EPISODE #22: Exercising Best Based on Your Human Design with Frances Young

In this episode, Leah shares how you should move your body or exercise based on your Human Design with personal trainer and HD reader, Frances Young. They discuss all of the following:

00:35 Movement and exercise based on your Human Design

03:33 How energy type speaks to movement

09:50 Bottom left arrow (environment)

10:37 If you're designed to be consistent or not

13: 58 How your root, identity, emotions, and heart centers support movement

16:30 How circuitry speaks to movement

18:26 Gate 46

24:19 How Frances uses HD in personal training

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, and Frances, 1/3 Generator, talk about all things exercise and human design. The pair discuss how you can create workouts most aligned with your human design type. By looking at your root, identity, emotions, & more, you can figure out the best way to move your body. Frances also shares how she uses human design in her personal training business.


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Leah: Welcome back to another episode of The Design Of You. I'm super excited for today because I am going to be sharing about a topic that I definitely have not talked about on the podcast yet. And this is the topic of movement and exercise in relation to your human design. I know so often when we talk about human design, we get into Decision making and purpose and gifts and your personality and our intuition and so many things and there is a whole sub layer in human design that's focused on how you eat best and how you digest food and what nourishes your body.


Leah: And your mind. And, and so this whole layer, it's called the primary health system. It gets into all of these different nuances and we're not going to cover all of them today. We're actually only going to talk about movement and it's, it's going to be related in that layer of human design. But then we're also, I'm also going to share with you a little bit about other ways that you can figure out how you move best according to your human design.


Leah: And it was so serendipitous because. Frances, who I bring on at the end of the episode, she is someone who I had never previously known in the human design space, but she reached out to me to see if she could come on and talk about human design and movement. And it's really cool. She, and she tells a little bit about her story, but just to give you some insight, she is a personal trainer turned human design reader, and she still does personal training.


Leah: She owns a gym in Toronto, and she found human design and really likes the way that. Human design helped her work with her clients on a, you know, spiritual self awareness level, and it's just a really great way to see how human design can be so beneficial in so many different, , careers or professions, and like, you don't just have to become a human design reader when you learn human design, you can, you know, apply it in so many ways, and so it's super cool, and so, serendipitous because in the group program that I teach, The Method, You have two weeks to move through a module and then we have a live call and we're currently moving through the movement module.


Leah: So it's so funny when she reached out to me and then just the timing of when we actually scheduled this recording. And it'll be a few weeks out by the time I actually, you know, this goes live and you're listening to me talk right now. But it was so timely just given the fact that we are having this conversation in the method and then we were having this conversation on the podcast.


Leah: And so. I am excited to share with you guys a little bit about your human design and how to determine which exercise is best for you. So if you're listening and you're not driving, I definitely recommend pulling up your chart right now. But if you are driving, definitely try to, if you have a mental note of your chart like I do of mine, you may be able to listen along or if later you could pull up your chart and see.


Leah: Okay, so we're going to start with energy type, and our energy type really gives us insight into which movement or exercise is most supportive for our energy. And we first start with generators and manifesting generators, and we'll go in order, so we'll do generators, manifesting generators, projectors, manifestors, then reflectors.


Leah: That's the order of the population percentage. You notice when I talk about energy type, I will always pretty much go in that order. So we'll start with generators and manifesting generators, and the thing to know about them is that They have that built in sacral life force center that gives them lots of energy to sustain work for a while.


Leah: So when it comes to movement, it's really important for generators and manifesting generators to use that energy up. During the day so that they can sleep at night. So, for example, a generator that does not get movement in their day and does not use that energy generator and manifesting generator, they will potentially have problems sleeping that night because they have so much energy that needs to be released.


Leah: And so, generators and manifesting generators, they need that movement. It ensures that they'll sleep well, it ensures that the energy is expelled, and that they can, you know, move forward. I always say that. Generators, they have that built in battery and it's almost like at the end of the day and the thing that a generator can wants to kind of chase that chase because that's not the right word, but perhaps in body is that the moment you lay your head down at night as a generator or manifesting generator.


Leah: You want to be so satisfied from your day and you want to be depleted like you want to be tired and Kind of drained but not in a bad way not like drained and depleted because you spent your energy on things that you don't like To do drain as in like I need to recharge my battery because my battery was used on Everything that I love to do so exercise and and then whatever else in your day to day that gives you that allows you to use your energy in a way that is satisfying and on something that you love and are lit up by.


Leah: So that is how generators and manifesting generators. work best. the other thing is that because things light generators and manifesting generators up, the right exercise for them will light them up and it will actually create more energy. So if you're a generator, a manifesting generator, definitely try to get your workout in in the morning, at least just some point in your day.


Leah: But I do feel like it's so supportive because it kind of starts your day with that satisfaction. And so that way you can bleed that juicy sparkly energy into the rest of your day. And then a note on manifesting generators, they may like a variety of exercises. We know that manifesting generators are very curious and multi passionate and they pivot very quickly.


Leah: So they may really be into perhaps Pilates for a while and then maybe they get into hiking and then maybe it's hit workouts. And so it's kind of like creating a variety of workouts and mixing things up so you don't feel super mundane if you're a manifesting generator. For projectors it's key to not overdo it.


Leah: We know that projectors don't have that sacral life force center which isn't good or bad. No type is better than the other, but they need a lot more rest than the energy sort of beings or the sacral beings. And so it's very important that projectors are overdoing it and they're not, you know, exerting so much that they end up even more exhausted than they naturally already are.


Leah: So low intensity workouts seem to be better. So yoga, stretching, walking. But the other thing to note is that since projectors feel the energy of other people, especially in the sacral, It can be helpful to move to release that energy, empty that energy out. So if you're a projector and you're feeling like you've got a lot of energy in you, but in like a way that's, this isn't mine, I just like, I need to put this somewhere.


