The Design Of You

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A Breakdown of the 36 Channels in Human Design

EPISODE #26: A Breakdown of the 36 Channels in Human Design

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In this episode, Leah shares all about the 36 channels in Human Design. She discusses all of the following:

00:32 BTS on Human Design Mastery

02:45 Being in your late twenties and the comparison that comes with it

32:21 What are channels?

33:30 How many channels can someone have?

34:32 How do we find channels?

35:39 A breakdown of each of the 36 channels

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, explores each of the 36 channels in human design. She explains what channels are and where they’re found. Leah goes through each of the channels and tells us what they mean. She also shares how you can use the channels you have to live in alignment with your human design type. 


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Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the design of you today. We're going to be talking all about channels in human design, but I wanted to provide a few updates for you guys. The first thing is that I just wanted to say thank you and express some gratitude. For all of you that enrolled in HDM if you have been listening the vodcast, you know exactly what HDM is So I don't have to get too far into it, but it's essentially my New live human design reader training and it starts this Thursday September 7th, and it is a six week course So we go from September 7th until October 24th And it's a live course to learn all of the ins and outs of the human design system to either become a reader Integrate the knowledge into your daily life for yourself or for your own business if you want to integrate the knowledge into something that you already do.


So I'm very excited to, to meet all of the people that enrolled. We officially have 38 people that enrolled in HDM and I know that that number is going to go up even a little bit more. And that said, so doors did close yesterday on September 3rd, Sunday, September 3rd, but But the link is still there if you somehow missed that over the long holiday weekend.


Just either send me a note and I'll send you the link to enroll or just know it's down below. I haven't taken it off my website yet, so you can still enroll. Officially I will be removing everything on the 7th, on the morning of September 7th, which is this Thursday, which is when I will be basically, that's when we start.


That's when we start the course. So I'm very excited to teach. I have been, I spent pretty much my entire weekend just working on this course. I have been putting together the beautiful community and reviewing the modules. And I'm just, I'm so excited. I, I truly can't say enough. I just put together the study guide, a reading list for you guys.


A,, a little fun social share thing for you guys to share your progress, just kind of like the info sheet, just everything. I've been, I've been putting the zoom calls together. It's going to be so fun. So if you'd like to still join, go ahead and click the link below. But I thought I'd share some personal stuff.


Going on in my life. Cause I feel like you guys really like to hear my personal stuff. I know that I, when I listen to other people's podcasts, I'm like, tell me what's happening in your everyday life. I don't, I don't actually know what's happening. Cause it doesn't feel like anything major is going on in my life, but I think right now, let's see top of mind for me that I'm moving through to give you guys just a little bit of like the lessons in my life.


So right now I'm to just like trust where I am at in life. I don't know if any of you guys are at the same age as me. I'm sure some of you are. I'm, so I'll be 28 in a couple months and I was just talking to my dad last night on the phone and we were talking about how, or I was telling him like how it's just like so hard to be at this age sometimes because it feels like there are so many people, everyone's at different stages and I'm assuming that as we become adults that's just what happens because obviously.


When we're, you know, young, we're kind of going through milestones when we're in school, elementary school, into middle school, into high school, and so we have friends alongside us and people that are developing, you know, biologically at the same rate as us, and then we go to college, and so we're all kind of at the same place, and I would say even shortly after college, everyone's kind of at the same pace where it's like, okay, we're graduating college, and then we're, you know, getting our first jobs, and And so on and so forth and now of course there's people who didn't go to college and did things earlier or later and stuff like that too, but I would say being 28 is a very, or about to be 28, is putting a lot of pressure on you.


Me a little bit and I'm trying to really release that pressure and just trust my own path and and not really look at everyone else's paths like I was telling my dad last night because so we live out in California and I'm from the Midwest I feel like I talk about that a lot and I thought I talk about it a lot is because my family puts a lot Of pressure on me often to move back home.


And in fact Zander's parents were from the same area We didn't meet until after college and stuff though, but, we're from similar areas and his parents do the same for us too, more so just, you know, just, they kind of make comments here and there. all of them do like, when are you moving home? Oh my gosh.


How are you ever going to be able to afford a house in California? You know, when are you guys going to like settle down? And Zander and I, we are about to hit our four year anniversary. , our anniversary, we actually met on the 4th of July or the 3rd of July. It was a 4th of July party in 20. 19 and we didn't officially, you know call I never know what to call my our like official date but I guess we officially started we kind of call it like, you know, are we dating that sort of thing?


September 21st, I believe. So we're coming up on four years together, which has gone by so incredibly fast I cannot believe that it's already been four years together and it's it's been it and some notes It feels like it's been forever and then sometimes it feels like it's still brand new which I think is a good thing it means that you know, things are still exciting and whatever else but we have moved across the country together we have We've got a dog, we've, you know, moved in, we've lived in several places and yeah, we, you know, We're very intertwined within our lives at this point.


