright future. Believes in a bright future. Likes sad, soft, slow music, which Zander loves sad music. Surprises me, comforts me when I'm in doubt, trusts me, listens to me. Always shares what's on his mind, Confronts me if he has unsettling feelings, , likes to go on walks, has a lot of passion in life, Always kisses me good night and good morning, shows me off to his friends and to the world, respects me, Balances me with other things in his life, like friends, work, rubs my back and my body.


I love massages. , thinks of me as his best friend, proud to be with me, Helps me out when I need it, wipes my tears, I mean, there's, I'm like, not even listing all of these, I'm just listing the ones that I think are cute. Is committed, loves unconditionally, is trustworthy, reliable, strong willed, driven, all the things. Like, I was, I mean, I feel like I just described Zander, but I was, I really did write this list. So I wrote this, it says July, this was July 1st, 2019. So, at 11. 55pm. So, , right before we met. Pretty crazy. So that is my list and Let's talk about the engagement. So now that's why you guys are all here And I was gonna do a poll and ask questions and i'm just gonna like tell you guys the story. So Zander and I got engaged on June 21st. , it is currently july 8th as i'm recording this And it was the most amazing beautiful everything Something that i'm very passionate about in relationships and this is for anyone that's in that wants what they want out of a relationship So Be focal about what you like and don't like, like, Why my engagement was a dream is because I have been vocal about what I want.


And I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Okay. Actually hate's a really strong word. I very much dislike when people complain to me about their partners or things in their relationships and they, they don't tell them like, don't play games, like stop playing games. What I mean by this is like, if someone was like, Oh, like I want to get, like, I want to have like a photographer when I get engaged. And then they've never said that to their partner. Like, Tell them, set them up to win. Anyway, so why so many things I feel like are a dream is because I was very vocal about what I wanted years ago. So, let's just start with the whole weekend. So, we were going to Columbus, Ohio, which we live in Southern California. We were going to Columbus, Ohio for a Zach Bryan concert. If you don't know who Zach Bryan is. Girl, guy, whoever, y'all need to listen. We have been big Zach Brian fans for a long time. Zander is like an ultra Zach Brian fan. In 2021, we saw him in like a tiny little old church. Zander has a tattoo for Zach Brian, like one of his album covers.


Like he is a big fan and his friends are really big fans. We all have been since they discovered him on the internet like years ago. So I just feel like I have to say that cause I feel like he's blowing up, but like we've been OG fans. , but anyway, so we, We're, , going to see Zach Bryan that was like our fifth time seeing him, I think. He's one of our faves. And he was also there with Turnpike Troubadours, which we're also big fans of. We've seen them a bunch of times. And, and then Billy Strings, that was my first time seeing him. So it was like a, it was called Buckeye Country Superfest. And we have a lot of friends that live in Columbus, Ohio. One of the places that we moved together in 2021, when we did six moves, one of them was Living in Columbus, which we lived there for about four months and then yeah We obviously left and came back to California and the rest is history. But , we were going there for the country music festival I did not know I did not like suspect an engagement, but I knew there was a ring I didn't know that there was a ring and I Why I knew that there was a ring.


Zander's gonna be mad that I'm telling this, , , So in November, we were booking flights to go home for Christmas, and he was, , booking them on his computer, and I was next to him, and, , the tab to the jeweler was open on his computer. And I even sent a Snapchat to my friends, and I was like, Are you fucking kidding me? Like I can see the tab like he doesn't like he needs to close that and he must have closed it at some point because like I walked away and came back and it was like gone but so I was like okay like he's definitely looking at rings like I knew there was rings happening. I kind of thought around Christmas we were gonna get engaged because I didn't know like when this ring was happening and there was like a weird moment that happened at Christmas that I was like oh my god am I supposed to be getting engaged because we were supposed to do like family photos and like it ended up falling through and I didn't know if that was Zander I don't want to do family photos.