Leah: Movement is a beautiful way to ensure that that energy gets relief. And so if you're feeling that overwhelmed ness or exhausted ness, just go for a walk, get out in nature, and try and relax. And then moving into manifestors. So manifestors, they are people who sometimes they maybe enjoy an intense workout with a lot of bursts of movement.


Leah: So like a HIIT workout, or they may need something more relaxing like a walk. And so if you're a manifester, your tip is to check your energy levels to see what type of movement makes the most sense for you day to day, see what shows up, see what you have the energy for, because the thing about manifesters is they are, you know, energy beings, but not from their sacral, they get bursts of energy from the universe.


Leah: And so sometimes they have that and sometimes they don't and when they don't, it's an indication that they need to rest or do something more low intensity. So check where you're at. Then finally for reflectors, reflectors are actually almost identical to projectors where they again need to not overdo it.


Leah: More low intensity workouts like stretching, yoga, they feel the energy from everyone. They also want to pay attention to what they're feeling and how to empty it out and so walking in nature and movement can help release that energy from them, but they just don't want to overdo it all the time because they're generally better off just resting.


Leah: The other thing for reflectors is that their environment. Really matters in their entire life with everything. And so when it comes to working out and exercising, a reflector should really love the studio or the location of the workout. So if they like to run, maybe they like to run outside. If they're at a studio, make sure you really like the studio and the, the lighting and the ambiance and you know, the way that that studio feels.


Leah: And so finding a supportive environment that makes you feel your best. Is important when it comes to your workout. The worst thing for a reflector would be to join a gym that they don't like, you know, what if the gym is grungy or maybe they like a grungy gym, but you know, the environment is so important.


Leah: So tuning into how you feel when you enter that space is going to be important. Okay. So that is a little bit about how our type can lean into what movement is best for us. And then I actually want to invite you guys to. So look at an arrow in your chart. So these are called the variables, but on either side of the head portion of your chart, there are different arrows and some point left, some point right.


Leah: And the one that we're going to focus on today that speaks to the way that we can best move our bodies is the bottom left hand side arrow. So this is actually the arrow that is associated with the environment that suits us best. So if your caves, kitchens, markets, valleys, et cetera. We're not going to focus on environments today.


Leah: We're just going to focus on the types of movement that are supportive. So basically, this is an area where we can find out. And where we're looking is actually the direction of the arrow rather than the numbers that are associated with it. The numbers actually tell us. Again, if you're caves or valleys or mountains environment, but the direction of the arrow speaks to how we can best align with our body in a way that suits us.


Leah: So specifically, we're looking at routines and consistency. So if the arrow in your chart, if it's pointing to the left, So if it's pointing towards the column that says like subconscious or unconscious or your design column. So the arrow is pointing to the direction of the left, the bottom left hand arrow that's pointing to the left.


Leah: You may find that it's best to regularly move your body or exercise. Having a routine is actually suitable for people with this arrow in this direction. So you may find that you do really well with Routine, waking up at the same time every day, doing the same workouts. Consistency actually is really supportive for you.


Leah: And then if the arrow points in the other direction like mine does, This is more passive energy. It's more go with the flow. And so this means that when it comes to moving your body, checking in with your body to see kind of like what feels supportive and just listening to it. So not forcing rigidity or strict routines and really just listening to what your body wants.


Leah: For example, this morning I woke up, actually was planning to go to a class, but Zander Steyer. Went flat and so he had to borrow my car and take it to work, but I was Thinking about going to a workout last night when I went to bed And I actually woke up this morning and it worked out that he had taken the car because I didn't feel like going to a workout This morning.


Leah: It just didn't feel supportive for my body I really wanted to get into some of the emails that I had And not that I was letting work get in the way, but I just pretty much wanted to get into my work, make my celery juice, have my macho, and just sit down and get going, and then I know that I'm going to work out in a little bit.


Leah: So, I sometimes wake up at 6am and go for a workout, and sometimes I go at noon, and sometimes I go in my evening, and so, that's just kind of how this era works for me personally, to give you an anecdote of my own experience. Either way, looking at this arrow will help you listening, determine whether you're built for consistency.


Leah: All right, now we're going to move into centers. And so we're going to talk about just the ones that lean into what types of movement are most supportive for us. Not all of the centers actually speak to exercise. So we'll just move through the ones that make sense. So, we'll start with the defined root first.


Leah: So, this is a square all the way at the bottom of your chart. If it's colored in, it means you have this defined, and so this one applies to you. So, for people with a defined root, it can be important to release the stress and adrenaline of the root through movement. So, if you have a defined root, practice movement when you notice yourself stressed.


Leah: Or worried or you're just full of pressure for me personally, I have a defined route and I know that sometimes it can feel really good to get a burst of energy and to release that, especially when I'm stressed out, I have a lot going on. Usually when that happens, I'm like, all right, close the computer.


Leah: Next we're going to speak on the identity center. So this is the diamond in the middle. If you have an undefined identity center, so it's colored white, aka not colored in, For people with an undefined identity, it's important that the environment that you're in is supportive. So similar to what I was saying about reflectors, this area is also important for environment for anyone who has this place, this center undefined.


Leah: So if you have an undefined identity, just make sure that your workout studio, gym, or class is in a place that feels good for you. Next, we're going to look at the solar plexus, or the emotional solar plexus, or the emotional center, whatever you call it. This is a sideways triangle on the right hand side.


Leah: If this is colored in, this means that you have a defined emotional solar plexus. It also means that you're an emotional authority. So if you're an emotional authority, you can just Note that, and this one applies to you. So it's important for people with a defined solar plexus to tune into how they feel.