And so it's like we feel so much pressure or at least I do I feel like I know Zander does a little bit But probably less than I do because it's like that's what girls talk about a lot and it's fine I'm not someone who like really cares when people ask like if you're when are you getting married?


When are you getting engaged? When are you having babies? Like I don't actually I know that that's a very sensitive topic and I'm very sensitive about that with people, but I, I personally like don't care when people ask me those things. Like I, I just don't. I think it's because I'm an open book and I, Again, like, I think it's important to share what we're going through, like, I feel like I'm the type of person that will get pregnant and tell someone, like, right away, or will, you know, I just, I think it's okay to share what we're moving through in life, even if you have a miscarriage, or even if you, like, have, you know, I, I just don't care, again, I know a lot of people do, so, like, no judgment if that's something that, like, you keep personal, but, like, I know someone in my life right now, very close to me, who's, like, trying for a baby, and, And they like, don't even want people to know that they're trying and, and I get that, but I'm like, I mean, I don't really see the point, like, if that's what you're moving through, like, maybe, you never know, like, someone who could share wisdom or share something that could help maybe you feel less alone, but, moving on, I was just sharing with my dad last night, I was like, it just feels so hard sometimes to be at this age in my life where, you know, I have a friend who just bought a million dollar home out here, I have a, all my friends back in Ohio have bought homes and are having babies and are getting married, And, you know, that I see people who are traveling the world and I see people who are, you know, starting other businesses or are, you know, getting really high up positions and, and corporate careers, I see people who are, you know, just, just opening shops, opening restaurants, you know, you just kind of see people doing all sorts of different things.


And one thing about me is that I really care to, I have a zest for life and I really care to live my best life. best life. Like, if there's one thing about me is that I want it all. but the problem is I usually want it right now and I need to remind myself that there's no hurry and that I don't have to rush my life.


But yeah, it can just be challenging because my dad was like, I don't remember what exactly we were talking about, but he made some bullshit comment about like, You know, do you want to move? When are you going to move back home? One of those comments that I get all the time and I was like, not for a while, dad.


Like, you know, we really enjoy living out in California. In fact, I love it out here so much and I love the weather. I love the mindset. My friends are all so driven and The people in my life are all super like, yeah, driven, goal oriented, positive. I am surrounded by super optimistic people. And I, I truly, like, no offense to my friends who are listening, I, I can't say the same about when I'm back at, in my home, in my hometown.


Just honestly in the state of Ohio. In Michigan every time I'm around people there. It's like everyone is so negative People talk a lot of shit about other people. They drag other people down It's always like rolling your eyes at what someone's doing how they do it And just like and everyone pretty much just cares about when you're again gonna buy a house and have a baby and so for me, it's like I'm sometimes in this paradox of like I want, I want to buy a house and I want to have a baby and have a wedding and do all that stuff, for sure.


 Like, that is definitely something that matters to me. And I feel like that might just be my Midwest blood. Like, that's something I really care about. But I'm also very career oriented. I care a lot about, and it's not even career oriented. Like, I really care to fulfill my purpose. And I care about the work that I do in human design.


I care about helping people. And I just know that I have so much. So much stuff that I still need to do in life before I get to that point, and, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that I have that feeling deep down that like, I want those things, and I'm watching lots of people very close to me doing those things, and so then you just kind of get insecure where you're like, Wow, like it's gonna be a while.


So, and it's, I know it's gonna be even longer because, you know, for us personally, Susander, he is planning to go back to school for three years starting next year. And so it's gonna be really interesting because when he goes back to school, it's gonna be, I mean, I'm gonna be the primary, you know, sort of breadwinner in a way.


And, and yeah, I mean that's three more years of, of just kind of delaying some stuff that we want to have happen in life and so it's, yeah, I don't know. So I guess, to share personally what I'm going through is that I'm moving through this like, you know, comparison thing and I, and I have done this a lot.


Like I, I've posted about this on my personal Instagram, just like looking where people are at because, again, like I just want, I want the dream home like on my bucket list to give you guys like some insight into like things that I really care about in life. So I really care to build my own home. If not build my own house, renovate a home.


that's like something that has mattered to me my entire life. Like that's a dream of mine. It's a goal of mine. I will do that at some point. I, I can't wait to do that. I literally at one point like, okay, to give you guys insight into the professions that I've, I've like., explored in my life. So when I was, when I was really young, I wanted to become an artist.


I was always really creative, really good at art. And I think I've said this on the podcast because I have gate one in my, my son, my conscious son. So of course I'm like naturally very creative and care about expressing myself. So I wanted to be an artist. And then I kind of had a moment where I wanted to be a astronaut.


I got, became really fascinated with space after an elementary school. We had like some assembly where they came in and did some sort of spaces, like. You know, thing and it was so fascinating to me. and then I wanted to be a therapist, , and that I was, I remember someone telling me like, oh, you, you age fast when you become a therapist, like it, it becomes a lot on your own mental health.