It was mostly because like it was we like we're going out the night before with friends or something I can't remember but and then I ended up telling Zander that in January He was like I was not proposing then by the way He did not know that I saw that tab on his computer until I ended up telling him in January like I Saw that tab open on your computer, by the way, so I'm assuming that you're buttering and he was just like He said, Leah, those aren't things you say to people until after you get engaged. But, not only do I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I'm incredibly blunt as a human. , believe it or not. So, yeah. And I have very dry humor. So, that's how I am. , but anyway, so I knew there was like a ring and I felt like we had nothing really going on. We had, we had stuff going on, but nothing where I felt like we were going to get engaged until This June my mom and grandma were coming out to visit and my sister was like supposed to be coming too From Ohio and I was like, oh shit, like that is when I'm getting engaged So I thought that's when it was happening and it didn't happen then so I didn't know when it was gonna be happening And I was fine with it.


Someone asked me, I think it was my mom, like, that, around that time period, like, when do you think it's gonna happen? And I was like, honestly, I don't even care when it happens. Like, we're already married. It's not even a big deal. And weddings are really stressful, so I have a lot happening in my own life. I'm on a health journey right now. I am on a, I have, I have a million projects going on right now. So I was like, I am in no hurry, you know? It's fine, but so anyway, we're in columbus and we get in thursday and like we my two of my good friends out here came kendall and nina and We all get to Columbus and I told you guys I didn't feel good. I was up like all night on Thursday after we flew, because my stomach did not feel okay. And then I wake up Friday and we ended up getting brunch with a bunch of friends because we have a lot of friends that live in the area and we had a lot of friends coming in town for that concert. So yeah, so we, we were Like the day of I kind of felt like it was happening because the number one question is like were you surprised?


like yes, and no I was surprised and i'm not mad about that because Like I was I really wanted to like have this surprise moment and everything was like a big surprise in terms of everything that unfolded but exactly like Like if I knew it was happening like I started to know because earlier in the week zander went shopping And he's like you didn't know i'm like yes, so zander I got home on like tuesday. I think it was Before we were leaving for columbus. Sorry, i'm bouncing all over the place I have just so many details and I keep kind of forgetting until i'm talking about something else But I get home and I was at pilates I get home from pilates He was with the dogs on a walk and there was like shopping bags and I walked in and there was like a lot of clothes and I like was like, what did Sander buy? Like he went to the mall and it was like really nice like linen pants and just like really nice stuff but like not stuff you'd wear to Isaac Bryan like Buckeye Country Superfest. You know what I mean? So I was like Holy fucking shit. Like am I about to get like I was like, these are really nice clothes But I was just like, I don't know like I don't know.


I just was like, okay, whatever Like I already was getting because everyone's like, oh you knew cuz your nails were done No, like these nails I've had for a month These are the nails that I I would be I was getting these all summer because I knew these were the nails that I wanted to Yes, absolutely get engaged in and I knew there was a ring. So I have had these nails for Since may and I was going to continue to get them and so I got them just like refilled And I was going to just continue to get them until an engagement happened and because they're really beautiful and go with everything And I have gotten a lot of compliments So that was like not related to that And I did my tanner not because of getting engaged because i'm pale as fuck And I also I already had a hair appointment So like there was so many things that like that week that was just happenstance And I would do that for any trip. So You The day of we go to brunch, I am like actually not feeling well. And I at this point was like, oh my gosh, I am like, I have nerves. I think like, is this happening? And I was just like reading into everything guys. I read people for a living, so it's very hard for me not to read people. I am an observer in human design, which by the way, you can see in human design if you are observed or an observer, I'm an observer.


It's impossible to get things past me. I like there was. There's no reality of mine where, like, a surprise can really exist. And not because I am Snoopy, it is because this is what I do for a living. Like, I am a psychic medium. Like, human design isn't necessarily psychic, but I read people. Like, that's what I do. I'm so good at picking that stuff up out. Like, I know when people are acting strange. And so the day of, there were just like little things where people were like, Today is gonna be a great day, or we're gonna Let's all dress like really nice and anyone who doesn't even do psychic mediumship stuff would have like maybe Read into that and I respect so much the people that like I don't know more ignorant than me in a good way like I don't even say that as like no hate no shade, but just like people who are able to Turn a blind eye and not notice things but I notice everything and I like love and I hate it sometimes about myself too, but so we the plan was so we all got brunch and some of our guy friends were there and then some of our girlfriends and so the plan was Zander was gonna go With some of the guys they were stopping at costco, which I think that they actually ended up doing and they were going to get stuff for , because like the festival was like I don't know.