Leah: So, if this is you, make sure to check in with your emotions to see if you need rest, to see if you need emotional release through creativity, so perhaps journaling, art, music, or if movement is supportive, so perhaps dance, or yoga, or even breath work. to allow those emotions to be released. Next, we're going to talk about the ego or the heart center.


Leah: This is a small baby triangle in your chart, so this one's colored in. You have it defined and this applies to you. So, if you have a defined heart, it can be really supportive to do short, burstful workouts. So, for example, Orange Theory, HIIT workouts, sprinting, It can be very supportive to be in a workout class that you have those short, big moments of energy.


Leah: If you have an undefined ego, so that area is open or not colored in, it actually may be supportive for you to go to workout classes where there's instructors that have a lot of willpower. So for example, soul cycle or a class where there's a coach like, you got this, go, go, go. Sometimes that can actually be kind of supportive for an undefined ego or heart.


Leah: So if you have a defined ego or you have an undefined ego, those are ways you can work with that. And those are all of the centers that speak to how we move. The sacral speaks to it as well, but we already talked about the sacral because that only applies to generators and manifesting generators. So I kind of bucketed that with That topic or with the energy types, the next thing we can look at is circuitry, but only the individual circuitry.


Leah: Now, this is probably something that beginners and even honestly seasoned readers, I wouldn't say a seasoned reader, but maybe someone who dabbles in human design might not be familiar with. But basically circuitry speaks to how your chart is made up. Our charts are circuits and they're made up of the energy centers and they have the channels in between them which are kind of like wires that connect the different circuits or the centers.


Leah: And so the one that applies to movement is the individual circuit or having individual circuitry is what we would call it. And basically I'll give you insight into what those channels are. So if you have the 61 to 24 channel. the 43 to 23 channel, the 1 to 8 channel, the 2 to 14, the 3 to 60 channel, the 39 to 55 channel, the 12 to 22 channel, the 28 to 38 channel, the 57 to 20 channel, Or the 34 to 10 channel and the 51 to 25 channel, and also the 20 to 10, the 20 to 34, and the 57 to 34, and the 57 to 10.


Leah: So those are all of the channels that would apply if you have individual circuitry. Okay, so I'm not gonna get into what individual circuitry really means, but just know if you have those channels, you do have an individual circuit within your chart. And that said, you are prone to melancholy feelings, and so if you ever feel melancholic, you know, down, low, I was called the dark knight of the soul, I'm individual circuitry pretty much my, in my entire chart, and so when someone is individual circuitry, In their experiencing melancholy feelings, it can be helpful for them to move their body to release and bring clarity to their low feelings.


Leah: So dancing and hot yoga are really good ways to release things there. And then something else that I think leans into our movement is gate 46. So if you have gate 46 defined, this is a love for body as a vehicle for embodiment of your spirit. And people with this gift love. The physical form of the body and the way that our body supports our soul and our spirit.


Leah: And so I've seen people here really into massage or sensuality, sex, Pilates, dance, even rock climbing, just being amazed at what your body can do. And so I, I find people here see their body as this really beautiful art form. And so if you have this one, it doesn't necessarily speak to how you move your body.


Leah: But you may generally be prone to loving your body. And I also recommend looking at what planet that gate falls into as well. But those are all the ways that if I were to look at a chart and you were going to ask me, Hey, Liam, you know, what's the best way for me to support my body through movement and exercise based on my human design?


Leah: The first thing I'm going to do is go, okay, are you a Generator, manifesting, generator, projector, manifestor, reflector. And is your bottom left arrow pointing left or right? If it's pointing left, consistency, routine is great for you. If it's pointing right, do not try and force rigidity or routine. So I would speak on that, and then I would go, Okay, what centers do you have defined or undefined?


Leah: Is your root defined? Okay, it is. Great, this is what that means, or it's not. Okay, moving on. Okay, do you have a defined identity or not? So I'd look at that and then determine, you know, what works best there. Are they emotionally defined or not? Are they an emotional authority? I would move to that. And then I'd go to the defined ego, and then I would check their circuitry, and then I'd maybe see if they have gate 46 and where that falls, if it's in their incarnation cross.


Leah: So in any of the sun or earth gates in their chart, that would have a lot to do with how much they love the body, right? Or I would check to see if it's, , 46 is a part of a channel that they have, because that means it's a strong express gift. I'd also look to see, you know, what planet, again, it falls into as well.


Leah: So, those are all of the ways that I would assess someone's body graph in terms of what exercises are most supportive for them. And so now let's get into the portion of the episode with Frances and we're going to hear about how she uses human design. And we're going to touch on her chart a little bit, and we're really going to just get to know her and the work that she does and just hear a new perspective on human design.


Leah: So let's get into it.


Leah: All right, I have Frances here. We just were talking all about our human design journeys and our similar backgrounds and, and I'm just so excited for you guys to hear about her sort of twist and take on human design in this sort of, fitness and health industry. And so, Frances, tell us everything about you, how you got to where you are, and what you do in the human design space.


Frances: Well, my name is Frances Young, and I never thought I would ever do human design in my entire life. I didn't know that it existed until about a year and a half ago. So, I went to school, , to get a Bachelor of Arts in dance. And then, all of a sudden, while in university, was asked to do a pull up at the gym.


Frances: I was working out with a boyfriend at the time. He's like, do a pull up. And I'm like, okay. I think I'm fit. I'll do a pull up, sure. And, , I couldn't do one. I was so mad, so mad. And so then back in the day that was, well, not forever ago, but 2011, that feels like long enough. that was when CrossFit wasn't that big yet.


Frances: Oh, like still under the radar. I started working out on my own, but then still dancing full time, university full time. And then all of a sudden got into CrossFit. CrossFit and dance are like two completely different things with regards to how you physically move, but also related. And then when I finished dance school, I was kind of in this place of, okay, what else is going to happen next with my life?