And so then I decided I didn't want to do that. And then. I wanted to, work for a magazine. I really wanted to become, like, do, like, be, like, an editor of a magazine. Like, I really cared a lot about, like, I loved, I love magazines. Like, my, my, we had, we had subscriptions growing up. I loved reading through them.


I was, like, I want to work, I want to be, like, the editor of a magazine or, like, work in. Like that sort of creative environment like putting what I wanted to do was like, you know in high school I ended up being in like the yearbook class. I wanted to like put the pages together like that was so fun to me So I guess that's like kind of the art piece But I loved reading people's stories and magazines and then I became obsessed with nutrition So I would say if you knew me in high school That's I feel like what a lot of people are remembered me maybe talking a lot about.


I don't know I don't fucking remember high school. Honestly, like I don't know if anyone here even remembers anything about me, but I was in leadership positions in high school and I I always wanted to do something in the nutrition field, like I wanted to, I wanted to be like a dietician or a nutritionist, but I wanted to put like meal plans together for people.


I was really obsessed with like superfoods, and I, I grew up in a, in a place where we didn't really, Eat that way. So it was really I liked kind of you know Sharing about something new because I got really into learning about superfoods and stuff on the internet.probably my Incarnation cross of the lax defiance because I love to do things a little bit different So if like no one was eating one way I wanted to like tell people about that I like wanted to show people different ways of living so I actually ended up going to college So fun fact when I went to college I ended up so it was originally a major in Dietetics or nutrition or kinesiology something like I can't remember the exact name, but I was going to school to be a dietitian but two weeks before I started my Before I went to college went away to college.


I Shadowed someone at a hospital in my area who was a dietitian And this girl was so freaking miserable. I remember spending the day with her and I remember she had inside, first the hospital, I, like, I, I don't know how Zander, my partner's a nurse, I don't know how any of you who are listening work in a hospital because I think it's one of the most depressing places.


I guess it depends on the floor and what unit you're in because some of, I mean, I think some of the rooms can be really beautiful and some of the state of the art hospitals they have these days, but the hospital that I was at, I was touring this dietitian and I, And I remember her office was like in the middle of like so there's the hallway and then her there was like a door and It was literally like a closet Like that was where the dietitians were and I remember her just like basically Hating her life and talking about how much she hates her job And being like just talking about how much math it is And because she's like if you didn't bring your calculator to work You may as well turn around and log out and she basically had to put these like nutritional bags together.


I remember being like This is not what I want to do. Like, I just want to tell people how to eat healthier and I started my, I was like, not even a few days into my major in one of my classes and I remember we, I had this miserable professor who was talking about nutrition and whatever and just like kind of giving insight into future jobs or careers and I remember just being like, Fuck this like this is not what I want to do because then I would have had to go to school for several years and then they like Hard like they didn't really make that much and it was just like this very like daunting career And I remember being like this isn't for me And so I went back to the drawing board.


I'm like, what am I really interested in? I was really interested in architecture because in high school. I took an interior design class and we like Did we did like drawings and things and I loved it was so fun So I actually changed my major to architecture I bought this like giant architecture kit and I ended up in like taking one class and I walked into the class and I remember feeling like so lost in this class because I had started like a week or two late and I and then I remember going to my So in that class, actually, I remember I, like, almost had, I filled my eyes with tears, and I walked out and said I didn't feel good.


and the professor was like, okay. And then I went straight to my counselor, and I was like, I can't do this. And she was like, yeah, you're gonna have to graduate in five years if you end up going down that route. I was like, I don't want to graduate. I don't want to be here, like, longer than I have to. I mean, honestly, now looking back, college was some of the best years of my life.


So I wish I would have stayed longer, but. So I ended up going to my counselor and we switched to strategic communication and interactive media studies. By the way, you guys are getting my life story right now out of nowhere. So first I was like, I don't know what I'm going to share personally. Now I'm going down all the rabbit holes, but.


Classic me.  so yeah, I ended up changing to strategic communication, which was quote unquote supposed to be like an easy degree and just something to take some classes in, until I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. Well, I actually fell in love with strategic communication and I hate that.


Stratcom, like in college, if I told people that was my major, I feel like they just made fun of people who were Stratcom majors, but I. Loved it. And I always felt insecure that people made fun of it because I genuinely like loved that degree. I loved communication Maybe it was like that magazine edge to me.


I loved it. I was so good at it one thing about me is that in college I Was never a 4. 0 student people tell me all the time that I'm smart and I've never identified with being smart because I've never been a 4. 0 student I've never been someone who Really even cares to get good grades. I cared to learn and if I didn't if I wasn't interested in a subject I didn't give a shit.


So like for example, I was in a I don't know. I think we were there's a lot of classes I think I was in an algebra class at one time. I think I was in a Let's see. There was like a biology class. I was in Actually, I think I did well in my biology class. What am I thinking of? I was in like a geology class and I did horrible in lots of my elective classes Which is funny because those are supposed to be fun classes But I was like I'm not interested in some of this stuff And some of the electives I did well in like, I was in like a feminist course or women's something It wasn't called feminist.