We were like going to have like a tailgating situation So they were going to get stuff for that and to like go help set that up And then the plan was we were going to this like botanical garden Which was because they did like the summer market And there were gonna be all these vendors and live music and it was just like something fun to do that Like only happens in the summer So that was like what Zander told me and that's what everyone told me which I did think was true I was like, okay. Yeah, that's cool. I love live music. I love you know vendors. I like right up my alley cool We lived in columbus for four months, but I don't know a lot about columbus other than like Main area of the short north. So I was like, okay, like, I don't know. I didn't know anything about like where we were going and we get back. And the funny thing is Hinder said, make sure Leah gets ready on time because like, she's very slow to get ready, which is a fact about me. And they said, the funniest part was like, I was like, I think I'm going to take a nap. I didn't sleep all last night and my stomach kind of hurts. And they were like, you're not taking a nap, Leah.


And I was like, we have two and a half hours till this market. Like. Bitch, I am taking a 25 minute nap. I'm exhausted. And they were like, no. So, I did end up taking a nap. We get ready. They take me to this market and they, we drive to the market and then like the thing was, Zander, like, there's a certain place that we have to park and so they were calling him and so they drop us, they get, we all get out of the car and Zander's like, oh, you guys can't actually park here. You have to park over there. And he was like, Leah, why don't you come with me, and then you guys all go park. So that was the situation, and I, that's when I was like, Oh my god, I think I'm getting engaged, like, my friends just left me. You know, like, at least one of them would have stayed with us, and the way that, and Zander was so dapper, and like, just so cute and dressed up, but, So it's like this beautiful, like, I forget the name of the place, but it's like some botanical garden in Columbus, it's gorgeous.


And we are walking up, and so I'm like, Okay, I feel like this is happening, like, I was like, I was like, maybe not though, I don't know. So, Zander's, , shoes were actually, like, cutting up the back of his ankle. And I guess, we had a photographer, and the photographer said to him, like, try and get Leah's bag at some point. And so, he was, , saying that, and I actually carry band aids in my purse. And I was like, oh, I have band aids in my purse. And he was like, oh, really? And then he was like, well, let me see your back. And we do have a video of the engagement. It didn't turn out that great because like it was on the photographers, like above her lens. And so it's like mostly just her lens. But. The building that we're going to is like still far in the distance and there was like this little like path to like walk there So in my head i'm like, okay If this is happening, like it's probably going to be like in the beautiful like botanical like I don't know this like greenhouse but we're like outside and We're like turning this corner and Zander was like, wait, can I see your purse?


Like I want to put I want to grab some of those band aids and there was like a little bench and he walked towards the bench, throws my, throws my purse, which was a nice purse though, it's from Amazon, it's like Bender the Ringer, and literally grabs a ring box behind a bush and then gets down on one knee and was like, And I was like, holy fucking shit. Like, I was, like, I was so shocked in this moment because I, I like was suspecting it was happening. But like, the way in which it happened, like, I thought we were going to be inside this greenhouse. I thought, like, I thought Zander was putting a bandaid on. I was just like, so when he turned around, I was in pure shock in that moment. And I was like, holy shit. What? Like, yes! Oh my god, yes! Like, of course, and I mean, of course I start crying, and like, you guys have seen the photos. If you haven't, they're on my Instagram, at Leah McLeod, L E A H M C C O L E D. Not the design review, but if you go to the design review, I'm linked in the bio.


You can go to my personal, you'll see it. I don't know why I didn't post it on the Design of You, I should have it. I didn't realize you can collaborate with more than like two people. Anyways, that was a whole shock, it was really beautiful, and we cried and we hugged, and then Emma, who is a photographer, she's really good friends with my best friend from growing up, Maddie, and Emma's her, so that, Emma's the photographer, and she comes out of the bush and we actually just met her in March. Which is a funny story and so seeing her I was like, oh my gosh, like no way and Then it was just like it was such a I mean the whole thing like I truly feel like I blacked out People say that and I remember like thinking like I'm not gonna be like that the entire day Is a is a blackout for me like I almost don't feel like I remember anything not from like alcohol Just like it was such a whirlwind just like of intense emotions like crying like I mean i'm like kissing zane I'm, like Oh my god, and by the way, it was 96 degrees and humid so i'm sweating so many people This has been a question i've gotten like four times.