Frances: I'm not sure if I'm going to still live in Winnipeg. I'm originally from Ontario, Canada, and Okay, we're going to move back to Toronto. I had a dance gig lined up, but then it fell through. But I also had a CrossFit certificate and was like, okay, let's work as a trainer because I like to move. I don't want to work a serving job.


Frances: I don't want to work desk job. And then I became a personal trainer and this was back in 2015. Wow. So now from 2015 to now, I've been navigating being a personal trainer and self employed. And working in CrossFit gyms, chiropractic offices, doing my own thing, and then working in private studios and just kind of like trying to navigate.


Frances: Being a very, for those of the human design nerds following, 1 3 trial and error profile of, I'll try this on, okay, we get nerdy about this, and then I'll try this on, and then get nerdy about that. And then, , almost, well, I did, I moved to the UK just before pandemic hit at the end of 2019. And at that point I'd become also a fascial stretch therapist and just another niche to be able to do manual therapy because you work clients out, they get tight.


Frances: And then they need you to stretch them out. So I learned that it's also super for anybody knows and has ever had FST. It's kind of like the practitioner is dancing with your body. Super cool. and then pandemic hit and I'd only been in a foreign country, foreign for UK to me for about three months. And I was like, I think I'm going to go home, I don't know, I'm going to go home and I'm really happy I did.


Frances: And I came back, pandemic, it put me more online. I went back to working at a gym that I'm a founder of here in Toronto as well. And then the name of the gym is called Stay Gold. 


Leah: All right. Everyone who's in Toronto, there you go. 


Frances: All of a sudden I was doing more training online as many trainers had to do that.


Frances: So I got comfortable with that space. And then all of a sudden I was like, okay, where am I going with my business now in pop team and design? Because I've always had actually I incorporated my business name, the fearless project, , back in 2019. And I've always felt like fitness is bigger than me or health and wellness is bigger than me, myself and I being a personal trainer.


Frances: It needs to reach more people. It's always kind of been something, but how am I going to make this bigger for somebody? Yeah. Someone's health is about their body. It's about their mind and it's about their spirit. So I had the body and I had the mind piece sort of, and then went down the rabbit holes of how I've worked on myself with.


Frances: Spirituality, therapy, better emotional awareness, , and then the spiritual aspect of human design popped in. Then became a nerd about that, and now we're preaching about that as well. 


Leah: That's kind of the thing. We're short. Well, and it's so interesting too because, I mean, for a couple of reasons, number one, you know, I think that It's not always just the body, right?


Leah: Like, I think when it comes to physical fitness and I'm, I'm not a trainer by any means, but like, when it comes to physical fitness, I think so much of our fitness journeys or our body journeys has a lot to do with our spirit and our soul. And it's a human design, you know, is kind of like that blueprint that allows us to understand our bodies.


Leah: And this is such a timely podcast because. I, so those of you listening, I have a group program called the method and it's a group program. And we basically it's like an integration program with human design. And we're at the, we're towards the final few sort of modules and lessons. And the lesson that I'm currently in is on movement.


Leah: And so I've been talking about, you know, how you can, how you move best with your human design. Like we've been looking at the bottom. Left hand arrow, the digestion arrow, which actually speaks to how we move our bodies best. And we've been working through the different centers and like what exercises are supported based on which centers you have to find your undefined and based on your energy type.


Leah: And it's been just super cool to kind of move through that. And here, you kind of talk about. I mean, your journey, and I'm sure you tie a lot of that in, but, what a beautiful add on to your clients as well as like being able to offer this, really amazing, you know, coaching packages and helping them with their physical fitness, but then also saying like, Hey, like, let's also check in with your energy.


Leah: and I thought it's what I wanted to also say is so interesting. So I have Francis's chart pulled up and she is a one three generator and something about your chart that I think is so interesting is that. you have gate 29 in your conscious son and gate 29 is the gate of commitment. It's all about like being naturally committed to things.


Leah: But what's really interesting is the gate on the other end of that is gate 46, which is all about like this love of the physical body. And I just thought it was so interesting because immediately, like when you started talking, I was like, Oh, wait, does she have gate 46? like, she doesn't. And I was like, Oh, she has gate 29, which like, Basically, if you have a gate kind of hanging on a Center that's defined or even undefined, but specifically 1, that's defined.


Leah: It's like, always kind of looking for the other. And they're all kind of like, open little, I guess, like circuits and they're waiting for, like, the other side to come in. And then I realized I'm like, oh, my gosh, gate 29 is literally in your conscious son. So it's like. You definitely like pull in that energy of the body.


Leah: And like, it's such a big, you know, part of your gifts. And then especially being a generator comes right off your sake role. So it's like really cool. just observations that I'm making in Francis's chart, but tell me a little bit about your experience of working with clients, like how you incorporate.


Leah: Human design into the work that you do, or if you do it kind of separate, like, do you do like just human design readings or do you do like a blend? Or tell me like a little bit about more of, or more of your work. 


Frances: It's been morphing because I started as the trainer and it's like, people come to me, okay, you want to lose 10 pounds.


Frances: You want to do this. You want to do that. I want to train for my wedding. Whatever their goal is or reason for coming to a personal trainer. Mm-Hmm. . And then, because I have, , eight and 14 mm-Hmm. , , eight is the tastemaker. Mm-Hmm. . It's the, you just tell everybody about the stuff that you're into. Mm-Hmm.


Frances: That is my unconscious son. Mm-Hmm. . So when I realize that. , and like what that means for me is being a trainer. Okay, I have to tell all of my clients the things that I'm into. So then I started to tell them that I was into human design. 