I don't know what it was, but I really loved that class and I was in a history of hip hop. I really loved that class. So What I'm trying to say is that I basically Killed it in in my strategic communication. I loved it. I did so well in those classes. I was on like the Honor this and that like I was so good I won an award and then but at my university something smart that they do is that if you are a communication major They make you either double major or double minor.


So if I was that major I either had to have two minors So I actually ended up majoring in something called Interactive Media Studies, which is where I learned about digital branding, graphic design, coding, and that's how I ended up getting my corporate job, which I was working in development and managing development teams.


and then I ended up Obviously, like, so you could kind of see the kind of trajectory of like how all of my interests sort of align with where I ended up in the future. And so what I was trying to say earlier is like, so some things that really matter to me is like, I really care to build my own house.


I really care to do that someday. That is a part of I would say maybe that like architecture moment for me. I really care to I really want to develop an app someday in human design, which you guys know about which i'm kind of in the process of I haven't I haven't put all the Energy and focus into it quite yet, but I am I it's happening at some point which is kind of taking my Developer sort of era into account.


I work in human design. So I feel like that's taking some of my Astronomy, , NASA interest that I had as a child. And then I would say like, magazine, therapist, some of the more artistic, creative routes. Like, I'm very creative, and so that's just infused in all that I do. And if you know me, I'm very into health and wellness.


Like, I'm a very healthy eater. I have close taste, digestion, and human design, which If you know, you know. If you have that, you are someone who's prone to adhering to specific diets or routines. So, if you have closed taste, you may find, we're gonna do an episode all on this at some point, but you may find that you do really well with like, maybe you're a vegan, maybe you're a vegetarian, or a pescatarian, or maybe you're like a carnivore.


You just, a lot of those people are really good at finding like, they can be relatively strict, quote unquote, with different dietary things. Gwyneth Paltrow, for example, she's a closed taste. So, yeah, so that is kind of the trajectory of my life and some of the things that matter to me is like, so I have all of these goals and things that I want to happen, that I want to do in my life, and then part of me, okay, so I'm learning about my astrology a little bit deeper.


I'm not an astrologer, like everyone thinks that I do astrology. I do not do astrology. I know a lot about astrology, enough to be dangerous, but I am not an astrologer, and if you're a human design reader, you're not an astrologer. You might be, you might have done both, but They are not the same thing, and I feel like I have to scream that all the time to people.


Not because I'm against astrology by any degree, but I just feel like it's just one of those things where it's like people just, yeah, they're always like confused. So, I definitely care to, I have a lot of things in my career, but in astrology, My north node is in I'm gonna butcher this. I have a note on my phone.


One second. Okay, so my north node is in Libra in the fourth house and that means like we and relationships and emotions, children, femininity, roots, home, self care. Isn't that interesting? And so essentially what they say in astrology is that the more that you embody your north node, so for me again, like kind of the relationships home, the more that you actually like Find your life path.


And then my south node, which is interesting, is in Aries, the 10th house. And where we're supposed to, what we're supposed to do is kind of move away from that energy. And when we like really step into our purpose is when we again, kind of embrace the north node. And my south node is an Aries, the 10th house, which is like fire, leadership, energy, public image, expert, fame, career status, reputation.


And a lot of astrologers will tell me that I was very famous in a past life. I don't know, obviously I don't know if that's true. I mean, I don't know my past life. I haven't, I would love to do some past life regression at some point. but essentially my south node is, In sort of this like public figure energy and so the the more that I move away from that energy But it's it so what happens with yourself.


No, those it's very hard to move away from that energy. We tend to It feels very comfortable for us and and that makes sense again. Like I mentioned in high school I always had leadership positions. I've always really I heard about like being an expert in like human design and you know, my reputation's always been important to me and public image and things like that.


Like, I don't know, kind of in those realms, leadership I guess I should say is more important to me than fame and public image. so it's so interesting because that does feel very comfortable for me, like even starting a podcast and having lots of you listen to it, like that feels very comfortable for me.


I've never really been that afraid to be seen, which I know a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with when it comes to stepping into their brand. Like I'm not that afraid to be seen. so it must be for myself, no, but I am afraid to have children and to kind of step my home roots a little bit. Like I never want to move back home.


I have no desire to move back to my hometown. And so part of me is realizing that I think it's because that's unfamiliar for me. And so maybe if I start to embrace that, it'll be. But again, I've got so many things that I want to do in the future, so I'm all over the place. But what I'm trying to say is that essentially I am at this place in my life where it's like I am feeling a pull in a lot of different places.


Like I'm 28. I don't know. Do I have a biological clock? Sometimes that feels, sometimes it doesn't feel like correct to say because Because I know people that are at my age that are like, I'm, you know, I'm old now, when we were just home a few weeks ago for a wedding or close to home, we were with one of our friends, I don't think she listens to my podcast, but she has been trying for a baby for a few months now and I think she's getting frustrated with how many months it's taken.