You look so glowy in your photos. What are you wearing? I'm wearing Patrick Ta body, body balm or whatever it is, body glow or whatever. Look it up. Great. But I'm also dripping in sweat, which you cannot see in the photos. We both are. It is so hot out and also just like nerves. But then we took all these beautiful photos inside the garden and everything. And it was so, I mean, it was just so gorgeous. So then we end up, Zander was like, let's go get just like dinner, you and me, or like, let's go get a drink together. Let's go celebrate, get some champagne. We're going to meet some of our friends for dinner. So like, that's what I thought we were doing because a lot of our friends were in town and like something that I have said in the past was like, I always kind of wanted like to celebrate with family, but like, it's not a requirement.


I just like, would love to see, I would just love to like celebrate at least with people. And so Zander was like, and so we were sitting there. I'm like, should I FaceTime my family? And Zander's like, we have brunch tomorrow morning. All of our family's coming tomorrow. So. Like surprise he's like, but we have brunch with them. Like, let's just like live in the moment. And I was like, okay, you're right. Like, let's not, I don't want to text anyone. Like, let's just like, and we just like, couldn't stop honestly making out with each other. We're like, okay, yeah, let's just like live in the moment. And it was cool. We get into our Uber and I'm like, we just got engaged. And the Uber driver was like, Live in the moment like soak it up like people will find out soon enough Like you don't need to tell anyone because like my entire family was like, oh my god Like we were worried you're gonna look at our location. You're gonna FaceTime us I was like The last thing on my mind was giving a shit about where any of you guys were on location I was like I was in Lala land like I was Just above the stars in the clouds the whole universe like I was Floating on a cloud somewhere else a McLeod if you will so I was yeah I was like, I did not even think about that So we get to dinner or like we got to this restaurant we got they gave us champagne for free which was cute and we Or just a trip.


I told you guys my stomach was not feeling good. I like barely ate all day, which I also feel like is why just like everything was a blur. And we went there and then we went to another like rooftop thing and like just had a glass of champagne and we were like, oh my gosh. And then my cousin, she calls me who, She helped, she was there helping me get ready. She's like one of my best friends, Olivia. She was on the podcast actually for like a second. I forget what episode, but she's like in the intro in one of my episodes. And she FaceTimes me and she's like, Oh my God, I'm like, we'll see you guys at dinner soon. Like, and we had had, we got an Airbnb. And so we were like, let's go to our Airbnb, which was like on the main strip of like right by where We were like having, you know, like a pre dinner cocktail just to celebrate the two of us, and we go back, and the question I've gotten too is because if you've seen any photos and videos, I'm in a yellow dress when we got engaged, and then I change into a white dress when we go to the engagement party, and that is because I just had a lot of like, outfits in my bag, and I was like, oh my god, I should wear this white dress, like it's perfect.


Like, I'm gonna wear it. We just got engaged. Like, I'm changing out of yellow. And plus, it was, like, really sweaty. So, I was like, let's, I'm gonna change into this white dress and we go back. And that's what we did. We changed into a white dress. And then I, and then we went to, we were supposed to get a dinner with our friends, and this was, like, the biggest surprise of it all. So, we were supposed to get dinner, and across the street from dinner was, like, another restaurant bar situation, and Zander's like, okay, dinner's at 730, but everyone said they're over here, like, just, like, getting an appetizer and a drink beforehand because our table's not ready, like, for another, like, 20 minutes. I was like, okay, cool, and so we're like, just, we had, like, the Uber driver, like, just drop us off here. And he was also really, it was just cute, everyone we interacted with, you know, they were all just so happy and, giddy for us. So then we get to this place and this restaurant and Zander's like, oh, they're upstairs at this bar.