Leah: In your generator, you're lit up by it. So like, you know, you have to radiate and sparkle.


Frances: And so the clients that I had at the time in which I found human design, I basically In the nicest way of putting it as being a generator, like bullied them into in a nice way of being like, this is going to be amazing. Like, yeah, I love it I'll tell you about this. And, , and then we'll just, we'll see how it vibes with your training.


Frances: I even have a client who has the same incarnation crosses I do. And I found that out after she's already training with me. It has been kind of bonkers. And so now it's flown into this state of I still primarily am and I begin as someone's trainer. And my kind of whole concept with the fearless project is the fact that I know that my training Just resonates into the rest of somebody's life.


Frances: They actually don't realize what they're coming to me for. But what someone comes to a trainer for is for confidence. And to just better feel like they are them authentic self, their authentic selves. Yeah. Which is feeling strong in their bodies. Feeling confident in any type of health related question that they may or may not ask me.


Frances: Should I eat this? Should I do that? Should I, whatever. Yeah. I still am saying that, yes, I'm this trainer, but I'm going to give you all of this life confidence along with it. Yeah. And human design is a part of understanding that confidence, as it is, as you already said, that blueprint. It gives us our autonomy back.


Frances: That is, I love, now I feel like I have the reason to actually give myself the science backing of when someone asks me, Oh, should I be lifting this way or whatever? I'm like, it depends. Yeah. I've been saying that forever, but it depends on. Your genetic makeup and I'll show you why yeah, yeah now I've incorporated the two they're coming to me for confidence We work on training but I just like I also do human design readings for each client and it's in this like morph right now where if someone Specifically is like I want to train twice a week.


Frances: We're training twice a week But at the very beginning, I'm showing you your chart. You are this. This is kind of the rough ideas how I'm going to train you, but I'm also going to learn how your arrows affect you in different ways. What stage of your life are you in? All of these 


Leah: factors. Yeah, yeah. And I think that that's so powerful because, and this is just a great example because like I'm about to be launching my first ever like live human design training.


Leah: And, before I've always taught in a mentorship style. And so I'm. Really excited to teach in this broader way because one of the things that I've been talking about is human design can be applied in so many different directions and like in my like personal experience, like the people that I've mentored have been astrologers, educators, therapists, yoga teachers, and an NLP coach is another person that I've trained to learn human design.


Leah: And I mean, so being a trainer, there's so many ways that you can integrate this knowledge into your everyday life. Of course. And that can impact your clients in such a positive way and even understanding like each type kind of learns a certain way or can understand things differently. So like if you're working with so I had Francis as someone that I was reading.


Leah: She's a one three. I know that she loves research and she loves details because she's has a one line. So she's going to love like, Yeah. Investigative. She's going to want to have a strong foundation of knowledge. Then you're also going to want to experience. So there's so much like beauty that comes through.


Leah: What's also really interesting too, is I was giggling as you were talking about your incarnation cross, because, so Francis's, if you guys didn't already know, well, you probably aren't familiar with the incarnation crosses. Those of you listening besides your own, I, if you're not even familiar with your own, I hope you get familiar because your incarnation cross is a part of your kind of like energetic life theme.


Leah: It takes four of your gifts and kind of ties it together. And there's 192 different variations. So it's hard to memorize all of them, but, yours is the right angle cross of contagion and your purpose is to inspire others through your enthusiastic energy. So it takes that energy of commitment and it takes that talked about the tastemaker or gate eight, which I like to call the contribution, gate, and then it takes your gift of desire.


Leah: And then you also have this gift of prosperity and it kind of ties them all together. Makes you someone who is naturally committed to things, someone who has a desire to feel deeply, someone who likes to make a difference in the world by being their authentic self, and to bring prosperity and power skills to everything that you do.


Leah: So such a beautiful way to see your life theme come through with your work as a coach and doing human design. What are some of your favorite things within, whether your own chart or just about human design that have really like impacted your life, you've gotten into it? 


Frances: Well, I'm a nerd on incarnation crosses. Like I, I have it just like as a saved, I have the 192 saved on my dad, like my desktop. Yeah. Oh, I love that. I want to be able to Tell a client or tell whoever these things are so prominent for you, and you're probably already doing them. Trying to explain those in the most like basic way possible because of like as well like I'm sure you've known through your journey of human design the certain literature is written at certain points are so dogmatic and like what is oh How does that what does that even mean?


Frances: Yeah, or they're not long enough, and you don't know what that means either Yeah. 


Leah: Oh my God. So true. That's something I'm so passionate about. And I know, I mean, you've got the channel of, you know, insights, as I like to call it the genius to freak that 43 to 23 connection, which is basically like, so Francis has a gift of, you know, seeing things in an upgraded way and also simplifying complex concepts.


Leah: And you also have. That gift of,what is it? You have your, , extraction, the 64 and 47, which is all about basically making sense of confusing things. And so you have this way of probably simplifying things so people can really digest it, which is so beautiful. And we need that in human design. And, and this is a conversation I've had on my podcast quite a bit because,I don't know if I've talked about it a lot, but I've talked about the fact that human design can be really confusing and overwhelming.


Leah: And, Yeah. And something that I'm very passionate about is making human design, not only digestible, but also fun and people either love that or they hate that. Like, people are like, I want to keep it mystical. And trust me, I'm a mystical girl. Like, I love that kind of stuff as well. But I do. I'm very passionate about making it so people can apply it to their daily life because I think that that's what's missing is like, I see so many people come to me for readings or they purchase one of my guidebooks Or they join a program with me, and then I'm like, are you integrating it?


Leah: Like, are you actually doing anything with your human design? Are you just like adding this to the bucket of knowledge that you have, you know, in your toolbox and not actually like using it as the tool that it is? Like we could buy, like, if we have a tool shed, we could buy 85 hammers and have them in our tool shed.