And she was saying like, you know, I'm, I, I just turned 28 and, you know, like if I want to have kids, I need to start now. And, and it was funny because I, I did say to her, I was like, I'm the same age as you and I'm not even, you know, engaged and I don't have any of that plan. And I don't think you have to have kids in the correct order these days anymore.


I probably, I mean, I probably will just because I think that makes sense for me, but I don't know. Maybe I won't. Maybe I'll get pregnant and who knows. But but it was just silly to me because, you know, we're all at these different places, but I actually felt a little bit of pressure from that comment where I was like, damn, like I'm the same age as her and she just bought this like beautiful home in this beautiful neighborhood and she's trying for a baby and all these things.


And I'm like, yeah, Do I need to be doing that right now? and then I look at my friend who just bought a million dollar property here and i'm like dang, like That's awesome. Like I'm so proud of her and her investments and all the things that she's been doing and you know And then you I have a friend that's like literally traveling the world And I'm like that is amazing like good for that person, you know, and I have friends who are very single you know, I friends who are older than me that are very single and are loving being single and have just moved to new cities and are kind of embracing that and so So, it's like, what I'm moving through constantly, probably since 26 to now, is like, okay, where am I in my life and where do I want to be and like, I think it's the over planning and kind of looking ahead and what you want and I'm trying to release that pressure of like, the exact order of things because like, now that Zander's going back to school, it's like, Okay, so like that's gonna put some things behind and then it's like, you know, but that's okay, like that's a part of his career and maybe it doesn't have to put things behind, right?


Like I'm trying to be positive or it's like, you know, maybe we could do two things at once or, you know, who knows? Who knows what's gonna happen? But if you're listening and you are feeling like you're stuck in that comparison of looking at people at the same age as you at very different paces in their life, know that You know, you're not alone.


I think so many of us are feeling that way, and I have to remember that so many things in my life are things that other people, like, are striving for, right? And, you know, other people, it's like, maybe there's people who have kids and are married and, like, look at my life and strive for, you know, the freedom and things that I have, and maybe it's like, You know, or not.


Maybe people are like, dang, what the hell is she doing? And so I think, I don't know, it's just a reminder that we all have to kind of just go with where we are in our life. So, thanks for listening to my life story, and what I've been moving through a lot recently. But I think it's time that we actually just move into the content of this episode.


Something I want to say is that I'm like weirdly stuffy today. And I just got over being sick, so I don't know why I'm stuffy today, but maybe it's like Lingering still so I'm hoping that it's not picking this audio up. I keep pausing and blowing my nose Like drinking water to try and move it through me.


But yeah, I don't know. I'm like not excited about that, but Something else I wanted to just say so Zander who's gonna listen to this episode who listens to all my episodes Zander is my partner My man and he's like, your audio on your podcast sounds weird in these different ones and blah, blah, blah. I don't know.


I, I don't know. I'm, I hope that it's not annoying people. So in when I edit my podcast, of course, like back in May, there was an issue with me losing audio on one of the episodes and we could not recover that audio. So we lost that. And sorry, if you've listened to that, it's just kind of like, we can't really do anything about it.


and then the other thing is that. There was an episode, I think it was my HD 101, you'll notice there's like this inflation and then deflation of my voice. I have literally no idea why I did that. I don't know if it's the software that I'm using, which I think I've shared before that I'm going to be switching up software.


So, and we have, so if you have any of that, like from the past episodes, thanks for still listening and just like bearing with me because I know it can be annoying. I know like there's podcasts that I've listened to before where I'm like, this is sounds just terrible. So yeah, we're working on figuring out all the things, but I feel like the last couple episodes we've had it better.


So please send me a DM if you're, you know, if there's something weird, actually, you don't have to send me a DM. I listen to my podcast episodes. Actually, that's not true. I don't like to listen to them back sometimes because I cringe at the fact that I have a podcast. I don't like to listen to myself talk.


I just like to put it out there and let you guys listen and give me feedback. but. If there is, I guess, anything that is, sounds weird, know that we're working on it. I have been editing my own podcast, which I'm very proud to say because I'm women in STEM. But no, I have been editing my own podcast and trying to get really good at that just because it's expensive to have it edited to be completely transparent.


So I've been sending episodes when I don't have the time to my editor and then editing the ones that I can for myself. So thank you for just bearing with me as we are learning the technical difficulties of running a podcast. And if you guys are listening in your. Wanting my podcast to grow and you're wanting me to get an editor to make it and I do have an editor But like if you want all of them to be top notch Like out of this world leaving me a review and subscribing or following This podcast is the best way for that to happen truly because I do not make money off my podcast guys That's a common misconception.


Like I oftentimes will get asked how much do you make from your podcast? I don't make anything from this This is me putting my heart and soul out here You will know if I'm making money off my podcast when I have a sponsor so like A dear media or I don't know any of the other names, but the, if I had a sponsor and if I had ads in here, I'd love for that to happen, not because I want you guys to listen to ads, but just because it makes my time a lot more meaningful if I can generate some income.