And we're like having a conversation as I'm walking up and all of a sudden we walk up and I see my mom, my dad, my grandma, my best friend from childhood, Zoe, her mom, I mean, Zander's entire family. All of our closest friends and family, like friends that live near and far. My friend from Indianapolis, another friend of mine, like all my friends from college, like literally all my best friends and family. And that was of all the surprises. That was my favorite. I was hysterical and like, I wish there were more videos. It was, I don't know why everyone kind of like jammed into this room. Cause I feel like, I don't know, only one person can get like a video, but it was. Yeah, I was just blown away. I could not stop crying. Just like. Oh my god, I remember like just hugging my dad and like sobbing and our friend from friends from california flew out I mean, it was just like the best time ever and it was funny because My friend who's the they're the girl emma that took our photos She's an amazing photographer, by the way, if anyone's looking and she's doing more stuff outside of ohio.


So like call her She's incredible and she's the funniest person you'll ever meet. She told us after we left the engagement, like, I'm going home. Like you guys have a good rest of your day. Like it was so cute. And then she was there like taking photos the whole night. So that was like the biggest surprise. The food was amazing. And I looked at Zander, I'm like, should we just get married right now? Like, holy crap. Like, I feel like. This is everyone I'd ever want here besides my sister who's pregnant in Southern California. She couldn't make it which was sad, but Understandable and we just celebrated the other day. So yeah, so we Basically, we we just had the night of our lives truly like it was so cool , just I mean if any of you guys are getting engaged or if any men are listening do that because it was It was perfect and I could not have loved it more than I like truly blew me away So yeah, so then we we just like we celebrated the whole night.


I Cried a ton like I just was in I'll get into ring details in a second, but I wanted to share some just like really cool things. I think astrologically about the day, so Basically, we I like I realized there was a lot of like really amazing like astrology So the first thing is that I'm gonna pull this up. I have this this isn't a highlight on my personal Instagram So first of all, like it was on Friday, June 21st, which was Less than 30 hours after the summer solstice, if you don't know what the summer solstice is, solstice, solstice, that was kind of like hard to say, is one of the longest days of the year. It's when like the sun provides the most energy. And what does that mean? Well, from an astrophysics perspective, the sun emits 99 percent of the neutrinos, energetic particles, that constitute the building blocks of our universe that reach Earth. With more daylight, During the summer solstice, it signifies that the earth is actually receiving more of those neutrinos.


So what does that mean? It just means like There's a lot of good energy like that day and it's just a big time spiritually for celebration embarking on new paths brightness , the other thing is that so The friday was a full moon in capricorn Zander's a capricorn son and additionally capricorn is my descendant in astrology which is associated with marriage and long term commitments because So if you look up descendant sign in astrology the chani app's good for this. So it's like the sanctuary app , basically like Whatever that sign is, it represents what you need in a partner. So mine's in Capricorn, which is what Zander is. Zander is actually like a quadruple Capricorn, I believe. Like he has four planets in Capricorn. He's very Capricorian, like as I mentioned, super disciplined. And so it's every time I've seen an astrologer, they're like, Oh yeah, that's your, that's your husband. But yeah, so it's basically represents like the kind of partner we seek. It doesn't always have to be like if yours is in , I don't know, like, Leo doesn't mean that you're always going to, like, your future husband is a Leo.


It's just, like, energy that you kind of seek out of relationships. But it could be. Now, full moons in Capricorn also highlight themes of security, long term plans, wisdom, maturity, stability. So, I just thought that was cool. And it was also called the Strawberry Moon, which represents, , , the energy of connecting with others soulfully and also opens up our heart chakras. And , friday was also the cusp between gemini and cancer and i'm a gemini moon in astrology And my rising or ascendant in astrology is in cancer And then to give you guys some human design transits, which you guys if you don't like We haven't talked about this yet, but I'm definitely gonna be doing some stuff with transits at some point soon , so the sun was in gate 15 and the moon was in gate 10 and gate 15 is all about extremes and a love For humanity while gate 10 highlights authenticity and self love so for me this transit serves as a reminder to embrace the people you love in your life as much as You love your authentic self and vice versa.