Leah: But if we're actually using them, like that's, there's a difference between buying something and then actually applying it and, you know, using the tool. So I think that that's so needed. And I don't think my audience, a lot of my audience is like deep into the human design where they get into like the source material, like listening to raw RU audios, which I've done lots of, and it's not for the faint of heart, I would say, and no disrespect to raw RU, the channeler of the human design system, because we wouldn't have the system without him.


Leah: Some of his talks are really slow and really long and they don't make a lot of sense. And so it's kind of taking a step back and breaking things down and going, okay, how can we actually apply this? And, lots of his like students and people who've learned from him have transcribed things in beautiful ways.


Leah: And so I love to hear that you're also passionate about kind of breaking things down so it can make sense for others. We 


Frances: still have so much information in front of us trying to help. This generation of humans right now to better become self aware. Like we're all obsessed whether or not, you know, we're on any self help train of any kind.


Frances: My father was obsessed and had rat just. of self help for his time. So I'm naturally like not surprised that I somehow have found my own spiritual way. I would say it's more on the spiritual side of human design incorporated with my elementary school days of being nerdy and into really cool things.


Frances: When I was finally. , realized and fully went down the rabbit hole of learning what emotional and a non emotional is in human design. Mm hmm. Oh my god, this explains me so well. Oh my god, I understand how I like take in my client's emotions, or this, or that, and like, immediately started to Or your wide open spleen, oh my god.


Leah: Yeah. 


Frances: And my own, like the bottom half of my Chart is completely open. So I have an open spleen. I have an open root and I have an open emotional center And I want to feel those emotions to their greatest depth. Yeah. Yeah, and I have an open ego Mm hmm. So I also think that I have to prove myself That's also been my own self journey as well.


Frances: Yeah Of knowing that I am enough and I actually have that tattooed on my body. So that's cool So is learning even just the simple basics have been about what's defined what's not relaying that directly to my clients as soon as I know if someone's going through a particular time i'm like empty out If you're a manifestor and you have an open route You can wait to make that decision and you have an emotional authority.


Frances: You can wait to make that decision. You don't have to feel pressure. Just like simple things like that. I know have changed my client's lives. As much as it's changed mine to like, you know, how basic that is to just give them again that confidence and authority to say, I'm just going to do it my way. Yeah.


Leah: And what, I'm curious your gate 10. So I noticed that's in your North node and it's a part of, you've got the channel. Yeah, I just want to double check. You only have it twice. and then you have that channel. I call this the, the sort of like exploration channel. So it's like the 34 and 10 connection that you've got.


Leah: And, so with gate 10, I'm curious because that one's all about sort of like self love and. Loving yourself and being someone who is kind of like an empowerment of the more that you love you, the more that you empower other people and with it being in your North note, it's something that's like going to be a part of the kind of like your future or especially like after the age of 30 is like the what you're kind of moving into.


Leah: So I'm curious how that one shows up in like your life and how you relate to that gift. 


Frances: I'm so happy that you brought that one up. I've been like working on it a little bit more lately realizing it. I just finished my Saturn return. 


Leah: Yeah, because I was like, she's I like looked at your time again. I was like, wait a minute.


Leah: Yeah, she's like definitely out of Saturn return. Thank God. Or just out of it. 


Frances: Yeah, literally just out of it. I shouldn't also say thank God. It was also amazing because it was COVID and it changed my life and then you're coming out of COVID and then you know more things continue to happen like your Saturn return isn't over until Saturn's out of the Sign.


Leah: Say that. I think it's over and then it throws you the next curveball. Yeah, thanks Universe. I'm just entering mine literally as of last month, 


Frances: so. Yeah! Oh my god, it's gonna be great. It's going to be life changing. 


Frances: the, the love of self in that particular gate, also the way that, like, I've interpreted for the ways that I've read about it, is that you're meant to, or the way that it could be said, is that it allows you to fall out of love, and every time that you re fall in love with yourself, through, especially for me, that's also a tie in profile of experiencing a new experience.


Frances: For your life just continuing to be this next year of whatever is going to be given to you. And you fall that much more in love, even through the highs and lows. More in love with yourself, more in love with what you're creating in front of you, your actual reality. And that's been I mean, that was the journey of my Saturn return.


Frances: Yeah. And I feel like my Saturn return started in 2019. Like it was like, there were things that were really starting to shift. Part of the reason why I moved country. Yeah. Part of the reason why I came back and then part of the reason why I definitely know that I've been given certain romantic relationships to better understand myself.


Frances: Better show up as my true, authentic self and love that all the time, regardless of who else is in front of you. and keep saying what I want and what is right to me as I figure those things out. And You have a divine throat. 


Leah: It's connected to that mind, yeah. 


Frances: I know, and I'm supposed to speak my opinions, but when I also realized and thought about it in a particular way, my emotions not being connected to my throat.


Frances: I am someone who avoids confrontation. That's also a trait of having an open, emotional solar plexus. So I've always had a hard time communicating my emotions. That was a journey of the Saturn return as well. Yeah. and like falling in love with. The aspects that I already knew were about me, but just seeing them re evolve as I re fall in love with myself, they're still the same, like, I've been wearing bodysuits my whole life and the thing that, with being a dancer, as my past, I've probably been wearing them since I was four.


Frances: It's probably the thing I feel the most comfortable in. Wow. Love that. Like I'm wearing a body suit right now. 'cause they're just the be, but everybody else on the planet will be like, oh my God, they're giving you a witch all the time. 


Leah: I'm like, eh, it's fine. You're like, I live in a body suit. Like it's the greatest.