But I truly just come on here because I just want to use my undivined throat and talk about human design and teach you guys about it. Just connect because this has been the best way for me to connect to all of you. And it's, it's been really fun. You guys get to know a lot about human design and a lot about me because on Instagram, it's hard to.


For you guys to get to know me because it's not long form content and short form. So you'll get snippets of who I am and, and you know, what's sad about that is people can make judgments on who I am and my background and things like that. And here it's like, you guys really get to hear a lot about me.


You guys just heard part of my life story at the beginning of this. So you guys are hearing all sorts of things here. So I just wanted to say that, yeah, so I do this podcast out of the love of my heart. I put my time and effort into this. So you guys. You can learn more about human design, which is a perfect segue into let's actually talk about the content of this episode, which is all about channels in human design.


Okay. So let's start with what is a channel. And so a channel is where you have your strongest and consistent gifts. So if you listen to the gates episode, you will know that your gates are essentially gifts that you carry, and some of them are conscious and some of them are. Unconscious Gifts. And they show up in different ways depending on what planet they're in, and so on and so forth.


You'll have to listen to that episode if you didn't. But channels are essentially made up of two gates, and they're consistent within us. And there are parts of our channel that can be unconscious or conscious, but overall, our channel is something that is very consistent. It's an innate gift and energy that is Always accessible to us and channels flow energy from energy centers to energy centers So it's sort of like wires connecting things when I look at a chart.


It's like these are the wire So you'll see all the shapes which are the centers and then you'll see these lines connecting them now caveat though Is that reflectors do not have channels? So if you're a reflector listening or if you know a reflector, they don't have Channels. Now, does that mean a reflector doesn't have a strong and consistent gift?


No, reflectors have lots of gifts, but they don't have specific channels and that's a part of their being. They're meant to feel other people and sample their energy. In total, there are 36 channels and some people have like lots of channels. I think the most I've seen is nine. which is a lot of channels, and some people have none.


Again, reflectors don't have any. And so when an energy channel is formed, it lights up or defines the energy in a center. So you will not see a center colored in without a channel coming off of it. So if you have an undefined center, aka the, the shape is not colored in, there will be no channel there. You might have gates in there, but you won't have a channel, aka two gates sort of linking together, kind of like a puzzle piece.


And so where do our channels come from? So they come from the gates again, which draw from the I Ching, genetic codons in the human body. And you know, you can find your channels just by looking at your chart and seeing. Where you have defined centers and which channels are connecting the different centers.


A way to look at the channels is to also, if you just go on my website and look up your chart for free, which is always linked down in the show notes, to do so, I will list your channels out. And something to note is that there are lots of names for channels. , I have my own names that I've put out there with channels.


If you are in HTM or if you've worked with me in the past, or if you want to join HTM, something that I'm very passionate about is giving you the language of all the things. So I'll tell you, you know, this is called the channel of surrender, but I call it the channel of marketing, so on and so forth. And so.


Here's some things that are important to know about channels. So they help us become more aware of the strengths that are always alive or consistent within us. So we can lean into them. And channels are not actionable, it's not an actionable piece in our human design. So you don't just like learn a channel and then fit yourself into that channel.


So I have the channel of surrender, like I mentioned, the 44 and 26. I call this channel of marketing. I don't fit myself into that and I'm like, I'm so good at marketing because of that. I am pretty good at marketing, I think. I don't know. It comes kind of naturally to me. It's, but it's not always about marketing.


You'll have to understand the breakdown of the channel to understand it fully. But it just means that when you are living in alignment with your strategy and authority, your channel is going to be expressed so greatly. And each of our channels has a natural energy. That it expresses and with the channel, there are kind of high and low expressions of how they show up and there's a great like lesson that comes with it.


So our innate gifts or our channels simply allow us to have the permission to step into the things that make us us. So they allow us to go, that is a part of me. And now I can embrace that and embody that because I know that that's not just something that I'm, you know, I'm crazy. And I just thought this part of me.


No, like it's something that you can embrace and go, wow, this is a part of me. And, and what, how powerful is that? Again, you don't have to fit yourself into that box. So what I'm going to do is go through each of the channels and I'm going to tell you guys the original name, I'm going to tell you guys what I call it, and I'm going to tell you guys where it's at, and I'm going to tell you the gift that's associated with it.


So we're going to start with the channels 61 to 24. This connects the Ajna and the mind or the head center and the mind center together. So the top two triangles up at the top. This one is formally called the channel of awareness and that's actually what I call it. And this one means that you are gifted at enlightening people to think about the world in new ways.


The next one is the 64 and 47. This also connects the head center and the mind center. And this one is formally called the channel of abstraction. And I actually call this the channel of abstraction too. And it means that you make sense of the abstract or confusing past to inspire others. The third channel that connects the head center to the mind center is the channel of logic.


