reader PROFILE


Hi, I’m Tarah!

You might recognize me from Man Gen Magic! If not, let me give a quick introduction:

I grew up in the Canadian Rockies and have spent most of my life outdoors. As a true Mani-Gen, I have always been multi-passionate. The major roles I play in life are: Photographer, artist, athlete, working with horses, traveling, and HD Reader & Mentor.

I have managed to work all these aspects of myself together to create a fulfilling and unique lifestyle. Although I travel a lot, my home base is split between Canada and Sayulita Mexico.

I've been studying Human Design since 2017, and in 2021 decided to officially start doing readings for people all around the world. It has become not only a passion of mine but has taught me an immense amount about people, relationships, and myself. My true university of life.

Human Design is an undeniably accurate system that helps you lean into your true self. What I find most of all, is that people feel truly seen, validated, and empowered when we uncover their Design. My strength lies in uncovering your most inherent gifts to leverage them for success and fulfillment, but I also find huge satisfaction in reading the charts of your kids, guiding you in relationships, and tying together the missing pieces you may not see in order to find yourself again.

This is my dream work, and to connect with you in this way is an intimate experience. It's my intention to always show up raw, open-hearted, without judgement, and hope for you to be willing to show up this way with me as well. With that being said, you can always expect a laugh with me because, after all, life isn’t that serious, and we are here to play.

3/5 Emotional Manifesting GENERATOR




  • Relationship Dynamics

  • Creativity & Innovation

  • Parenting & Reading for Kids

  • Leveraging your gifts to find purpose and fulfilment

  • Self-empowerment 

  • Identifying and Transcending Fears

  • Navigating life with an Emotional Authority


  • English



“My Reading with Tarah was illuminating. She nurtures, she cares. She made me feel seen and understood. Weaving together my quirks and tendencies, she showed me how my attributes and characteristics serve my design and my personhood. By the end of the reading, I truly felt like a puzzle put together… Able to see the bigger and brighter picture. She’s not using canned, industry facts about lines, strategy, and profiles, but actually bringing her experience and knowledge to the forefront for the individual. I got to learn the mechanics of ME. This reading was a gift.”

— 6/2 splenic projector

“Tarah, I appreciate and love you so much. You make me feel safe in my own body. This reading was such a beautiful explanation of what’s happening inside me and a much needed reminder that there is purpose and beauty in the emotional storm. You hit on so many actual occurrences in my life, from touch, to the way my feelings ratchet up to how easily I can cry over the small wonders of life. You get me. This world is not so lonely or so scary with you to remind me that I’m designed to be like this. I was made this way. It’s tough and it’s scary, but there is purpose behind it. Thank you for being open and sharing your experiences with me. It helps so much, and knowing that you’re there to help make it all make sense is such a blessing. You make such a difference. Thank you.”

— 5/1 emotional mani gen

“I just wanted to say thank you. Your reading made me cry and I probably listened to it a dozen times already. I’d say that this one hit me the most, all that you shared was exactly what I needed at the perfect time. You have this incredible way of making people connect to themselves and help them make sense of who they are. I am truly grateful for the presence you have in my life, it is so inspiring. Thank you.”

— 3/5 emotional mani gen



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