So I just felt like it was so special Another astrologer. I love Mia French. She's she goes by saucy moo on Instagram. She's one of my favorite astrologers She does like really amazing posts. And so for the full moon and Capricorn she did this post It's like read this for your rising sign then your Sun and your moon. And so I read it for mine Which, My Risings and Cancer, the full moon and Capricorn represents this for you. And for me, with My Rising and this, it was one on one relationships, marriage, and partnerships. And for Zander, his rising is a Libra, and it's thieves of home, family, security, and roots. And I just feel like that was, I mean, it's, it just like was pure magic. Like, everything was magical about the whole day. Like, it was, I mean, like, truly, truly, truly, truly just magic. I've never felt more loved in my life. And then afterwards, we Ended up, just, I mean, we, the, when we went to Zach Bryan on Saturday, everything was just amazing, like, I have never had that much fun with my friends, I mean, we danced, and danced, and danced, and cried, and, like, cried happy tears, and just sang, and like, it was pure, pure, just a magical weekend, regardless of my stomach ache.


Like, I truly felt amazing, like, so loved, and I've never been happier. And, , whatever virus I had, I don't recommend anyone get, but, besides the point. So yeah, so then we ended up, I'm trying to, I like, feel like there's more details that I don't, I wish I had someone interviewing me right now, because I feel like there would be more questions. Oh, and I guessed the ring, so let me talk about the ring, because I've gotten a lot of compliments on the ring. Thank you very much. , Zander did not pick this out, because everyone's like, Great job, Zander. Love that for you guys again, like if you want something go after I actually picked this ring out in 2021 Because when we were doing travel nursing or he was doing travel nursing when we moved out to california There was there's lots of like bigger jewelers out here and so We had not really talked about an engagement at that point at all really and I wanted to go and look at rings because I didn't know how long we were going to be out here and like I was doing some work up in LA and stuff like that.


So I went and looked at rings like a long time ago and , I specifically like designed and picked out this ring. So I looked at different bands which I think are called settings, I don't really know, and then like different diamond shapes. I always thought I wanted an emerald and then When I got there and tried on I wanted something classic yet unique. So that's what it has the double band And yeah, I loved I I thought I wanted the the emerald like rectangle and then when I tried on a pair I was like, oh my god, i'm a pear girl, and i've just never been more in love like I I loved it and another piece of this manifestation is I Found rings that looked like mine after that fact on Pinterest and put them on my vision board, and I cannot tell you the amount of times that I would sit and stare at my hand and visualize this ring being on my finger.


And that was like a big part of like my manifestation process was like just visualizing it fully. And yeah, like I, I needed to do that too, which I also recommend. Like if you're not sure what kind of ring you want, or if you're like trying to like make something happen, even if you're not even with someone like. Go try on rings. It's really fun to do. Like, I had a blast every all the places I went to, and I and I found what I wanted, and that, like, really helped me kind of, like, visualize it and put it to the forefront of my brain for it to, you know, become a reality. So, that's the ring. Zander did not pick it out.


He basically, the story goes, I got home from said ring one of the ring appointments, and he was like, Where, where were you this morning? Because I just kind of left and didn't say anything before he woke up. And I was like, oh, I, I don't want to tell you. I just, I just was running an errand. He was like, what? And I was like, I don't want to freak you out because we haven't talked about it. But I went and looked at engagement rings just because like, you know, we don't have these places back in Ohio. And if we end up moving back for, you know, or somewhere else for a nursing contract, I just wanted to kind of look and, I don't want to pressure you, and so I just went and looked for me, so whatever. And he was like, well, send me, send me what they, send me the photos, like send me, send me what, send me what they sent you. And I was like, oh! So then I, a lot of the places, , they will, sorry if I sounded nasally, I just had to like blow my nose. I'm still like getting over being sick. But, , they'll send like an email, and so they sent me an email with the, , The details and then I just forwarded to and was like, this is the one that I like of the email.


So. He's at it forever, and he would joke throughout the past, like, two years, like, we should go look at rings. And I would say to him every time, nope, I already have it in an email. Just search your email, Zander. I sent in an email, like, a zillion years ago, like, nothing has changed. That's the one I want. And then a couple times, like, in the past, like, I don't know, six months, he'd be like, is that still, like, the ring that you want? And I was like, that's the one I want. Yep, I don't want to go look at any other rings. That's the ring that I want. And so that's what that's what I got and I Yeah, I mean the whole thing was Zander nailed it though. Like everything was so so particular and like Or I should say, like, meticulously thought out and I cannot get over it, like, I don't know how he planned this without me knowing. , he has been studying for potentially going back to school, and he's like, I did a lot of this while studying. He showed me a notepad on his phone, which I think is hilarious.