I also call this a channel of logic. And this means that you have a logical processor that helps bring truths to the surface. Moving down to the Mind Center connected to the Throat Center. So there's three channels here. And this one, the first one we're going to talk about is the 17 62. This is the channel of acceptance.


That's the formal name for it. And that's also what I call it. And it means that you are incredibly gifted at organizing the fine details into a bigger picture. The next one is the 11 to 56. This is the channel of curiosity. I also call this the channel of curiosity, and it means that you are curious and gifted at turning stories into wisdom.


The next one is the 43 and 23. Love this channel. This is called the channel of structuring. I call this the channel of insights, and this one means that you are a genius ahead of time with your innovative insights. The next one is called the Channel of the Wavelength, this is the 48 and 16 connection. I call this the Channel of Talent.


It means that you are incredibly talented and are meant to share your talents with the world. The next one is called the Channel of the Brainwave, this is the 57 and 20 connection. And I call this the Channel of Spontaneity. And it means that you have a gift for expressing yourself in the moment. I probably should have mentioned that the last two channels, so the channel of spontaneity and the channel of talent, those are all in the, those are all connecting the throat to the spleen center.


Now we're moving on to the The ones that connect the throat to the identity center. So we're gonna start with the 10 to 20. I call this the channel of authenticity, but it's formally called the channel of awakening. And it means that you have a gift, you have a gift, you're gifted with a voice for self love and authenticity that inspires higher principles.


Next we're looking at the 7 and 31 connection. This is called the channel of the alpha I call it the channel of leadership and it means that you're a humble leader. One of my favorite channels is next This is the 1 to 8 connection. This is called the channel of inspiration formally, but I call it the channel of creativity and And it means that you are divinely creative and an inspirational human being.


The next one is the channel of the prodigal, which it's formally called that. This is the 13 and 33 connection. I call this the listener. And it means that you are a great listener, able to learn lessons from stories you're told. Next we're looking at the channel that connects the throat to the sacral center.


And this channel is called the channel of charisma. Which it's formally called that and I call it that and it means that you are a powerful charismatic force of nature This is that 34 and 20 connection by the way. Now, we're looking at the channels between the identity and the sacral center and the first one is The 34 in 10 connection, and this one is formally called the channel of exploration And I call it the channel of exploration and it means that you are gifted at empowering others to explore their convictions unapologetically Next is the channel of rhythm, which I call this the channel of rhythm 2 This is the 5 in 15 connections, and it means that you bring your own unique flow and rhythm to life The channel of the B, the 2 and 14 connection is next, and I call this the channel of the visionary.


And this one means that you are a wayshower, empowering others to follow their own direction in life. The channel of discovery is next, this is the 29 and 46 connection. This one means that you discover lessons to share with the world through immersing yourself into life experience. And I also call this the channel of discovery.


Next we're moving into the channels between the identity center and the spleen. The first one we're looking at is the 57 and 10 connection, and this is called the channel of the perfected form, but I call this the channel of beauty because it means that you're gifted at creating beauty in the world.


Next we're looking at the channel of power. Which is the 34 to 57 connection. This is between the sacral and the spleen. And this one is formally called the channel of power, and I also call it the channel of power. But it means that you are powerful at using your instincts and gut to guide you through anything life presents.


And that's the 34 and 57. I can't remember if I said that. Okay, and then we move to the 27 and 50 connection, which is formally called the channel of preservation. I call this a channel of nurturing and it means that you are nurturing and caring by nature. Now we move into the spleen and root channels, so the channels between the spleen and the root center.


And the first one is The 54 and 32 connection. This is formally called the channel of transformation I call this the channel of ambition and it means that you have the ambition to achieve and be successful in life Next is the 28 and 38 connection. This is the formally called the channel of struggle, which is a very disempowering so I call this a channel of tenacity and This one means that you are a lover, not a fighter, but you will fight for what you love.


Then the last channel between the spleen and the root is the 18 58. This is formally called the channel of judgment, another one that's not very empowering. I call this a channel of perfecting. It means that you are gifted at perfecting the world around you. Now let's look at the channels between the root and the sacral center.


Starting with the 53 and 42 connection, this is formally called the channel of maturation, and that is actually what I call it. And it means that you mature through chapters of experience in your life. Another one of my favorite channels is the channel of the 60 to 3, which is formerly called the channel of mutation.


I call this the channel of innovation. I sometimes interchangeably will call it the mutation channel because I think both names are great. But it means that you are highly innovative through pulses of momentum. And now the last channel between the sacral and the root is the channel of concentration. I call this a channel of determination and it means that you bring concentration and determination to anything that you do.


Something to note about the three channels that I just discussed, those are all format channels which means that when they are active, they kind of impact our entire chart. They kind of take the energy of the root and it impacts everything in our design. I get into that in a lot more depth in HDM, but just something to note.