Frances: Yeah. , and I re I, you know, I refall in love with like, realizing like that's me and like those like little subtle things. And I like going to the gym and lifting heavy, but I also like being super feminine. Leo sun, like super 


Leah: feminine. Yeah. You're such a Leo, just even like the little bit that I've met you, I can just tell.


Frances: Yeah. , and we also, this is just me being the nerd of like looking stuff up for, , things about you Leos. Like we have both have a cancer rising. So. 


Leah: Oh, okay. So you saw that. 


Frances: Love that. Yeah. , so us like being so openly. Giving and wanting to show the world are, are like truest in ourselves. As much as we may, like sometimes think some people might think that we have a bit of a shell on.


Frances: We actually like, we do really want to be, the caretakers. 


Leah: And I'm not emotional like you are too, which I feel like adds to my cancer rising. 


Frances: But the refalling in love with myself, I think now that I have been through that much more experience and that much more of. Just the life of realizing that I do, I do actually, at this stage of my life, I know what true love is for loving who I am in this moment, even in the times where I'm making decisions where I'm like, Is this what my body is telling me to do?


Frances: I literally wouldn't change any of the things that have brought me here to this moment to love myself the way that I do. And it, it feels like exciting to also know that then yes, I have that gift in my chart, but I also feel like I truly with that being my North node as well. I love being able to feel like I bring that energy to others.


Frances: Yeah, and it's cool, too, because I saw yourself note you have 15 in both, which is, you know, the gate of extremes. And that's the part of that channel of rhythm. And so sometimes I feel like people have extremes in their routine there, but then it's so interesting because it's probably like you've moved away from that.


Leah: And then I see your, you know, your environment arrow is pointing left, which means that you're actually like prone to a routine. You do really well with structure and maybe more of like a, I don't say rigid, but having like a You know, strong sort of routine of what you do every day. And then not only that, but, and then seeing you have the gate of commitment as your, you know, gate 29.


Leah: So I guess one of my questions is based on that, like, are you very routine focused? Like, do you have a very like solid, whether it's, I'm sure like, cause you do lots of like working out, is there kind of like, do you have a lot of structure in your day to day? It 


Frances: depends. That's a true, like, You really? I'm like, yeah.


Frances: So, I, , to like go on, , like also the astrology vibe, too, like realizing routine for me, my Venus, yeah, my Venus is in my third house, but it depends on the system you're using. Like, me being very particular about how I show up for myself in a day loves to be particular. But, I then have three of my arrows pointing to the right.


Frances: So I also need a lot of flow. And with an open route, and like, feeling the pressure to have things be particular, and if they're not particular and get thrown off, I get super aggravated. Learning to flow with that over time has really helped me find my exact routine. Like, I know. I need to work out before 2 p.


Frances: m. in the afternoon, but that can change. So it doesn't have to be 6 a. m. every day. 


Leah: So it's just kind of like what makes the most sense. And I would say that's a really good, I would say, representation of even gate 15, though, too, because I feel like it's like kind of like sometimes it's this way and sometimes it's that way.


Leah: And again, you're right arrows. I mean, you have the one left and then you have all the other ones facing right. So there is that sort of like passive flowy energy. And like, I think that. I feel like that's a good kind of representation where it's like, I have a routine, like if I don't do it before two, but it's like, but also if I, but it's not going to be at 6am every day.


Leah: And it might be at 9am tomorrow or, you know, 1pm the next day. But it's like, I do it, but in my own sort of way.  


Frances: I love that. Yeah. Yeah. And that is also just like another level of the nuance of how, when, if I were to work with a client and I know that, They're, let's use manifestor, they're a manifestor, they've got a certain number of arrows still pointing to the right, let's say they got two right, two left, so they're somewhere in the middle, they like some structure, but they need some flow, and they need to feel like a little bit pumped up, they want to feel like they're having fun in a workout, And it's okay if that one day it's this, and another day it's yoga.


Frances: One day it's yoga, one day it's yoga, and another day it's this, because they feel like they're still getting this playfulness to their schedule. And they feel like they're in charge. And they're still having fun. So, for me, it's taken me the trial and error of, I used to work out at, I tried to fit it always in this place at this time.


Frances: So that either I'm not bothered at the gym, because you know in a gym you get bothered a lot, that's fine. And, , and then, okay, so where are my clients? How am I eating? So, I've definitely figured out my Consistency. Yeah, I like to show up even the days of when I need to rest or I really need to just dance today and not lift because that's what my soul needs as opposed to what my program needs.


Frances: I also have someone who programs for me when you're a coach. That's the last thing you want to think about. So that's how I structure for myself. Otherwise. I'm like, what do I do when I get to the gym too? So, 


Leah: yeah, yeah, well, it's been so cool hearing a little bit more about your journey and like all the things that you do and I'm actually trying something new.


Leah: So I want to do, I feel like a lot of the podcasts I listened to, they do like these spitfire questions at the end and I wanted to, kind of just go through and ask you a few, if that sounds good for you, love it. Okay, so the first question, obviously, keeping on the note of human design, what is your favorite aspect in your chart?


Leah: Whether it's a gate, whether it's your incarnation cross your energy type a channel, like an open center, defined center, anything like what is your favorite aspect about your human design chart? 


Frances: I love that I'm a generator and it took me some time to fall in love with being a generator. I very much resonated with even what you said on your podcast.


Frances: Oh, I'm not special. 


Leah: I'm not special. Yeah. 


Frances: I'm like how many of the population. And then, you know, you go through your journeys of figuring yourself out a little bit when you want to nerd out about it. If that's for you, when you learn about what energy type you are. And then somebody said it could have even been Jenna Zoe of saying.


Frances: But if generators are operating in alignment or what's the way they're supposed to, they're actually the most rare. We need them. Yeah. 


Leah: And I love that too. 