He was like, I was worried that, like, you would look over one day and, like, see me writing notes. So he had a note in his phone called lunch ideas, and the list was like, Was like sandwich like sandwiches chicken and rice like tuna sat like random like lunch ideas And then below that was the most giant notepad and I have a video of it on my phone. I like He showed it to me and I was like, oh my god I would take a video of this just for like memories and it's like Like just listing out like who he's messaged who he's talked to who he's told who's coming in This is what we're staying like he had the logistics laid out. So well, i'm so proud of him my my My king i'm not i'm still getting used to the fiance title Which I don't know why it's hard for me because I always I thought boyfriend always felt very like My boyfriend like I never liked saying that because we always felt so much serious And so I thought fiance would sound better, but I feel like so lame saying beyonce do you like my fiance like it just sounds So cheesy.


So I've just been calling him my husband, but yeah, so like, that was the, that was the engagement story. I'm trying to think if there's any other details that I can add. Oh, one thing that everyone's like, what did Zander, what was Zander's speech when he proposed? Zander did not give a speech and, , I, but he did later. So, Zander is not a man of many words. I would, in, in terms of like, speaking, like, he's a very good, like, You know texting and stuff like that and so he said that he's like I knew that if I if I said anything I would be a blubber and so his he said that he's like I went into the engagement knowing I'm not saying anything other than will you marry me and That's it That's what I'm gonna do and then so we were only got drinks the two of us afterwards I was like, so what would you have said and he said the most like beautiful speech about how he can't wait to you know, have a family someday and watch me become a mother and You know, all the personal things, but just like, you know, it was really beautiful and I cried and it was super sweet and we just, yeah, it was awesome.


And I gave him some sentiments back and we just, yeah, it was just, everything was the most perfect, perfect weekend. , other than me not feeling great. Cause again, then I woke up Sunday and I was the most sick of my entire life, like congested and stomachache. Like I almost went to urgent care or like the ER at one point. I asked the energy, take me to the emergency room cause I didn't feel well. I like felt so bad, but we're good. I made it It was sick all the entire week after I took off work which was nice to just kind of like sit and chill and take in the weekend, but I also was like All I want to do is record this episode and i'm coughing I like i'm not i'm nasally and I wanted to like go see friends right away and like celebrate with her Chosen family out in California for the ones that couldn't make it and it was hard to do so because we were just I was I was super sick and Zander had to work a couple days So and then I guess the next question that I keep getting is just like when are we getting married? When are we planning in there like a wedding? I have Absolutely, no idea. I'm in no rush as I mentioned. I have a lot of projects I'm in the middle of writing a book that my manuscript is due September 2nd and Or my final, I should say my manuscript's due in August, but like my final, final, final, like, iteration of the book is due in September, so I don't have much time.


I am making changes to my HDM, my main program that I run. I am building an app right now, a human design app, and so I have a lot going on. I don't have capacity right now to plan a wedding, , until probably late, like probably closer to the holidays. Obviously, I am who I am. , I'm a visual person. I, I know things that I want and I've I have a Pinterest and I've been on there doing the, doing the thing. And I'm very excited for when we do plan a wedding because I think it's going to be really fun. But right now I'm just trying to live in the moment, be happily engaged and just like soak up this time as, you know, I had just like fiancees and, and just basking at all because it still feels like a whirlwind. And I'm, I couldn't be happier truly. And I can't, I'm just so excited to marry Zander and to be his wife. And. Yeah, to live, to live to our oldest days together. I really am. And so with that, I think I'm gonna end it here. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. I'm happy to answer all the things, but yeah, it was a beautiful, everything was beautiful, and I love you guys.


Thank you for supporting me and my work and my relationship if you're close to me, if you're a friend of mine. , I know you guys love Zander as much as you love me, and You know vice versa So I I just I could not be more thankful for like the people I have in my life that you know hold us together and yeah It's really it's just a really beautiful time and I hope that you guys all have a beautiful rest of your week wherever you are depending on what time of day I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I love you. I will see you guys in the next episode whenever that is done.