Now we're moving to the channels between the root and the solar plexus, and we'll start with the 19 to 49 connection, which is called the channel of synthesis. I call this the channel of Needs, and it means that you know what others need before they do. Sometimes I'll call this like the sensitivity channel.


and then also something to note with any of the channels that come off the emotional center is that they ride an emotional wave. And if you want to know more about each of the emotional waves, that's something we're going to be covering in HDM, but this one is a tribal wave. The next channel we're going to discuss is the 39 to 55 connection.


This one is formally called the channel of emoting and I call this the channel of emoting as well, but it means that you're emotionally depth or your emotional depth is a gift to inspire your creativity and this is an individual wave. The next is the 41 and 30 connection. This is called the channel of recognition formally.


I call this a channel of potential But it means that you see the potential in everything and are gifted at inspiring others with your imagination And this is a collective wave Next we move up to the solar plexus connecting to the sacral and there's only one channel here which is the 59 and 6 connection which is called the channel of mating.


I call this the channel of intimacy and it means that you have a strong gift for developing connection and intimacy with others and this is a source wave. Now we move into the channel connecting the solar plexus to the heart channel, or the heart center, the channel between the heart center, ego center, and the solar plexus aka emotional center, the 37 and 40.


This is the channel of community, and I call it that, and it means that you're the heart of your community and you bring people together. And that is another tribal wave. Now we move into the channels between the throat and the solar plexus. So the first channel is the channel of openness. And this is the 12 to 22 connection.


And it means that you move others with words and empower them to voice their emotions. And this is an individual wave. The next one is the channel of the transitorianist. I call this the channel of presence because the transitorianist I don't even know if I'm saying that right. I think it's so confusing.


And no one knows what that word means. But I call it the channel of presence. It means that you are gifted at inspiring others to seek out new adventures and experiences. And that is a collective wave. Now I moved into the channel between the heart center and the spleen center. And the only channel here is the 44 and 26 connection.


I talked about this one earlier. It's formally called the channel of surrender. I call it the channel of marketing and it means that you have a gift for making anything marketable. Next is the heart and identity center channels. And there's only one here too. This is the channel of initiation. I call this the channel of competitiveness.


This is the 51 and 25 connection by the way. And this one just means that you are competitive by design. Next we move into the channel between the heart and the throat center and The only channel here is the 21 and 45 connection This one is called the channel of money and I call this a channel of management because it actually I mean money is a part of it, but it's also I feel like it gets confusing and some people will be like, Oh my gosh, like I'm meant to make all this money, which you could be if you're, you know, stepping into your power, but it means that you're just gifted at managing people and resources.


So I think management's a little bit more easier to digest. And that actually concludes our channel series. Now, there's so much more to channels that I couldn't get into today because we'd be here forever. But to give you some insight into what else. there is to know. So each channel is a part of a circuit.


So a centering circuit, ego circuit, so on and so forth. And the circuit actually impacts the way in which this channel shows up. Also, there are themes. So I mentioned like, okay, now let's talk about the centers between the throat and the emotional center. There's themes to what happens in those. those specific channels that relate to those centers.


Each channel has a type like its own energy type. So there's projected channels, generated channels, manifested channels, manifested generated channels, and they actually give flavor to how to work with that channel. So for example, you could be a generator and have projected channels and those channels operate.


Like a projector would so they would need to be like this strategy would apply there now That doesn't mean this is something that comes up all the time where I hear people say, okay I'm a generator, but I have like four projected channels. Does that mean I'm more like a projector? No, that is not how that works at all at all All.


It just means that that GIF requires an invitation or, you know, so it's, that's how you can kind of work with it. So do not ever think that because your type is the most important thing and you need to be working with your type and not just like operate like a projector when you're a generator because you are going to get really frustrated really fast.


And, you know, there's so much more into each of the channels. Like there is so much more inside of what they mean, how they show up, their greatest lessons. questions to ask yourself with each channel, the planets that they fall into, whether they're conscious or unconscious or both. and so there's a lot more to dive in here, knowing each of the gates specifically can help you understand the channel.


So each gate has a, a gift, a high expression and a low expression. And so knowing each of the gates and then knowing how that impacts the channel is also really important. So if you're inside of HDM. All of this will be covered very in depth, so we'll be going over everything. And again, if you'd like to still join HDM, you can do so below.


, I will be just closing, officially like taking down the button to enroll on the landing page on the morning of September 7th. So, again, enrollment. technically closed yesterday, but it's still on my website if you'd like to snag a last minute spot because I know there's like three people who've emailed me that are like, hey, by Wednesday, I'm going to enroll, but like, can I have a few more days?


So I just kept it up there. So if you'd like to join, you will hear all the things about Gates channels, incarnation cross, and literally. Literally everything in the human design system that you'll ever want to know. So I'd love to have you, but thanks for tuning into another episode. I hope that this was informative for you and helps you understand your chart a little bit deeper.


If you have some feedback for me, send me a DM. If you were like, I love the podcast. Go ahead and just give this five stars and leave a review. That helps me grow and it helps this podcast continue. So that would mean so much to me. Thank you. And. I'm gonna leave you guys to it. Have a wonderful week. B bye!