Frances: Yeah. If there are more generators that are just so excited and just loving life, like I love being the, like when I know I'm in my. I'm putting out all the great vibes.


Frances: I love going to parties. I love being with my people and spreading that because it's just everybody wants it. 


Leah: And it's so funny too because I did a reading recently with a projector and I did one recently with a reflector and they both were saying similar things or the reflector I remember specifically said That when they learned that they were a reflector, they like hated it and they were like, Oh my gosh, this is like the worst.


Leah: I have no energy and they were like bummed about it. Whereas like when I looked at my human design, I was like, I'm not a reflector like that. I was like, I'm so special. I know I am. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, it's so funny because it's the opposite. And then I also did the same thing with a projector who I was reading one day and she was saying how she was like really disappointed learning that she was a projector because she felt like it was everything against what she had been living.


Leah: And, you know, and I remember that was also something that I dealt with when I learned my energy tech. So I was like, I've always been a leader and I've always been really good at, you know, seeing things. And, and, but I think there's, there's obviously so much more to it's not just your type, but now I'm like you, or I love being a generator.


Leah: There's nothing more in the world that I love doing. And. I know, like, specifically in my business. So team, I, , the girl that helps me and my team, she basically is like, I love that you're a generator because like, all of a sudden you get so much done. And, and she's like, you have this energy and, and she's like, I mean, it's just insane to watch you work and build and.


Leah: Do human design. She's like, you've literally like you do so much in your business more than I've ever seen anyone in work. And I'm like, I just can't I can't stop working and love what I do. And so I'm like, I love being a generator. Like, I would never be able to be where I am, I think, without having the energy that I have to sustain the vision and things that I work towards.


Leah: So I wanted to just talk, like, kind of add to what you were saying as well. My next question is, how What is something that you are currently trying to manifest in your life? 


Frances: I think with a generator and I have non specific manifestation, this is a love hate journey for me because also being in the health and wellness space, self help space, write out your goals and then you can work towards them because they know where you're going.


Frances: Non specific manifestation, you're just supposed to get the feeling. I feel into that. This is This is the space I want to work in, this and this and this, and then the universe brings you something better than you ever imagined. Yeah. So what am I trying to manifest? I, I literally just want to be able to have my base, which is so far here in Toronto, Canada, and then be able to spread human design plus health and wellness to the world.


Frances: Like I am trying to manifest in how I do this as a retreat. How I knew this and spread how excited I am about how to move your body and can simply feel confident and strong doing the most basic things, let alone when you lift weight or when you dance and just how that gives you the confidence to literally live your life the way that you want to.


Frances: Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to manifest in how the heck I'm telling the world and going out to the world to go. 


Leah: Putting it out there and trusting it's going to happen. Yeah. What's your favorite self care hack? 


Frances: it's not bubble baths. , that's a great question and I'm not being a very good rapid fire answer.


Leah: That's okay. You take your time. 


Frances: Because there's so many. Journaling. Journaling. Journaling was one. And for me, I have, Inner vision is my strongest sense. So I could write for days. but I very specifically choose when to write. Now, because I used to get too in the habit of, I have to write my five minute gratitude journal every day, and if I don't, I won't be okay.


Frances: I choose when to journal. 


Leah: Finding the balance. 


Frances: Yeah, finding the balance. If you can't speak, getting something out of your body that needs to get out, whatever it is, an emotion, an experience, write that down. 


Leah: What’s a what's a quote or like a mantra that you love that you, that you live by? 


Frances: Expect the unexpected.


Frances: I love that. Very, very short and , I once upon a time wrote that one like when it was a thing to like have quotes or little things written on your Facebook profile back in the day. 


Leah: Oh yeah. I wrote that in like high school and I feel like you might be I yourself I was still like that much.


Frances: More smart at that time than I even gave myself credit for for writing something like that wise.


Frances: Yeah. 


Leah: Oh, my gosh. And I feel like we all have our like, little like quotes that we I feel like cling on to in our life that we either have on our Facebook profile or a I am, you know, chat away message that we used. The early days, but this has been so fun. Just hearing from you. What are some ways that people can find you?


Leah: And work with you. and I don't know if are you doing virtual stuff? Are you primarily just in person in toronto? So tell us like all the things all the things


Frances:  instagram handle is the fearless project limited or ltd at the end and then also my website is my full name. So francis young And C P T certified personal trainer.


Frances: And then with regards to like how I work with people, I work with people online and I work with them in person. So anything, if they find a link, whether it's their Instagram, my website, I have consultation calls so I can have it with anyone in the world virtually. And whether you're somewhere in Asia or you're here in Toronto or North America, In person is exciting because it's that in person energy.


Frances: But as much as I mean, training has always felt like, Oh yeah, no, you have to be like be in person. COVID flipped it on a head, flipped it, pardon me, on its head. And I've had how much success with clients online in their own homes, having wifi in their own condo gym. They just bring me down on the phone.


Frances: Perfect. So, I am around the world, essentially. 


Leah: Yeah, I love that. There's so much you can do. Like, literally, FaceTime a trainer and be like, Hey, this is what I'm doing. So easy. Exactly. 


Frances: It's super easy. It doesn't have to be a Zoom link. You FaceTime them. Yeah, whatever. 


Leah: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm going to link everything down below.


Leah: So those of you listening, all of the website and all the things will be down in the show notes. And it's been such a pleasure having you come on and hearing just like someone talk about human design in a new way. And I'm just so excited for everyone to listen to this episode and hopefully inspire some fitness gurus and health gurus who are interested in, you know, learning more about this amazing system and how it can help their own clients.


Leah: So thank you for taking the time out of your day to jump on my pod. We'll talk soon. 


Frances: I can't wait. And thank you so much, Leah, for having me. It's been a blast.


